45 Commentaires

  1. So I did some math.

    15 purchases of 15$ smoke buddies lands you at 225$. This lands you with 2,225 uses.

    15 purchases of 7$ filters is 105$, plus the actual sploofy, which totals to about 125$. Now, this only lands you 1,500 uses.

    Now, to get 2,225 uses out of the sploofy, you would need to buy 23 filters (22.25 to be exact) and spend 161$, 181$ if you consider the sploofy itself.

    This video is old but I don't care.

  2. Smoke buddy doesn't work..Here's proof…Grab whatever you smoke grab a flashlight and go to a dark room.. Bathroom is fine…Take a hit from whatever you smoke hold flashlight at exhaust of smoke buddy and blow you smoke through..All the smoke exhaled goes right through..Nothing is filtered or captured..It may minimize smell but not by much..I've been able to make my own using filters of my choice I different chamber I did same light test absolutely no smoke came out exhaust and smell was not only removed but produced a pleasant

  3. oh shit, this is designed for smokers? wtf

    I have neighbours who smoke A LOT and sometimes I get it into my apartment and I really wanna get smoke filer not to have to breath it in while Im waiting for them to stop

  4. These are a good idea, but now you’re stuck buying replaceable filters. You can make a homemade smoke buddy that will work almost as well and won’t cost you anything but a couple bucks initially. I used a piece of metal pipe, threaded on both ends, with caps for both ends. I drilled about 40holes in one end, and they are about four inches from one end of the pipe. Then I stuffed it full of dryer sheets, and carbon foam(pet stores, hardware store, or crush up charcoal and use that.). After the charcoal, I put in more dryer sheets, then one piece of cheesecloth. It works pretty well for me, although your smoking piece is where you get the smell. Can mask the smell if you’re using a smoke buddy and the bowl is still smoldering. Also, scent killer spray that hunters use, really does work, although it leaves a white residue if you use a lot.

  5. Now The smoke buddy jr is under 9 bucks The original is 11.50 and the mega is 25 at amazon…. Plus you can put a couple dryer sheets in the smoke buddy and it'll last you longer. The only place ive seen the sploofy at, was on there website for 20 and the filter is 10. Im not sure if shipping is included with that price. To me the smoke buddy is a better deal.

  6. Ok dude so I've been using Smoke Buddy's for awhile. You compared the Jr VS. the sploofy, which I know you know was a little uneven, but you said the sploofy cartridges get 100 hits out of them.. Id say I would hit whatever it is that I'm smoking more than 10 times in one sitting. If I do this 3 times a day, I'm only going to be getting less than 5 days a cartridge? 5 dollars every time?

    I'm sorry but I'd rather stick with a regular SB. The one I'm using, albeit a little gross, is over 6 months old and still working. It clogs sometimes but I air it out and it will keep going.

    So basically my question is are you just estimating really low? Like some people using numbers describing amounts like that will guess too much or too little sometimes I'm not calling you dumb or anything lol I only say that because I've said things like that before. As soon as i heard you say 100 puffs, I thought for a second at how small of a number that is for me. I just want to make sure that it's really only going to last 100 times and you're sure it will be around that amount. Im kinda ripped rn idk why I wrote so much lol

  7. Your math is wrong. The smokebuddy is $14 for 150 uses, so $28 for 2 which is 300 uses. The sploofy is 20 + 5/7 for a new filter so $25/$27 for only 200 uses. To get 300 uses out of the sploofy you would actually pay $34 which is more than 2 smokebuddys.

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