29 Commentaires

  1. I have to wonder, how high does one have to be to not be able to figure out how to use one of these?

    But, what I'm having trouble understanding is how high does one have to be to look at one of these and say "90 cents worth of materials and 30 seconds of labor, and all for only $100 or $150? Oh, hell yeah! I gotta have one of these!"?

  2. You forgot to mention that this is the shit this product:
    – Battery 1,2V 2400mAh 4 ~ 8hours charge: you crave a battery for a equivalent of canaçon (so personal you have to buy a charger (4slot) and have at least 7 stack in rotation OR buy their power adapter overpriced).
    – The glass tube quickly and in addition.
    – The metal screen is welded with lead in particular.
    – The wood and its varnish also revealing toxic compounds.
    – The plexiglass cover deteriorates on its underside, the entry opaque and not cleanable.
    – For the battery to heat up, you have to exert a constant pressure or you call the switch servant gasket but if you fall asleep on it you burn the battery on /! Cadmium /! And rosemary.
    – A difficult temperature to control which implies the rosemary very black out (T ° C> 230)

    Only advantage:
    – Cool design

  3. I must say your presentation of this device was excellent, your voice commanded my entire attention. You explained the workings of this unit superbly, I have watched some other tutorials and yes,it is a pretty simple unit to operate and you explained it well,however one point that you left out was the screen is not replaceable by the user and that care should be used when packing & cleaning……I understand it has a lifetime warranty which is good,I just think you should have discussed that area a bit…..and going native …..aside from that …..you did an Admiral job on your review…..maybe next time demonstrate by using a loaded unit…….white gloves…..nice touch……Cheers

  4. Hold down the battery for 4-5 seconds and then start taking little 1 second sips and then let it reheat for 2-3 seconds and sip again, do this 5-7 times. You will notice the vapor will start to get hotter and hotter so just sip longer and faster to draw in more air. If you take a second hit faster than 20 seconds since the last hit, only wait about 3 seconds before first sip. 

  5. @Scruff McGruff we are selling the latest models of MFLB. In fact if you by any off chance receive an older model, you can give us a shout and we'll replace it for a new one (of course it must be unused)! If you have any other questions at all about the MFLB, we'd be more than happy to answer them for you :). Our sales line is: 647.858.8273 X1.

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