A rich cultural journey that echoes across different music genres in the Emirates. Discover the lifestyles, struggles, and successes … Check on YouTube
I fractured my jaw along with numerous other injuries and I was crawling along on a penny board. That was twitchy all the way down.. well done, but kids definitely don’t try this at home,you will most likely end up in hospital for a long time.
Pedro Delfino did this switch no powerslides but kudos for the nuge for breaking it in
This is take compared to other vids I’ve seen
I used to live blocks away from Baxter, on Lakeshore Dr. This street is wicked steep! Video doesn't show
how dangerous that was!!
He applied brakes twice
escaped death? from a natural selection point of view…sure
That's wicked cool Dude 😎
It was like 5 seconds…. ppl jump off cliffs on a snowboard. Dude would have gotten some road rash. Psh big deal…
Is it really that difficult for any professional skaters out there? Genuinely ask.
Where is this?
Did stuff like this all the time as a kid.. nothing special.
I fractured my jaw along with numerous other injuries and I was crawling along on a penny board. That was twitchy all the way down.. well done, but kids definitely don’t try this at home,you will most likely end up in hospital for a long time.
Smart wearing a leather jacket for that
Fudido !!!! 🤟🏻
JRoy laugh seals the deal on this clip 🔥
You can see it in his eyes he got more high than any drug could do for him
No helmet on that one is wild
What could go wrong?