A lot of conspiracy theories can lead you down a dark path. But belief in reptilian theories—basically, that the world is controlled … Check on YouTube
20 Commentaires
Alternative title: Landlord has expensive hobby. Thanks, VICE.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think it’s concerning that he talk about deadly gases in the mine yet does not even have any sort of active gas monitor equipment with him!
There is an abandoned mine converted into a tour near Yuma, AZ called Castle Dome. There is an old ghost town you can tour along with an absolutely incredible guided tour of a fluorescent crystal cavern. Seriously it's insane… but in relation to this video: I was told the owner of Castle Dome purchased the plot of land for something like $300k(?)… he had either Brit or someone else in the same field go down a certain mine shaft there, and they found the most the important historic pile of Levi jeans ever discovered including some of the earliest Levi's in existence. And this just happened 2 years ago! I believe the new owner of the land paid for his purchase 3x just with the jeans they found lol.
This jeans guy pissed me off. What a frickin wiener. XD Fake it till you make it, huh? This dude is a faker… check, Ghost town living, brent, serro gordo. <–
Alternative title: Landlord has expensive hobby. Thanks, VICE.
Cool show!
I can just tell this guy is going to get himself killed.
Keep em high and tight!
what is missing from this video is an explanation about why tf vintage denim is worth so much.
Danger Denim!
Is it just me, or does anyone else think it’s concerning that he talk about deadly gases in the mine yet does not even have any sort of active gas monitor equipment with him!
everything was kosher until he asked "you ever heard of a band called sublime?"… i got douche chills.
4 in 4 months…
Maybe your children would appreciate you searching through thrift stores passionately more???
When you find an abandoned mineshaft in Minecraft
Will be my jeans
one mans treasure
this guy got strong bill burr vibe on him
He could cook blue meth out there from his van..
You guys really trying to make Elliott hulse look bad smh
dude would buy a pair of 100 year old skid streaked underwear for 1 million bucks i bet
whats up with all the Vegas videos
There is an abandoned mine converted into a tour near Yuma, AZ called Castle Dome. There is an old ghost town you can tour along with an absolutely incredible guided tour of a fluorescent crystal cavern. Seriously it's insane… but in relation to this video: I was told the owner of Castle Dome purchased the plot of land for something like $300k(?)… he had either Brit or someone else in the same field go down a certain mine shaft there, and they found the most the important historic pile of Levi jeans ever discovered including some of the earliest Levi's in existence. And this just happened 2 years ago! I believe the new owner of the land paid for his purchase 3x just with the jeans they found lol.
This jeans guy pissed me off. What a frickin wiener. XD Fake it till you make it, huh? This dude is a faker… check, Ghost town living, brent, serro gordo. <–
what did i learn from this vid.. I need to buy old sprinter vans and slap a bed and a fridge in them and sell them for 100k!! 4x profit!!