Heat the oil in a large saucepan with a tight-fitting lid over medium heat. Add 5 corn kernels and wait until they pop, about 5 … Check on YouTube
32 Commentaires
My dough is in the fridge! Im excited. I don't have dates but Im going to try it with some pumpkin to make a pumpkin almond paste for the filling. Wish me luck! Thanks for the recipe✨🤘💜
450 g flour, 200 g milk, 10 g dry active yeast; 1 stick of butter, 3 egg yolks, 45 g sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt -> dough recipe 230 g dates, 100 g almonds, 60 g honey, 40 g brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt ->> filling
How am I supposed to learn Jewish pastry from a girl with tattoos and nose rings? Traditional pastry from a girl that doesn't respect tradition?(when you speak the word "tradition" think Fiddler on the Roof.
Chocolate Chip Rugelach is my fave. My Ashkenazi sis (and a dear friend) got me a small tin box of these. I only eat the chocolate and chocolate chip rugelach <3 I miss my dear friend, since she now lives in Israel…. but thank goodness for recipes, memories and the internet lol.
My dough is in the fridge! Im excited. I don't have dates but Im going to try it with some pumpkin to make a pumpkin almond paste for the filling. Wish me luck! Thanks for the recipe✨🤘💜
I was eating dinner during the start of this video; I hate cockroaches
Wow an advertised video I can actually watch
Chef is looking good which dates u use mejol date or regular ons
Cute jewish baker got me acting strange
450 g flour, 200 g milk, 10 g dry active yeast; 1 stick of butter, 3 egg yolks, 45 g sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt -> dough recipe
230 g dates, 100 g almonds, 60 g honey, 40 g brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt ->> filling
Where can I find the written recipe?
This cute US reluctance that makes them not even try to pronounce foreign words properly – pls never change 🐧
I've made rugelach before but not with yeasted dough. About to try now, so let's see.
All that fancy equipment to bake that garbage.
Seriously…This one is an idiot. Duh almonds??? Really??
I poured boiling water over my date once. Im still paying for the skin graft
פאק יה רפרזנט
How am I supposed to learn Jewish pastry from a girl with tattoos and nose rings? Traditional pastry from a girl that doesn't respect tradition?(when you speak the word "tradition" think Fiddler on the Roof.
10:20 my Persona instinct kicked in
I can't believe she used a new sheet of plastic wrap for each turn – that's ridiculous.
I legit thought Stewie from Family Guy was inventing jewish candy in that halloween episode loll
I used to hammer the edges to make it as rectangular as possible. And used a ruler to make them as the same as possible.
Why are we mixing all ingredients at once instead of mixing wet into dry? Not a criticism, just curious.
these look great! what did she do with the other half of the filling though?
Can I use Honey instead of the sugar water?
Oh and that egg yolk in a spray bottle is genius.
Finally happy to see something different
More hangover show!
More of Camille!
Chocolate Chip Rugelach is my fave. My Ashkenazi sis (and a dear friend) got me a small tin box of these. I only eat the chocolate and chocolate chip rugelach <3 I miss my dear friend, since she now lives in Israel…. but thank goodness for recipes, memories and the internet lol.
Check out Breads Bakery Rugelach 👌🏼
Omg that egg wash spray is genius! I've worked in professional kitchens, and I've ever seen anyone do that.
I ddin't know Kirsten Dunst cooks
Peek the Early Girly Eatery shirt https://earlygirleatery.com/ great restaurant
how did she not eat those edge dough cuts tho