25 Commentaires

  1. I like this video. I cat was recently blocked, had to be catheterized, and now has a UTI. The vets insists that the only way to get him healthy is by feeding him prescription food. Ugh. I’d rather feed him good wet non-UTI food and supplement him with D-Mannose, cranberry, marshmallow root, and a little acv or Bit C.

  2. Dr is there anything I can do…the way things are now, I'm barely makn it. What is good for a UTI. I'm guessing tht's what it is he peed on my pillow n bed. Geez it hurts I can't do nothing @ this time 😥

  3. Thank you just rescued male this afternoon 18 May 22 who just had surgery in April apox 4 weeks ago
    I was told he must have this good designer dry food omg !
    ( I said I never feed dry food ) omg they nearly had a fit !!
    Keeping an eye on him picked up today … and not used his litter yet ( so since his operation the shelter have been giving him dry plus can )
    So fingers crossed !!
    I only use extra filtered water in soup cat food plus home cooked chicken.
    Gold Coast Australia

  4. I've realized that my cat is drinking alot of water after eating dry food, she prefers wet food over dry food, but she doesn't drink a good amount of water while she eats wet food so idk what to do

  5. Very common. There is a brand, I think is from “P” for urinary tract that I have been using for the last 20 years and never had that problem again with my cats. Plenty of fresh water all the time, very important. Thank you and God Bless

  6. Hope you can help me. My cat doesn't eat well and drink well this past few days. He always sleep and Don't have a strength to play. She just sleep all day which is so unusual. And I don't see him poop and pee for the past few days. I already checked his anus and penis and it is cleaned, no dry spots of poop, blood, or pee. He always eat dry food. I don't know what to do anymore, I can't afford to go to the vet clinic. Hope you can help me.

  7. I always feed my little girl wet food at least 3x per week. HOWEVER, there is a major pet food shortage and it’s sure to get worse. This isn’t looking good for our furry family members 😢😢😢😢

  8. I now always put a GOOD splash of mineral water in the wet food at room temperature, it is mixed to a gravy consistency and also a little coconut oil which they really seem to love.

  9. My cat Lucky had reconstructive surgery after becoming completely blocked and couldn't pee. He was in SEVERE pain! He got blocked 3 times and the third time vet said surgery was necessary. FLUTD is a SCARY, LIFE THREATENING disease! Please do everything you can to increase moisture in your cat's diet!! It's amazing to watch how LITTLE amt of water cats drink when they get it in their food; night n day when fed wet vs dry kibble. They drink A LOT more water when fed kibble!

  10. My cat can't eat canned food. 1. She's allergic to fish. 2. Canned food makes her puke. 3. The only food she will eat is dry food. She drinks plenty of water so she's not lacking in fluids.
    Please stop telling everyone that they have to stop giving them dry food. It doesn't work for everyone. 🤬

  11. Off-topic question, I’m curious as to how much you’d suggest a pet insurance coverage to be for a large breed, male dog. I will have a service dog in the future (I’ve been preparing for a few years now, and I’m finally getting closer to when I can obtain one), and I can’t seem to find a general agreed amount as to if 10K annual coverage would be enough, if a bad emergency were to occur. Would unlimited coverage be better, or is this not necessary?

    To me, I assume an unlimited may be better, since service work is more demanding, and perhaps more health issues can arise from that. Though, I’m not sure and would be interested in your opinion about it! 🙂

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