22 Commentaires

  1. เกมส์การเมืองล้วนๆ กว่าจะถูกกฎหมาย ล่อไปปีสุดท้ายก่อนเลือกตั้งนายก ถูกก็ถูกไม่หมดอีก เอื้อนายทุน มีเงินก็ผลิตและขายได้ กฎหมายมันก็เหมือนคราฟเบียร์ นั่นแหละ

  2. Thailand, Please Don't legalise cannabis. Please! I hate the stuff, it stinks! I'd hate to be walking along the beautiful beach, smelling stinky Cannabis. It's not classy and will totally change the plesent feeling of beautiful Thailand, as it will change the calibre of people visiting.
    Legalising cannabis, will only attract scumbag, Cannabis smokers from all over the World. These scumbags, will trash and destroy Thailand.
    Thailand is a respectful, clean country. Cannabis smokers are trashy people. If you legalise it. Classy people will not visit Thailand, because it will be full of junkies/ cannabis smokers.

    If you must legalise it, at least keep it to a specific part of Thailand on a little island or something, but please! Don't legalise it in the main cities, or beautiful places and islands of Phuket, or you'll have a city full of Zombies Walking around stinking out the streets in front of kids, trashing the place.
    It's not Amstadam its Thailand, "The Land of Smiles" not 'The Land of Scumbags' if it's legalised I'll loose all respect for the Thai government and will not spend my money in Thailand. I'll visit Tokyo or Singapore or even Vietnam instead. I don't want to be around weed smokers, they're annoyingly stupid people with personality disorders, constantly acting like clowns. So for the love of God and the respect of your own country don't legalise it. 🙏

  3. The Thai weed industry ruins the weed by breaking up the flowers and compacting them into a moldy tasting brick. If I could reach out to them my message would be “respect the bud” that means keeping flowers separate and protected from damage which causes them to lose their pollen which lowers the THC amounts. The Thais need to learn this if they want their weed to become popular.

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