47 Commentaires

  1. Buckwheat noodles, especially high concentration ones, have great flavour & aroma, BUT they become mushy really quickly and don't have that aldente bite of something like pasta. Just keep that in mind.

  2. All you morons whining about cold noodles, there are entire traditions and constructs of flavor that your narrow mind and palate can't even imagine. Welcome to the world outside of whatever western, geographical location you're from. I've always found cold noodles in any cuisine to be exceptionally good.

  3. Dimayuga allowed the abuse by her right hand man Quynh Le at Mission Chinese to continue even after being notified several times by her team. Couldnt believe how she presented this equality in the kitchen industry persona for years… more info on recently Grub Street article, spread the word

  4. I think the idea of putting a twist to nengmyun is pretty cool but…there's way too much stuff going on in there. What makes the original great is that it's super fast and the simple flavour combination of gentle salty beefy-ness, mustardy sweet and tang with aroma of buckwheat just binds really well as a whole. No ingredients are competing on another, it's just one, whole complimentary flavour. But things like sesame leaves are super strong. You usually use this when another strong flavour needs to be balanced. Ok fine, I haven't tasted this particular recipe but just by looking at the ingredients, there's way too much ingredients that will only create confusion. Also, with nengmyun, always use the beef you boiled to make the beef stock. Nothing better than that.

  5. this is so shameful…they can't even pronounce the dishes name. I don't understand why you add all that shit…and why would you take out the broth…and why would you cut the noodles beforehand…everyone thinks it's OK because it's two clueless Asians bastardizing a dish. if it was a white person, this would have been like the pho scandal this year.

    so embarrassing

  6. There's a reason to cut at table side. At table side, the eater can decide whether to cut the noodles. Traditionalists will NEVER cut the noodle because the lengthy noodle symbolise longevity.

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