What’s the state of masculinity in America? From toxic masculinity to dating to big dick energy, this revealing discussion digs into … Check on YouTube
Hezbollah is a Lebanese terrorist organisation and the political party responsible for deadly attacks all over the world. This is the … Check on YouTube
Being tall isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but I guess that’s easy for me to say cuz I’m 6’4”, but it’s really not! I understand why people want to be tall cuz that’s what majority of women like, but you don’t want to be with someone who so shallow that they won’t date someone who’s short! You wouldn’t want to be with someone like that fr fr
Man literally just admitted to himself thst he’s only slightly unde average so why tf does he think being average or slightly above will be different? 😂 I only understand this surgery for dwarfs
I have a feeling this person felt insecure due to gender norms saying that men "should be tall and taller than women." It's really sad what gender norms and beauty standards cause people to do.
Incels are fcked up..
Being tall isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but I guess that’s easy for me to say cuz I’m 6’4”, but it’s really not! I understand why people want to be tall cuz that’s what majority of women like, but you don’t want to be with someone who so shallow that they won’t date someone who’s short! You wouldn’t want to be with someone like that fr fr
You have got to be happy the way you are! Except it
Dude sounds like he's ten feet tall
But Mr garrison.wanrs his balls back now
Nothing in this world is real anymore
20k for 7cm.
All that pain for 5’10. Didn’t change your personality or overall look so girls still won’t like you anymore than they did before
Surgeon in America makes more than CEO 🤣🇺🇸
Man literally just admitted to himself thst he’s only slightly unde average so why tf does he think being average or slightly above will be different? 😂 I only understand this surgery for dwarfs
All that just for a 5’10 is crazy atleast get the 6ft one 😂
Did they use rods?
Hashtag "shorts"… I get it, it's a short clip, but 🤦♀️
I heard about this surgery at least 10 years ago. Some dude in China. I guess now its probably alot better and more efficient.
Transitioning? Don't tell me this man's identity is his height.
This is a painful surgery :/ for cosmetic reasons? No way
Yo likkleman where r ya??
20k is nothing
Imagine ruining your body instead of getting mental help lol
That's sad
Go live in asia, 5' 7 there you will be above average height 🤣
This dude now has long legs :DD I'm 6feet with short legs #ShortLegKing
Wow I can't believe this is actually a thing now.. what can't you change about yourself now?
Forever manlet
"…a few more inches."
Said every man in existence.
Bruh if I could give you 3" and be 6'
Instead of 6'3" I would do it 😅 it's hard as hell finding clothes half the time!
Wow. I’m sure there are women out there who are fine with his height.
Nah i got my bands up, now everybody want me.
I have a feeling this person felt insecure due to gender norms saying that men "should be tall and taller than women." It's really sad what gender norms and beauty standards cause people to do.
His legs are going to snap tripping over a curb
all men feel like they could benefit from a few more inches
Mental health, be Exploited for top $$$$
Wtf is wrong with people?! BE YOURSELF FFS!
Im 6"1 and this vid just bums me out that ppl would do that but whatever forever