if you put 90% rubbing alcohol and some sea salt with a tab bit of regular table salt inside the piece and shake it the salt has a scrubbing effect and it takes me 2 to 3 minutes to completely clean my pieces back to new
use grunge off its a glass cleaner I use put it in the glass and leave it to soak for 1hr and then put the grunge off back in its container then rinse the glass
Dude I absolutely love your videos!!! It kinda sucks that I can't smoke right now, but I got a green card coming hopefully soon so I can finally smoke along with you!! I love the upbeat and good vibes that come from your videos, they're keeping me going till I can medicate again. Stay blazed man
ha-ha almosssst every video he fumbles his words or a word, could just edit it. I like the videos but its like…. fuckin ay man ha-ha frustrating your viewer but we all tokin so its all good haha
If there is a way to die from weed overdose, that is it!
try 'piece water' to keep glass clean. I wonder if it really works
Legos are my adult legos. lol
Why not be stoned and play with Lego?
0:20 but you can do that lmao
1:19 its all about those POSITIVE VIBES leafy anyone
Yes your name WOULD be josh.
Thank bro love your channel.
if you put 90% rubbing alcohol and some sea salt with a tab bit of regular table salt inside the piece and shake it the salt has a scrubbing effect and it takes me 2 to 3 minutes to completely clean my pieces back to new
My son searched for legos and some weird way ended up in this. LoL
dood you look like an attack on titan, titan. sick dood yah!
use grunge off its a glass cleaner I use put it in the glass and leave it to soak for 1hr and then put the grunge off back in its container then rinse the glass
2001 like.
Dude I absolutely love your videos!!! It kinda sucks that I can't smoke right now, but I got a green card coming hopefully soon so I can finally smoke along with you!! I love the upbeat and good vibes that come from your videos, they're keeping me going till I can medicate again. Stay blazed man
Orange tko is the best bong cleaner out there. I'll use it over iso any day
Soak it in rubbing alcohol as high as % you can get and let it sit over night rinse of and your good to go
ha-ha almosssst every video he fumbles his words or a word, could just edit it. I like the videos but its like…. fuckin ay man ha-ha frustrating your viewer but we all tokin so its all good haha
holy fuck i'm stoned boiiiiiiiz
hey, have you thought about untrasonc cleaning baths? i use it for metals but i think it works for glass too
Can you not put all your glass in a dishwasher?
you should go over steam rollers Josh I love to use them and there amazing
u should do 1 blow 1 dab
and now its dirty again ! ={
i would like to add the fact that these can be much more painful to step on than normal legos
i would like to add the fact that these can be much more painful to step on than normal legos
Is there anyway to email you?
That was awesome!!!
5 gallon bucket and simple green
Have you ever caught your beard on fire xD
Rip your lungs lol
use rubbing alcohol it cleans it very good
Try a dishwasher tab, those work perfect
That was one of the fattest rips I have ever fucking seen
Toker pokers are the shit.. I see you have a purple one
@straincentral if you could show close ups of your flower that would make your videos just a little bit more enjoyable !