Popov Leather: Custom quality leather collars and leashes. This is an affiliate link for the products, and if you purchase, Dr Jones … Check on YouTube
A naturopath told me about taking quercitin, bromelain, and vitamin c years ago. It cured me of debilitating allergies I'd had since I was a kid. Now I take it just before allergy season starts to get it built up in my system and I don't have any symptoms. Yay!
Am on Quercetin. #ScrewCovid19 BTW, I sprinkle #Astaxanthin on both my cats' food, three times a week. Their coats are magnificent and there's a very obvious absence of 'eye-crud'. One cat is 18 years old and is as lively as the 4 year old. #score
I’ve been taking Quercetin for a couple months. When my high risk parents got Covid, I gave them 1,000mg of Quercetin with 200mg of bromelain along with an immune boosting daily vit containing 50mg of Zinc, 5,000iu of D, 1000mg of vit C along with elderberry, turmeric, Enchinqcea, and ginger. My dad had a heart attack, diagnosed as prediabetic, and had a stint put in. He started taking these supplements and had symptoms for a day. Little to no symptoms. My mom had mild symptoms as well. I’ve been exposed many times to Covid and I have been fortunate enough to not get the virus that I know of. Thank you for spreading this message as I do believe Quercetin should be prescribed or recommended
Watched this video at end of March bought last two bottles of Quercitin at Vitamin shop. No Covid at all around me or my family. Zinc and D too. Ivermectin in my medicine cabinet just in case.
Hi doc . Can’t tell you enough how I love your videos. Thanks you ! Could you make some videos about cats with stomach problems please or irritable intestines??? Pretty please 🙏 … got a cat with it !!! Much love doc and thanks ! ❤️😘🙏
I wish I had known about this stuff before. I got sick with COVID. Interestingly, the one food I have been consistently interested in throughout my entire three week illness is blueberries!
I thought quercetin is the ionophore that gets the ion zinc into the virus cell that prevents the replication-isn’t it the zinc that inhibits the viral replication?
any ionophore will work due to its ability to chelate zinc into the cells, To be affective for cover 19 50 mg per kilogram with zinc supplement Orotate
With my due respect , there is a missing piece of information . Quercetin was earlier found to work as Zn ionophore , to increase intracellular concentration of Zn that will inhibit viral RNA polymerase
We bought a bottle of quercetin from amazing formulas that is 500 milligrams. if my dog weighs 14 pounds, is it 42 milligrams twice a day for a total of 84 or 21 milligrams twice a day for a total of 42?
From what i learned from medcram and dr john campbell and peak prosperity: quercitin works by making the zinc in your body more potent in fighting viruses. What is really interesting is the anti malarial drug just approved by the FDA to fight corona works on the same principal using the bodys zinc and making the zinc more powerful to fight corona virus.
Epigallocatechin-gallate is another substance which too is present in green tea. These two are natural Zinc ionophores which help Zinc get in to cells and stop the virus replicating.
I’ve been using a quercetin complex for my allergies for 20 years. It works as well for me as clariton, allegra, flonase, etc. On them, I would get a sinus infection after a month of taking them. After a year of 3 sinus infections (or one that just never went away until the 3rd and longer dose of antibiotics), and losing my sense of smell for a year, I finally found this. It’s combined with citrus bioflavonoids, vit C, bromelain. It’s not perfect, but much fewer infections.
Would like to receive a copy of your free book.Love your videos And all of your knowledge! Thank you! From Winterville NC. My pack German shepherds often eat more blueberries off my brushes than i harvest. They love them!😊💕
Nice to hear some positive news for a change 👏. We are in our 60’s and our Shiba Inu is 11 years old this year and it’s nice to find something we can all take. I checked Amazon and they are sold out of the 1st link, anywhere else you might recommend to try? Some places it is $2,799 a bottle. What should we look for on the bottle to make sure we are getting the right one? Do you recommend another Brand? Does the Elderberry need to be used with the other or is one just as good as the other? Sorry for the questions. Thank you for sharing 👍👍
Thanks for news Doc, Subs out there please share the Docs site .The information and help he’s given us has been phenomenal and he deserves so many more subs.x
=== Amazon Link===
New Roots Quercetin https://amzn.to/38FLzsm
Flora Organic Elderberry Crystals https://amzn.to/2wQYUAA
A naturopath told me about taking quercitin, bromelain, and vitamin c years ago. It cured me of debilitating allergies I'd had since I was a kid. Now I take it just before allergy season starts to get it built up in my system and I don't have any symptoms. Yay!
Thank you Dr. Jones so much appreciate you sharing this information with us.
Quercetin cured my allergies too. I take it two to three times daily. Get the one that includes bromelain. You body can absorb it much better! .
Am on Quercetin. #ScrewCovid19
BTW, I sprinkle #Astaxanthin on both my cats' food, three times a week. Their coats are magnificent and there's a very obvious absence of 'eye-crud'. One cat is 18 years old and is as lively as the 4 year old. #score
I’ve been taking Quercetin for a couple months. When my high risk parents got Covid, I gave them 1,000mg of Quercetin with 200mg of bromelain along with an immune boosting daily vit containing 50mg of Zinc, 5,000iu of D, 1000mg of vit C along with elderberry, turmeric, Enchinqcea, and ginger. My dad had a heart attack, diagnosed as prediabetic, and had a stint put in. He started taking these supplements and had symptoms for a day. Little to no symptoms. My mom had mild symptoms as well. I’ve been exposed many times to Covid and I have been fortunate enough to not get the virus that I know of. Thank you for spreading this message as I do believe Quercetin should be prescribed or recommended
Watched this video at end of March bought last two bottles of Quercitin at Vitamin shop. No Covid at all around me or my family. Zinc and D too.
Ivermectin in my medicine cabinet just in case.
Pair it with a Zinc supplement.
I found a number of studies indicating its effectiveness, including against the common cold, flu, ebola, zika, and SARS too! You're an awesome doctor!
I completely agree that quercetin is hopeful for COVID19, and urge everybody to take it to prevent getting symptoms. We published a case report in May, 2020: http://www.scivisionpub.com/pdfs/quercetin-for-covid19-1196.pdf
Am using quercitin to avoid covid 19. It has really helped my asthma. Stopped tightness in my chest.
Hi doc . Can’t tell you enough how I love your videos. Thanks you ! Could you make some videos about cats with stomach problems please or irritable intestines??? Pretty please 🙏 … got a cat with it !!! Much love doc and thanks ! ❤️😘🙏
Listen to this Vet. He is not spouting off junk. Healthcare professional use this for COVID. Look for yourself:
Do not forget about Zn! Quercetin help Zn to get into cels .👾💩
I wish I had known about this stuff before. I got sick with COVID. Interestingly, the one food I have been consistently interested in throughout my entire three week illness is blueberries!
I thought quercetin is the ionophore that gets the ion zinc into the virus cell that prevents the replication-isn’t it the zinc that inhibits the viral replication?
How is this stuff different than the hidroxie quinine or whatever it is they are using to treat the covid flu?
any ionophore will work due to its ability to chelate zinc into the cells, To be affective for cover 19 50 mg per kilogram with zinc supplement Orotate
Quercetin is also a zinc ionophore just like…..chloroquine.
Why won’t you give your dog blueberries?
Dr what about the cyanide content in Elderberry? Is it safe to take it.
It’s also in Tonic Water
With my due respect , there is a missing piece of information . Quercetin was earlier found to work as Zn ionophore , to increase intracellular concentration of Zn that will inhibit viral RNA polymerase
What about L Lysine? It helped with kitty colds. Will these be okay for people?
I've used quercetin as an anti inflammatory before. Glad to know I can feed it to my puppy.
We bought a bottle of quercetin from amazing formulas that is 500 milligrams. if my dog weighs 14 pounds, is it 42 milligrams twice a day for a total of 84 or 21 milligrams twice a day for a total of 42?
From what i learned from medcram and dr john campbell and peak prosperity: quercitin works by making the zinc in your body more potent in fighting viruses.
What is really interesting is the anti malarial drug just approved by the FDA to fight corona works on the same principal using the bodys zinc and making the zinc more powerful to fight corona virus.
Epigallocatechin-gallate is another substance which too is present in green tea. These two are natural Zinc ionophores which help Zinc get in to cells and stop the virus replicating.
I hope you know that your videos are appreciated.
I’ve been using a quercetin complex for my allergies for 20 years. It works as well for me as clariton, allegra, flonase, etc. On them, I would get a sinus infection after a month of taking them. After a year of 3 sinus infections (or one that just never went away until the 3rd and longer dose of antibiotics), and losing my sense of smell for a year, I finally found this. It’s combined with citrus bioflavonoids, vit C, bromelain. It’s not perfect, but much fewer infections.
Does it affect cats
Would like to receive a copy of your free book.Love your videos And all of your knowledge! Thank you! From Winterville NC. My pack German shepherds often eat more blueberries off my brushes than i harvest. They love them!😊💕
Hi Sweet and dearly beloved Healer Angel Dies it have to be that one, cause I ran to the V S today, they have a different brand
Nice to hear some positive news for a change 👏. We are in our 60’s and our Shiba Inu is 11 years old this year and it’s nice to find something we can all take. I checked Amazon and they are sold out of the 1st link, anywhere else you might recommend to try? Some places it is $2,799 a bottle. What should we look for on the bottle to make sure we are getting the right one? Do you recommend another Brand? Does the Elderberry need to be used with the other or is one just as good as the other? Sorry for the questions. Thank you for sharing 👍👍
Is that true Dogs can’t not get the virus from people? I’m buying some of that stuff for my dog maybe some extra Thank you Doc ♥️
I give my dogs blueberries all the time. They all love them!
Thanks for news Doc, Subs out there please share the Docs site .The information and help he’s given us has been phenomenal and he deserves so many more subs.x
So, dog can get COVID 19 ?
I take quercetin with bromelane is the bromelane ok for dogs?