24 Commentaires

  1. My puppy is an annoying little brat…. She whines howls and screams if she doesn't get what she wants. It angers me so much and nothing has worked to stop it…. I haven't slept since I brought her home and sleep deprivation and being angry do NOT mix…..

  2. im here because my hyperactive german shepherd female whines when i walk out the door (they’re outside dogs), and she jumps on me while circling me, whining and snapping for my attention. my male whines talking back to me or when he wants attention, but im trying to fix this

  3. Haven't watched the video yet, but I am hoping it will help. My dog started whining out of the blue about 3 days ago. She's almost 1 year old and just started for no apparent reason. She will whine all the time, even as we are playing, with her tail wagging and a "smile" on her face. It's frustrating because it's non-stop.
    I spoke to the owner of one of her littermates who says that hers is doing the same thing.

  4. I have a beagle/hound mix of 5 years. He’s so stubborn and constantly seeks negative attention, when he doesn’t get what he wants. Especially if other people are around, it is LOUD and RELENTLESS. He progresses to barking if you try to ignore it. He has anxiety from being in a shelter as a puppy and issues with impulse, he would never sit down or relax if I just ignored him. He causes himself anxiety attacks with the way he acts and it sucks. I don’t know how to work around it because he is not an only dog and he is COMPETITIVE.

  5. My rescue dog is weird yes he has sever seperation anxiety even had stick his head in the shower to see where I am, our first even out he destroy the ben bed even started nawing on the metal and plastic. I've watched several video on how to prep him for us leaving the house. But what I can't figure out why he won't stop whining well we are walking him its non stop from the beginning of the walk till we get home. The olny thing I can think of he's afraid he going to be abandoned. I just today started to keep him right by my hip and when he started to whine a gave the leash a very light tug and said quiet in a quiet voice. We got aboiut 20 feet of no whining until we hit the corner to turn into our house complex. I just hope what I did was best approach at stopping the whining. He only does it in the house when he can see me. Today I left house for couple hours hubby said he whined dor good half hour till he stopped so he whined even though my husband was at home but he's completely bonded to me. Because he's a rescue we have no history but I suspects hes had no human companion vet est age to between 14 months and 2 years.

  6. He only whines if I won't let him into the bedroom or bathroom. Like Tulla, my puppy follows me everywhere. Although I do get him being left alone in the kitchen each day, he barks for a little while, then when he accepts I've gone out, he settles down and sleeps.

  7. My Parsons Terrier does this. We can't go anywhere without her. She has to be baby sat so we can go grocery shopping. We're lucky enough that we can take her to work but she can't come inside once there as we are cleaners in a caravan park so we leave her on the buggy and she whimpers the entire shift, she drives us crazy. We're looking at rehoming her.

  8. Hi, just wondering how to eliminate dog whining during training? I have a GSD at 10 months, she been during great with her training until recently, she started whining whilst training at first it was with long commands for example sits, downs, stands etc at a distance, but now she just does it on all commands that are at all challenging aka anything that involves her to exert physical energy or anything at all boring or she decides she doesn't like. As funny as it sounds its starting to cause problems as I have to stop training when she starts this as I don’t want to reward her when she's showing this behaviour. By the way she gets rewarded whilst training throughout the day in the form of her kibble no bowl feeding at all so as you can imaging no training no food, which concerns me. Also, I might have rewarded her for a correct command whilst she was whining in the past so I totally understand this could be my fault which is most likely but I need to fix this either way, Please help!!!

  9. Will you please go to my neighbor and make them do all of these solutions because they're sure as snot not dealing with their disturbingly loud and obnoxious constantly whining howling crying malamute up the street.

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