13 Commentaires

  1. As a smoker who is 58 and started smoking at 14, I can say that I am just over the moon that I survived long enough to see my state legalize weed, what the hell took so long for people to wake up and see the truth. I remember the crap weed we used to get back in the 70's that would get you life in prison if you had enough of it, and even a fucking joint would send you to prison. Yep the law's WERE racist and tried to make Mexican and black smoker's out to be rapist's of white women which was such a fear that they made this relatively harmless plant a major felony. It's about time that they now have to reverse the criminal record's of people wrongly incarcerated for long period's of their life, but if they were REALLY sorry for what they did ( which they are not at all) they would be reimbursing the family's and the person who was incarcerated under a law that was created without ANY medical reason to place it as a schedule 1 drug, with a sum that is at least somewhat fair after taking away time they will NEVER get back and the mental suffering from PTSD and a lifestyle of not fear but self preservation on a minute by minute basis for year's over NOTHING. The Fed's had better get off their lazy useless ass's and make it legal across the board for ALL.

  2. Just got some of this from my neighborhood disp. I don't smell any mint and after a couple chillum's of it I didn't taste any either. Yep Earthy, but the effect is pretty good at 28%. Took about 5 min before the effect to take place and it's nice, don't make you get couch lock or a burned out feeling. The bud's ae not too loose but not as tight as I like them to be. I think it's on par with Snowball which is for me great for pain relief. Both are still kind of on the expensive side but it's a good product.

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