35 Commentaires

  1. if you put 90% rubbing alcohol and some sea salt with a tab bit of regular table salt inside the piece and shake it the salt has a scrubbing effect and it takes me 2 to 3 minutes to completely clean my pieces back to new

  2. Dude I absolutely love your videos!!! It kinda sucks that I can't smoke right now, but I got a green card coming hopefully soon so I can finally smoke along with you!! I love the upbeat and good vibes that come from your videos, they're keeping me going till I can medicate again. Stay blazed man

  3. ha-ha almosssst every video he fumbles his words or a word, could just edit it. I like the videos but its like…. fuckin ay man ha-ha frustrating your viewer but we all tokin so its all good haha

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