25 Commentaires

  1. ID chips work IF they are readable. We need to get a new UNIVERSAL chip reader because so many companies are selling chips that can't be easily read. We see too many darling dogs getting dumped due to financial woes. Sad. Please make sure your pet has readable tags!

  2. Doesn't Canada have a website where you can list your lost dog and those who find a dog can also list found dogs? Ours in Henderson NV allows photo uploads and what is amazing is how far away from home these lost dogs are found. They sure do walk a long ways on their exploration. And sometimes, they do lose a collar with their id. Hope you find the owners soon. And maybe someone up there can start a website with the lost and found animals that is updated 24/7/365 with no staff needed. There are some good programmers out there, so maybe some of them will take the initiative so animals are listed immediately., as their public service for pets. Just a thought. Thank you for the video!!!

  3. Honestly I find many older dogs dumped when they have some dental issues there are usually other issues. Praying that is not true and that either her owners find her or she goes to a home that loves her. If no one takes her let us know. When we find a dog we call animal control and hang onto them or they get turned over to the no kill shelter. Who does tattoos these days? I would love to get my dogs license number tattoes along with a micro chip.

  4. Dr. Jones, I hope you keep "Jackie" if you aren't able to find the owners. She seems to be such a sweet dog and deserves a great home like yours. Who knows, Jackie could up your viewership on your vlogs. She could earn her kibbles by starring in your vlogs.

  5. poor baby so glad you have her right now she is in good hands i have a little jack and there so loving and sweet i hope no one just dropped her off like she is nothing 🙁 good luck i hope if she dosn't have a home that you will take her in 🙂

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