22 Commentaires

  1. Cats too!! We recently adopted a senior cat, Cass, and she comes and sits on a chair next to me when I'm online, and just looks at me. She just sits there and stares:). I am sure you know Dr., that as the studies have shown, that the words we speak affect plants, etc. I recall the studies showing speaking words of love and death over plants and rice, and how they flourished and died, depending on the words spoken over them. (Just like Jesus says..life and death is in the tongue!!). So, I wanted to add, that words of life and love, change an animals behavior and emotions – in more ways than we can understand I think!! I always sing to my animals, and they love it!!! Thanks again for blessing us with your love and help for our beloved animal family!!

  2. They really give unconditional love and comfort, esp. when truly needed . Looking into his eyes, watching his mannerisms makes me think he's a gift from above ….Plus he keeps my secrets . Ha

  3. Dr. Jones please do a video on Lime Disease!!
    When it should be treated and if one should Wait for symptoms or treat when blood test comes back positive but no symptoms?????

  4. Rocky is a rescue…he was 3 yr.s old when we got him…every time we take him in the car he cries and gets very Aggravated and really lets us know!!!!
    We think he is afraid of going back to whatever he came from!!!????

  5. It's awesome to hear of a study backing up what those if us who deeply love our dogs already intuitively knew in our hearts. Thank you ! Now for this to be integrated into more humane training methods.

  6. This is very interesting. My cat is also a very good communicator of her feelings. Usually good ones, but sometimes not so nice. LOL 😻😼🙀😾😺
    But back to the subject of dogs, it would be helpful if you could also talk about their less than positive expressions and maybe even danger signs in an aggressive dog.

  7. I haven't been on YouTube recently Dr. Andrew, I moved to another state. I'm so glad I ran across this video. I wanted to ask you about my dog Ashy. All of our playing ball has stopped because we have no safe place to play at this time, we are looking for a house with a yard, as of now I have to keep her on a leash. (Highway right out the front door) She's not used to that either! Could my dog possibly be depressed by this. I know she feels my fear of something happening to her. Also homeless stray dogs around.( I'm now carrying pepper spray)😱 It has been three weeks now, and I noticed that my Ashy dog is acting differently, although she does like cats she's not used to living with one. But they do get along real well. Another thing is… She is so used to her aunts attention alone. When her aunt lived with us, her aunt was her big play toy. My sis moved 5 yrs ago, and now my sis, and I are united again, and she now has a cat, and is sharing attention with her cat naturally, but she's not ignoring my dog. When I try to feed her, or call her to get her attention, she turns her head, and ignores me. A little concerned with what's going on here. I'm not sure what's bothering her the most. I'm wondering if she could be depressed, or showing me she's just displeased with me. Any suggestions? Blessings to you, and your family.💝

  8. Definitely agree with you and the studies that dogs have many emotions that enhance their communication & relationship with us. My Alaskan Malamute Pinga conveyed her complex emotions using direct or indirect eye contact, vocal speech like saying Wawa when she wanted water if her bowl was empty, negotiating with us in a polite way to get a share of our food at mealtimes by offering her raw chicken carcass as a trade in exchange for our food , She would bury her squeaky toy if she was tired of playing a retrieving game with us to to tell us that she was done and would keep it safe for later. Perhaps that's why many of us pet owners adopt a voice for our pets and answer back for them in human as if instinctively translating for them.LOL

  9. I need HELP! I rescued an 8 month old Australian cattle dog about 8 months ago. We have a strong bond, but he is aggressive to EVERYONE ELSE. My 10 year old son.I can't have this, but I LOVE the dog. can't stand to give up, can't afford to hire trainer. I got an e collar, no help.

  10. Needing a dog lover's advice, I immediately thought of you. My now 13 year old Corgi/Spaniel mix feline dog (in icon) was so much joy and provided me with continuous love for all these years. Since this summer, I noticed a cough which may or may not be something more serious than I thought. I took her to a vet who thought she may be in congestive heart failure, recommended an Xay and a variety of meds to help ease her discomfort. A second opinion vet did NOT hear a heart murmur, thought she needed to lose five pounds and I should give her some human cough syrup. She is still coughing, although she lost weight and hates the 1 ml cough syrup I dilute with water and pipette into her mouth with a syringe. She constantly lies by my side, doesn't hop up on the bed anymore and plays just a tiny bit. She also breathes heavily.
    Can you recommend something I can give her to feel better? or is she just old and do I have to think about ending her life? The thought of this is presently impossible . I would be happy to purchase one of your medications. Thank you.

  11. I know my little Mila is “in love” with me, so to speak, when she’s all cuddled and snuggly under a blanket and all I can see are her little eyes are just peeking thru and they are locked in on my every movement. My heart just melts. Thank you, I believe they are much deeper than most ppl think.:)

  12. My dog is 17 years old she's very playful still but she the nasty Snyder her and she has the plate moles that's growing on her and she has the stuff to want her looks like frosty looking stuff and I gotta come it off over and pay that off of work can you tell me what it maybe so I can try to treat it home I don't have enough money to take my dog to the vet thank you

  13. Dr. Jones PLEASE reply! I've noticed recently that all cat/dog food can food are from Thailand. I've fed my cat some of the top-of-line products like Soulistic, Wellness etc. I am convinced that something in this cat food and maybe even the dry food is causing cats and dogs to develop major oral issues. I just spent almost $2k on my second cat diagnosed with Stomatitis and all his teeth needed to be removed (the same with my other cat) and they both eat the same food. Coincidence or not, I would love your feedback on what cat canned/dry food you would recommend?

  14. Love this!
    Sometimes when I am laying in bed with my 3 dogs I will look over and see them staring at me so intently and with such emotion in their eyes and I always tell them, "I know…I love you too."

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