24 Commentaires

  1. When the other dogs teeth are on my dog- there is no way to diffuse the situation. The other dog usually does not let go…very horrible. The emotional trauma for me,as an owner is very serious too. How can I walk my dog in peace now when I don't feel safe?

  2. What I will do from now on is not walk my 8 pound Yorkie at night anymore, which is a shame since our dog loves to take nightly walks.
    But she was attacked the other night by a loose Shiba Inu that charged across the street in the dark, attacking our small dog from behind.
    We couldn't see all that was happening BECAUSE it was dark, but it had a good hold of her and wouldn't let go.
    In the scuffle, my 72 year old husband was knocked to the ground and hit his head.
    I'm not sure I will ever be comfortable walking my dog in the dark again.
    I am very cautious, always looking around for dangers, but this dog was lying in wait, unseen, until it charged in a blink of an eye.
    Our girl is fine; just some abrasions in her groin and a sore back leg.
    Be careful with walking small dogs in the dark, or avoid it all together.

  3. I just had this happen to my dog today, we didn't have a chance to check out body language as we were just walking into the carpark of the dog walk, I heard a woman shout no! The next thing I saw was this Belgium Shepherd pounding over to us with its teeth on show, with their other dog, I was scared. The big one got hold of my dogs leg, I could see it pull on her skin, I stood in front of this dog and literally screamed at it no and just kept shouting. I would have given it a boot but I'm only little and as there were two of them I was worried I'd expose more of my dog. My dog was on the lead all of this time, the owners didn't run over. I rescued my dog four months ago, she 8 years old and I feel so bad that I couldn't protect her today. I have had dogs for 19 years and I have had this happen before, but never had a puncture wound, albeit small, it's made me so angry. I have seen these people before and their dogs were on leads but they went berserk when they saw my dog, I don't understand why these people would let them off lead because they certainly can't control them on the lead.

  4. I'm not sure if this would help anyone or not, but this is a story:

    So today, (21st Nov 2021) I was walking my dog and there was this male pittie, which had a collar, was clearly owned by someone. And was inside this vertical metal bar fence. On the bottom, which was about a 1 ft tall, I thought the dog would not be able to slide under. All of a sudden this black pittie just slid under the fence like it was nothing and started dashing to my dog, who was with me. My dog, being the naive puppy she is, was just staring a whining to play with him. However this dog just wanted dominance and started attacking my dog… Although she was taller than him, she was much much afraid of him right after a couple bites.. My legs shaking, I try to scoop my dog up (She's a plott houbd) But this dog just keeps rushing her. I then suceed in picking her up. Abd that dog then stood down, after having a glance at Nala, my dog Because i was hilding her in the air and she was about 4 ft into the air. The dog retreated bacn to his home. And the owner was actually so sweet. She apologised to me, and my dog. But if my dog had been a small breed, who knows what would happen? —-
    My whole point: I made my dog look intimidating by adding a couple feet to her height by picking her up. My doggie doesn't tilt her head and wag her tail whenever I say the word 'Walk' now.. It's still a small price to pay though. I'd prefer that then look at her with scars.. 🚩No injuries were made between these dogs🚩

  5. My Jack russel was attacked by another dog today.
    We were sitting at a bus shelter this dog was a terrier. Full eye contact.
    Stupid owner had it on an extended lead did not see us. It grabbed my dog in the belly and held on owner had no control.
    I tried to pull my dog away
    The thing took a chunk out of my dog.
    Owner apologised and made off.
    My dog had six stitches outside and several inside.
    An X ray showed she has fluid in belly .It cost 240pounds.
    She is on antibiotics and pain meds. I am so angry
    Jack Russell dogs are feisty but this terror gave her no chance.
    Some dog owners have no control.
    I keep her on a harness she was sitting by my side.

  6. My little chihuahua was attacked today by a huge dog. He was playing in the field by our house on leash, and this dog came from nowhere, bolted over and latched onto his throat. Our guy had to go in for surgery to get stitched up. The puncture was a fraction of an inch from the jugular. We could have lost him today. He's really broken psychologically. He's so innocent and loves dogs so much. This was his first encounter with a vicious dog. The owner punched the dog in the face over and over and over to get him to let go. He could have caused so much more damage by doing that.

  7. My chihuahua was attacked by my neighbours 70 pound American Staffordshire & nearly passed away. Happened in our front yard. When ever I walk my dog now I carry a knife & will stab anything that touches my dog. Otherwise I hurt a finger up its butt will also work.

  8. Thank you for the great tip. I will keep reminding myself of this every time I take my doggie out, specially to a dog park. This is my worst fear since I have a 15lb gentle doggie and there was once this 120-150 lb dog who came out of my field of vision and dragged his handler like a rag doll and shoved his face on my doggie. This happened in less than 2-3 seconds. I was terrified and instinctually grabbed his leash too to try to stop him as my bf tried to pull my doggie away. He dragged both of us (his handler and I) without a problem. Fortunately, he didn’t bite but it would have been fatal if he did. It made me realize I needed to be more aware of my surroundings and this tip will help me get some peace of mind. Thank you!!

  9. Help me here, if you can, please! I don't think the video explained enough and idk what to do if my dog gets attacked again. I'm a teen, I'm not strong and I freak out easily. My 1yo dog got attacked 3 times.
    The 1st time, the irresponsible dog owner was walking with the leash and his phone in his hand, looking at his phone and the dog, a bulldog, was going away from him in order to explore. I was walking my 10kg dog, on leash and I noticed that the other dog started growling. So, I walked away a bit with my dog in order to get away from the other dog and avoid an attack. A few minutes after, we saw that the dog was following us, it was running to us. So… we started running too… I also started yelling after the dog owner, telling him to get his dog. When the dog got pretty close, I panicked and got really scared, so… I picked my dog up. I put my arms across my dog, trying to hide him as much as I could. The other dog started jumping on me, trying to get to my dog. Luckily, he was a small dog, so he couldn't jump at my face. I started pushing the dog away with my leg (the leg wasn't streched, I tried my best to hold it firm) while yelling at him "no" (not in a "I'm scared tone" but more in a "get a way" tone). My dog knows the command so I though so did the other dog. We started running again, trying to get away, since the dog wasn't jumping that much on me and it seemed like I had a time window to leave. I yelled after the dog owner while running and I saw him take his dog in his arms… then, we walked away.
    The 2nd time was very much like the 3rd time expect for 3 things. Firstly, I wasn't walking my dog the 2nd time it happened, my sister was. Secondly, from what my sister said, it was a very big dog (giant sized, really)… also, she said that the owner of the dog didn't care at all.
    The 3rd time, a cocker wearing a prong collar was being walked, with a leash, by someone. That dog and my dog showed interest in each other. After a bit of looking at how my dog and the other dog try to get to each other, I decided that it's safe and it seemed like so did the other dog owner, as they approached us. They sniffed a bit and the cocker came really close to my dog. I thought he wanted to sniff my dog's butt… but he jumped (as in decided to sit on him) on my dog. Then, it started growling, my dog starting growling afterwards too. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I was really scared and I didn't know how to get my dog out of there. The dog made a biting motion towards my dog's neck (my sister said that the 2nd dog did the same). Luckily, the dog owner got his dog off my dog after we quickly detangled the leashes.
    I really don't know what to do when this happens. I don't know how to react, how to help or how to communicate with the other dog owner. I just get scared and do whatever I think can help my dog.

  10. I feel like the incident is waiting for me to one day confront these extra large wild dogs currently twice the size of my 6 months old rottie. I've been able to avoid them till now by changing the side of the road or sticking with a group of people. Hopefully my pup will stay safe as these strays are known for biting alot of people, including my younger brother.

  11. My Shih Tzu and poodle mix dog and Charlie and I got attacked three different times within a period of two years in my neighbourhood. The last time I nearly lost my dog, because we were attacked by two pitbulls that were owned by a couple that lived in my neighborhood. I fought the pitbulls to keep my dog alive. If I didn’t get involved, my dog would be dead today this I know for a fact. I don’t advise other people to do so, because it’s up to each individual if they wish to jump in and physically help their dog, or if they say to stay out of it. Personally, I couldn’t stay out of it, because it simply was not possible for me to watch these two pitbulls tear my dog to pieces in front of me. They were going to kill my dog. I warn you though, if you do decide to get involved, you will most likely get bitten. I got bites on my body, but it was nothing compare to the damage done to my dog. This attack with the two pitbulls was not a case of them biting my dog a few times, and then leaving us alone, and running back home. No, the two pits would not stop attacking no matter what. They were going for the kill, and were trying to take my dog away from me. You hear this all the time with victims of pitbull attacks. They all say that once pitbulls become aggressive they don’t let go they don’t stop attacking. My last attack lasted about five minutes and it was horrific. We were rolling from the road onto the grass and the sidewalk. The whole time I’m fighting them trying to hold onto my dog. At some point I laid my body on top of my dog trying to cover him, but the pit balls were pulling him out from the sides. I remember towards the end when the owner was able to take one of the pitbulls inside the last pitbull was still holding onto my dog, and pulling on his tail trying to take him from my arms. I bit the pitbull on the ear really hard, and it didn’t seem to do anything at all. There were people surrounding the attack trying to help me, but there was nothing they could do to stop the aggressive pitbulls. Some people pulled the pits by their back legs, to trying to pull them off of me and my dog, but the pits just broke away, and run back to attacking us. It was a really traumatising and disturbing experience. My dog was recovering for a month. My dog sleeps with me on my bed, and for two weeks I kept waking up with a lot of blood on my bed, because he would bleed out. For about a week or so he couldn’t move without crying. I fought the pitbulls, because my love for my dog was stronger than the fear I had at the moment. Like I said, if I didn’t, he would be dead right now.

  12. Thank God Tula is okay Dr. Andrew. One vet told me to carry a heavy towel. Either put the towel over your dog's head, or hold it up to block the view. As long as they don't make eye contact it will deescalate the attack. Prayers, and blessings to you, your family, and furbabies.💝

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