If you’ve been a fan of the original Puffco Plus, you’re likely to be impressed by its upgraded successor. This new version not only … Check on YouTube
24 Commentaires
thought bro had the bars linnneeeeed up for a sec smfh 😂
and people are rly out here saying smoking cannabis is safe. it’s not the cannabis part that people take issue with when saying it’s bad for you, it’s the smoking part! take better care of yourselves friends!
I’d love to see a comparison between vapes too eventually. Specifically THC cartridges vs something that’s medical grade like a Volcano. Thanks for this video!
Anybody watching this and thinking about buying a vape, do it! They are amazing. Way stronger, you use way less and cleaner on the lungs. Best feature is you can control the temperature.
Very informative video, I didn't realize how much gunk I was putting into my lungs with combustion. Dry Herb taste great and easier on the lungs. So glad I made the switch to dry herb!
thought bro had the bars linnneeeeed up for a sec smfh 😂
If you’re a smoker, then vaping is probably a good alternative. But if you don’t smoke, then vaping is a really bad idea
While nothing is 💯 safe it’s clear vaping is WAY better than actual smoking.
I am glad it has become main stream, I started with the Air-2 Vapir.
I wonder if that left over smoke resin has any medicinal properties 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
Very realistic
Hey, If you're truly worried about your lungs…. Dont Smoke anything!
can you please share the vape temp, many people asked about it and will be good to know : ) thanks!
So this mean vaporizing good for lungs? Coz i dont really understand wht ses saying
I’m sitting here with no weed and this guy lit up 10 joints that did not get smoked 😭
and people are rly out here saying smoking cannabis is safe. it’s not the cannabis part that people take issue with when saying it’s bad for you, it’s the smoking part! take better care of yourselves friends!
common sense
Gotta do this experiment with some concentrates. Maybe one with quartz one with titanium and one with ceramic.
this experiment with a volcano would br great
I can’t find a dry herb vape anywhere
Smoking in general is bad for you but when you have long hours at work and yah stressed having a vape on break is relaxing
I’d love to see a comparison between vapes too eventually. Specifically THC cartridges vs something that’s medical grade like a Volcano. Thanks for this video!
Anybody watching this and thinking about buying a vape, do it! They are amazing. Way stronger, you use way less and cleaner on the lungs. Best feature is you can control the temperature.
please do this with waxes and carts
Vaping seems even less harmful than i expected, but i prefer edibles 😉
wow what a result! would love to see more vids like this on your channel
Very informative video, I didn't realize how much gunk I was putting into my lungs with combustion. Dry Herb taste great and easier on the lungs. So glad I made the switch to dry herb!
Wonder how a desktop dry herb would have done