37 Commentaires

  1. Nothing worse moving across country and only finding dead ass weed sellers charging 30 for 3.5 of dog. I need a decent plug or I'm thinking of stopping. Wont help my health condition but its hurting my pocket more lol.

  2. Its going to test the same %. YOU SHOULD NOT BE LOOKING FOR THC % WHEN YOU BUY YOUR WEED. There are so many other variants that go into an enjoyable smoke. I have no clue why people think high thc % means its good and will get you "really high". You can buy something testing at 14% and it tastes, smells, looks, and smokes way better with a better high than something with 30+%. Just sayin 🤷🏼‍♂️

  3. 15 to 20 percent is alls u need anything higher is CRACKHEAD BUZZ ITS NOT ENJOYING AT ALL AND THE STUFF FROM DISPOS IS ALL TRASH ONLY SMOKE HOMEGROWN ALL ORGANIC TO ENJOY HURB THE CRAP THEY SELL AT DISPOS IS all cems to grow as fast as they can even the soil is cems just trash weed thats why ppl get panic attacks or headaches

  4. A thc testing device? I’m sorry, but if you don’t have a mass spectrometer then wtf are you even saying? Does it test for thcv, delta 8 analogous, delta 8, cbg, cbd, cbc, any psychoactive compounds or just an abstract?

    These UK folks know genuinely nothing abiut the good herb.

  5. I knew it would be 37% but 22% is super low I thought it would be 32%. They know how to scam ppl cuz everyone wants the highest thc count and most ppl dont have testers. Gonna have ppl out there telling ppl how they smoked an ounce of weed in a day that was 37% THC smh

  6. I crease up when I see someone thinking they billy big bollocks coz they’ve spent £90 on a ‘Jungle Boys’ pack and this just clarifies and justifies why!! Jungle boys are the biggest cappers out there. No don’t get me wrong they are a nice smoke but you can get just as good weed for a lot cheaper this is just one of those ‘pay for the packaging and brand name’ @drewissharing I ain’t putting you in that bracket coz I understand your here to let the people know what’s what’s and I’m pretty sure a lot of your weed is donated plus your cake-o-bake-o haha and can afford to spend that kinda cash especially after the £900 zip 😱🤯😱🤯that shit is crazy I’m definitely buy multiple zips which is gonna fuck me up more and for a lot longer shit the weed game is getting chuffing cra-cra-crazy!

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