37 Commentaires

  1. My cat is currently dealing with a UTI .. giving him supplements and some vinegar.. seems to be doing a little better… peeing more less bloody… but now I see he hasn’t pooped in like 2 whole days I wanna say… is this normal?? Should I give him pumpkin?? Please help

    He is acting normal, eating normal. Switched to wet food . Was on a dry only diet which i see now is the problem. But now his is not pooping.. he doesn’t meow in pain or is taking naps normal .. am I over worrying?

  2. Hello I watched the vedio but my wifi is bad and it hasn't load the whole vedio so my cat find it really hard to poop and very unusual he pees everywhere and keeps licking his thingy every some minutes what can I do ??! Pls tell me

  3. Dr. Jones, my cat's anus has been swollen and red and so much inflamed for a few days now. He is not constipating. But, he is constantly licking his butt area. I even applied coconut oil to reduce the inflammation. But, he is in lot of pain and he wouldn't let me even touch him. Is there any remedy that I can do?

  4. Hope you can help me. My cat doesn't eat well and drink well this past few days. He always sleep and Don't have a strength to play. She just sleep all day which is so unusual. And I don't see him poop and pee for the past few days. I already checked his anus and penis and it is cleaned, no dry spots of poop, blood, or pee. I don't know what to do anymore, I can't afford to go to the vet clinic. Hope you can help me.

  5. My cat isn't straining at all . She's an older cat who's never had a UTI or blockage before. I make it a point to give her fresh water daily. The issue is, she's not going to the cleaned out litter box. But she's still eating and drinking, but she's licking her backside that looks fine to me. 😔

  6. Your video is very informative. I’ve taken my 16 yr old cat to the vet, she’s a Siamese and to me seems 100% constipated. Vet did her blood work said her kidneys aren’t doing the best but that was it. Gave her some fluids and sent her home. She hasn’t passed a bowel movement in a week! Vet gave me laxatives that a I’ve given her since Friday and still nothing. She is peeing normal, eating some but not a lot. Definitely still has the strength to fight me off if I take an unapproved cuddle or try give her her laxatives but I’m very worried.. I put fiber in her food because she really likes dry kibble and feed her tuna/wet cd diet food/chicken and sardines with some water/Metamucil. I don’t know what else to do but to ask for an enema and ultrasound? Is there anything you could advise I do or ask my vet?

  7. Thanks for this video i am going to keep an eye on my cat closely but i think he is just constipated because i felt around the bladder area and nothing hard but still keeping a close eye on him but thank you so much to this video

  8. My cat keeps going into the litter box and acting like she’s going to poop but doesn’t, she only pooped once yesterday. Now she’s acting like she’s peeing in different corners of the house but nothing is there. Thanks for this video, taking her to the vet tomorrow.😕

  9. My kitten is 2 months old and he was doings just fine but he hasn't pooped from 12 hours he's not even trying he just pees and leaves I cleaned the litter box 2 times and still no poop I'm so worried can someone please help

  10. I need help, my cat got hot by a car as a kitten and broke her 2 back legs so she's already internally harmed, but she got a blockage so we tried giving her this medicine that helps people and animals go poop, but now everytime she sits down or anything she is always pooping, we can't afford to take her to the vet. What do we do! 😭😭

  11. Hi my Snowshoe siamese has had issues with constipation. I took him to the vet a few years ago and they game him 2 enimas as well as fluid! Fast fwd I've come across the same problem but can't afford another vet visit so I gave him smooth Lax in his wet food. As the dr.'s said to give him metamucil but he did not like it as it has an orange taste. Long story short he's now reg. but I think I may have given him too much!! He now leaks every now and again brownish liquid. Should I be concerned??

  12. I have a cat who poops after 3 to 4 days. He eats boiled chicken and reflex dry food. He pees normally, eats and plays normally too. How can I fix this problem so he poops daily?

  13. Hi Dr Jones I need help with my cat precious she's been sick for a week now due to me not having the resources to take her to the vet can you please help me out she hasn't use the litterbox in a week she Wearing a diaper as for now I'm seeking help for her if anyone can please help me out so I could take her to the vet asap before she dies I love precious so much she always been the healthiest cat untill last week I would appreciate it it if you can help me out please

  14. I don't have enough money to take my cat in vet. He's been sick for almost 3 days, he did not eat any food, but, I made him drink water, he is vomiting on the first day and has a diarrhea, but now, he did not improve except that he is no longer vomiting. What should I do?

  15. I just read an article by a Dr McCormick MD on human urinary stones and gall stones — title LITHOGENESIS AND HYPOVITAMINOSIS… and it was his concept that all those patients tested DEFICIENT IN VITAMIN C and if he got them loaded with enough C to fix the level, then the stones [crystals] would disappear -but not necessarily dissolve… something metabolic happened… so if those crystals are irritating to the urinary tract, causing the lining to coat the irritating crystals in mucus, and the stuff didn't get eliminated, it ended up as a plug maybe… he also talked about the lining being sorta scale like which could also add to the explanation since the C would heal up the scales, just like inside the cardiovascular system…
    so in the lead up to worrying about blockages in a cat, couldn't we just dose their nether skin-regions with a serum of say 30% sodium ascorbate in pure water and get some transdermal relief from blocking… You'd have to get a good bit into the tissues… i wonder how much that would take on the outside… at least you wouldn't have to worry about it being licked off, since that would still get inside… I'd just not want to depend on oral, once the trouble is in play, though I'd sure like to know…. the DVM Dr Belfield always issued packets of 1000mg of C to his blocked tom owners to prevent repeat episodes… one or two a day..

    in humans, most of the glucometers will mistake vitamin C for glucose, so if the cat hadn't eaten for say 6 hours, but had a decent level on the glucometer, wouldn't that mean they were not C deficient… i wonder what that level would be…….. ttyl

  16. Have a feral cat at a colony. She was hit by a car, years ago. She has a dead tail. Lately she has had dried poop stuck in her butt! Yesterday it looked like a lump the side of a peach, on her side. She kept trying to poop, and couldn’t. I tried to catch her, and couldn’t. Is the lump sticking out, her Colon?

  17. And most imp his anus is always dirty with black feces on it.
    Whenever I go to the vet they deworm him or compress his anal gland but they assure me each time that his anal glands are perfect.almost all the time his poop isn't normal

  18. And I know by the stance of my cat in his litter tub,when he pees he stands in an inclined position and when he poops he stands in somewhat curved position and more elevated whereas pee stance is more low.ahhahaha all cats do peepoo like this 🤣🤣🤣

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