CLICK LIKE IF YOU ENJOYED! My first few days in California were quite a blur. My first two days of the trip to California during this … Check on YouTube
I have a question for u. I make gummies in large batches, but lately I’ve increased my production. I have tried to double and triple the recipe, but the gummies r becoming more oily and loosing consistency. I’ve tried to infuse the coconut oil doing a 3:1 ratio so I use less oil and they r more potent, but then they taste oily. I do make my edibles from scratch using the corn syrup method, if ur familiar with that. So, my question is: Do I need to continue making numerous small batches to keep the flavor and consistency on point or is there a way to triple the recipe and keep everything on point?????
I want to make about 75 to 100 gummies. I plan to use 3 grams of RSO. My question is, will 3 grams make 75 to a 100 gummies potent enough? Yes I want to get high, rocket man style of high! lol One more thing, the RSO I was looking at has 411 mg in .05 gram syringes.
Thanks for the info dude love the vid but don't do that to yourself man please 3k mg is just to much I know it won't kill u but don't hurt yourself just for the YouTube assholes that want you to do it u don't need them much love
Make a video of you eating that shit!! You probably would be In a weed coma for days. 2 grams of RSO and 2 of reclaim. Craziness. But it would be fun to see. Live stream too! Great content. You can tell you know your shit!!
Right On!!! I make my own wax and put the wax in cookies. I like to put 20 grams of wax into 12 cookies. They are dumb, dumb strong. People were getting lit for over 24 hours easy. A lot of them threw up a lot also. So now I cut them down to 13 grams of wax to 12 cookies. They are still really strong for most people. Have a great day.
Been asking for like 4 weeks are gonna upload you eating this but you never respond to comments
I have a question for u. I make gummies in large batches, but lately I’ve increased my production. I have tried to double and triple the recipe, but the gummies r becoming more oily and loosing consistency. I’ve tried to infuse the coconut oil doing a 3:1 ratio so I use less oil and they r more potent, but then they taste oily. I do make my edibles from scratch using the corn syrup method, if ur familiar with that. So, my question is: Do I need to continue making numerous small batches to keep the flavor and consistency on point or is there a way to triple the recipe and keep everything on point?????
I made gummies with coconut oil I infused myself and they just seperated
I want to make about 75 to 100 gummies. I plan to use 3 grams of RSO. My question is, will 3 grams make 75 to a 100 gummies potent enough? Yes I want to get high, rocket man style of high! lol One more thing, the RSO I was looking at has 411 mg in .05 gram syringes.
Eat it all up get wrecked and play halo
Eat the bearrr
Do it!
do itttttttttttttttttttttttt
Hey bro how do you make Thai sticks
Won’t sub until you eat it
You didn’t do shit but inject a gummie worm. Who’s mans is this
ive had a 2600 mg sponge cake it was fucked
You used reclaim. You're a lame.
Update and still hasn’t even ate the damn thing. What a waste
Has any one told you that you look like Pete Gas.
Thanks for the info dude love the vid but don't do that to yourself man please 3k mg is just to much I know it won't kill u but don't hurt yourself just for the YouTube assholes that want you to do it u don't need them much love
Bro that’s a nice 10 dosage for me I love it
Make a video of you eating that shit!! You probably would be In a weed coma for days. 2 grams of RSO and 2 of reclaim. Craziness. But it would be fun to see. Live stream too! Great content. You can tell you know your shit!!
Joey Diaz will eat it like it's nothing
I just order a 2500mg chocolate bar lol.
Seem like one of those cool stoners
Right On!!! I make my own wax and put the wax in cookies. I like to put 20 grams of wax into 12 cookies. They are dumb, dumb strong. People were getting lit for over 24 hours easy. A lot of them threw up a lot also. So now I cut them down to 13 grams of wax to 12 cookies. They are still really strong for most people. Have a great day.
I wonder why you chose to name the channel potporn
I was waiting for him to eat it 🙁