ty for watching I love you Social Media insta: stfumatthew snapchat: stfu-matthew twitter: stfumatthew Bentley Blaze stfumatthew fat … Check on YouTube
would love you meet you one day, your def a great vibe, feel like I am not alone when I watch your vids. would also love to hotbox with someone like you. keep doing you and keep the grind up
Because if ur last video I bought a pink stizzy, n I got a bunch pods. I threw out the boxes. No clue what strain they are lol. There is 5 of them they taste so good
That blunt must be bussin i aint never seen u cough like that n i been watchin u for a while, also loved the second half of the vid – the couch set ups fire
Bro I've been watching your videos for long time I won't say I'm a day one but I discovered your YouTube channel about a year ago and if the opportunity arrived you should visit Jamaica and try Jamaican weed it's really good and strong I from Jamaica 🇯🇲by the way love your videos
First time i smoked medical marijuana i ate pasta from Pizza Hut, smoked 4 blunts back to back with a friend and literally coughed so hard i threw up lmaoooo only time ive ever threw up from smoking.
the cat is high af after this 🤣🤣
this “stay mf blazed” hit different
Hey try mushrooms
and i think you should do some story times on the new couch setup
Proud to see you still pushing forward. A hella come back from the merch situation, not often you see people coming back from the bad 👌👌👌👌
What camera do you use or do you always use your phone
Great video Matthew.
comfort youtuber 🫶🏽
6:28 reminded me of Shane dawson (in a good way lol)
This dude either on ssris or valium
Car was CLOUDY AF after 15 seconds lmao.
would love you meet you one day, your def a great vibe, feel like I am not alone when I watch your vids. would also love to hotbox with someone like you. keep doing you and keep the grind up
Look like you was finna cry smoking that pre roll💀😭
Pls pls PLS make OOUUBITCH your catchphrase. I say that shit all the time cause of you😂
Because if ur last video I bought a pink stizzy, n I got a bunch pods. I threw out the boxes. No clue what strain they are lol. There is 5 of them they taste so good
I’m loving all of the post ❤❤
YESS!! I love stizzy so much. They’re my favorite brand idc.
Definitely waiting to test out stiiizy for the first time I still have yet to get my hands on it but definitely gonna patiently wait
Omg your so fried you almost ashed it
4:20 is exactly enough time to pack a bowl and spark up in sync with the video 😮
the roof grip with the coughs had me so weak … i need to try one of those that's how I want to be.
The accidental O at 15:42 was something so satisfying to me
I knew it was good weed when I saw your eyes
am i crazy for preferring the audio quality from when you were in the car?
That blunt must be bussin i aint never seen u cough like that n i been watchin u for a while, also loved the second half of the vid – the couch set ups fire
hell yeah yall
Bro I've been watching your videos for long time I won't say I'm a day one but I discovered your YouTube channel about a year ago and if the opportunity arrived you should visit Jamaica and try Jamaican weed it's really good and strong I from Jamaica 🇯🇲by the way love your videos
stiizy made ur normal shit look weak boi😂
sesh Rogan package ashtray is legendary !!!!
Same lol I’ve never thrown up from weed 😊
Denver is not even Denver anymore it has changed soo much it's a shame.
These longer videos are so dope man
Wait you smoke cigs?
First time i smoked medical marijuana i ate pasta from Pizza Hut, smoked 4 blunts back to back with a friend and literally coughed so hard i threw up lmaoooo only time ive ever threw up from smoking.
Let’s goooo🎉🎉🎉
bruh brings back vibez wit me and my gf but she left to l.a and im so dame sad bruh but love ur vids man keep it up
the scenery on the couch is dope real podcast vibes, more of that fasho
My boy was stoned as helllll. Those eyes 😂😂😂 You’ve been on a roll with the uploads dude, keep killing that shit!!!!
Been supporting since 2019, not even 50k. Always been consistent with the content, love to see you succeed ❤
Dope ass video bro. Them stizzy blunts had you gone 😂😂
I stay smoking on Stiiizy. Thanks for the vids dude!
Been watching for 4 years crazy how far we’ve come
Why don't your fire alarms go off? Blunts in the house… crazy
I died laughing, he was like well… it ashed 😂😂