43 Commentaires

  1. i am looking for the best natural remedies for calicci virus from cats, i just lost a 5 and a half week old kitten from it…had the no feeling of front legs and i was nursing her every day, feeding her every 3 hrs and steaming her… but she passed:(

  2. Another preventative measure: viruses don't like humidity. Run a humidifier. This is why they spread easier in winter's dry weather months than in summer heat and humidity.

  3. Hi there, I was wondering, since China makes a lot of meds, I am concerned about running out of heart worm meds for my dogs with the covid19 problems. I was wondering if you have identified any natural remedies that would work. We live in the tropics so it’s a must. Thank you

  4. Thank you for these suggestions!
    I heard that Chinese Star Anise can help with viruses. It is what Tamiflu used to be made of.
    The Japanese variation and Florida types are toxic, though.
    I made some strong tea with it and I mix a small amount it into my drinking water.
    It's also an ingredient in my bone broth and common in Pho recipes.
    I don't know if it is well tolerated by dogs or other pets, though.

    In my tea, I put these other ingredients that you mention here. Also, some echinacea. I simmered it for an hour until it's very strong.
    I added it to fresh lemon water and it tastes like Dr. Pepper to me.

  5. Hi Mr. Jones,
    Would you be able to make some videos on natural remedies for cats, PLEASE?

    It is hard to find RELIABLE info on which herbs to use for cats, as soooo many are supposed to be toxic for them.

    Thank you
    GBY =)

  6. Thank you for this Dr. Jones, we are running a personal small cat and dog sanctuary here in our country and URI is our main problem getting them vetted all time will cost us a fortune. So we are always in search for a much cheaper alternatives. 105cats and 18dogs.

  7. Great video again Doc. Thanks for sharing. If you haven't already could you do one on strokes in dogs? I never heard of dogs having strokes or ischemic episodes and it appears that one of my pooches may have had a slight one. Thank you!

  8. How can I get a male 7yo Shih Tzu to drink more water. His urine is an odd yellowish in coloring. Any home remedies I can try before consulting vet. I’m over 2k in vet charges for last 9 months between eleven Tzu’s.

  9. Hi Dr Jones gosh this topic is definitely a keeper I do love your take on holistic approach thank you for taking your time to research and share with us. These are remedies I wasn’t aware of

  10. Hey Dr! A greatly timed video! My cat is actually showing symptoms of a herpes flair up right now. (Uveitis, keratitis) and a cough. He was given two shots of Prednisolone at my request. But my vet is refusing to treat the eye symptoms. He would rather remove the eye entirely. Obviously it’s a case by case. But to efficiently treat the inflammation without having to use a laxative, would you recommend getting the propolis? I would like to not have to give him Miralax every day. And perhaps ease the swelling/weeping of his eye until I can decide what to do at the vet.

    Where would you suggest purchasing the Propolis? Should it be a single extract? I am finding a lot of them mixed with licorice or Forsythe. 😔

  11. Thank you for all your helpful information and your belief in natural healing. I’m a retired Vet Tech and it took awhile but with my coaxing the Vet I used to work for started learning more about and using natural healing in his practice.
    What are your thoughts on GMSO and Colloidal silver?

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