Hello Dr Jones. We're in a campground away from home for the week due to my husbands job. Our 10 yr old Lab has been vomiting, has loose but not runny stools, and not normal appetite. She's still urinating and drinking water. We believe she may have gotten into some fire ants while we were at home a few days ago. She has red blotches on her stomach area. I can't find much info on fire ants and whether all of these stomach issues are normal. Also, the vets in this area are plentiful but can't find one with availability except for emergency vet. From North Carolina
Have you heard of Yunnan Baiyao Jiaonang? Used for oral cavity bone cancer in dogs. Recommended by local vet. Successfully used by two patients. Your thoughts please. Thank you!
Thank you for all your tips and great information on natural medicine dr. Jones, it’s always useful for me and my 6 adopted dogs. Greetings from Big Island, Hawaii.
There are YT vids on how to make plantain salve with I thin olive oil and bees wax. Also is it worth mentioning that a.chronic cough needs to be checked first incase its heart related Thanks. Love your videos. Ps: Is it ok for cats to injest too? Would the olive oil and bees wax be safe if a cat or dog invested it?
Hello sir,i need help for my dog. She is having skin problem. First it start as red spot she scratches it then either it becomes like a wound or as if it comes out on the skin loses fur and its spreading and i can see the part that lost hairs too much its rough red not at all normal. This is increasing spreading all over her body. Please suggest medicine and also home remedy
Would this be ok to use for a dog on vetmedin, enalapril and lasix…she has grade 4 heart murmur and sometimes has a coughing fit…vet gave me hydrocodone….it really sedates her making her incontinent. I know this plant. I use to play with it when I
Hi Dr ! I'm going to definitely try this. My chihuahua has a cough that comes and goes and this seems like it will soothe her throat and give her some relief. Thank you Dr for all you do. I truly love you and your channel ( your babies too ! ) Take care !!! ♡♡
This is MY favorite video…Plantain!! Russian scientists found that 3 grams of plantain in water 30 minutes before eating helps lose weight. It can stop the excruciating pain and itch of saddle back caterpillars, bee stings and other biting insects,poison ivy AND sunburn. It draws out toxins so it can be used on a boil .It can relieve intestinal distress caused by food poisoning . Used in homemade soap recipes it makes a soothing soap bar that's great on sensitive skin. If I'm lucky enough to find a lot of it growing locally I try to pick enough to last me until the following year. I prefer to freeze homemade "fresh" plantain tea and fill small freezer bags full of plantain tea "ice" cubes.When I need plantain in an emergency I can simply remove a bag of frozen plantain tea cubes from the freezer.By smacking the bag on the counter a couple times I can separate the ice cubes inside and remove however many ice cubes I need in an emergency.
She is so cute thank you I didn’t know great advice, to keep my teddy healthy I take baby carrots and sweet potatoes boiled them till they are soft .when I give my dog his Cesar dog food I give him a mixture of baby carrots and sweet potatoes mash it up he loves it ,you will have to try this it keeps him healthy,let me know what you think ,your dog will love this .and he never get sick.
This plant is called Llantén in South America, scientific name Plantago major. It was very much used by aborigines for it's wonderful medicinal properties. It grows by railway tracks, and almost everywhere in Argentina. Chewing a couple of leaves cures mouth sores almost immediately.
Could I give ths to my 16 mo old boxer as he is transitioning over to adult food? I am mixing it in slowly to get him used to it, but when he eats it, he vomits. i had to put him back on Purina puppy chow. I have tons of plaintain in my yard as it once was a cow pasture.
You forgot to mention that if you are treating your lawn with chemicals that no one should consume the plant and for them to purchase it from the health food store or the like.
Hi I’m new here! I love this channel, so much information and so holistic, I love it.
You are amazing thankyou
I'm thinking this is what my puppy has been eating. He wasn't feeling well from teething and diarrhea.
Hello Dr Jones. We're in a campground away from home for the week due to my husbands job. Our 10 yr old Lab has been vomiting, has loose but not runny stools, and not normal appetite. She's still urinating and drinking water. We believe she may have gotten into some fire ants while we were at home a few days ago. She has red blotches on her stomach area. I can't find much info on fire ants and whether all of these stomach issues are normal. Also, the vets in this area are plentiful but can't find one with availability except for emergency vet. From North Carolina
Blessings to you and yours
I also wrap his feet a lot but he has those suckers off in 5 min flat lol
My dog hates all the herbs and spices you suggest what can I do he won't stop licking his paws as well he has a terrible yeast infection. ???
Some feed it to sheep and goats as a natural dewormer.
Can it be used for dogs for the same reason ?
Can all of these remedies also be good for cat's? And thank you.
Thank you!

Have you heard of Yunnan Baiyao Jiaonang? Used for oral cavity bone cancer in dogs. Recommended by local vet. Successfully used by two patients. Your thoughts please. Thank you!
Thank you for all your tips and great information on natural medicine dr. Jones, it’s always useful for me and my 6 adopted dogs. Greetings from Big Island, Hawaii.
Thank you so much, but please don't your dog sit on the counter top! I am cringing. I always wish dogs had to wear diapers.
It is equally successfully used for humans. Healing cuts and wounds – miracle!
Love your assistant Tula! I don’t know if that is how you spell her name but she is lovely
and a awesome dog! Thank you for the natural remedies! 

Thanks mate

Love the model little Tuila is supermodrl!
Would this be good for soft muscle tissue strains?
Plantain is awesome as a decongestant and is delicious in salads!
<3Tula <3
You were quite funny on this video
Great advice of course. Thank you as always!
Agreed the broad leaf is a source of metamucil seeds, the narrow leaf is very good for small cuts, scraps, just bruise and place on the area
I have it growing in my back and front yard. Very cost effective.
There are YT vids on how to make plantain salve with I thin olive oil and bees wax. Also is it worth mentioning that a.chronic cough needs to be checked first incase its heart related
Thanks. Love your videos. Ps: Is it ok for cats to injest too? Would the olive oil and bees wax be safe if a cat or dog invested it?
Best Vet Videos EVER

Thank You Soooo Much! Litlle dog Momma

Ah, yes…this is the stuff I want to know about. Real natural healers. Again, thanks a lot. Magic stuff.
Hello sir,i need help for my dog.
She is having skin problem.
First it start as red spot she scratches it then either it becomes like a wound or as if it comes out on the skin loses fur and its spreading and i can see the part that lost hairs too much its rough red not at all normal.
This is increasing spreading all over her body.
Please suggest medicine and also home remedy
Hi I love you video. I would love to receive your book
Would this be ok to use for a dog on vetmedin, enalapril and lasix…she has grade 4 heart murmur and sometimes has a coughing fit…vet gave me hydrocodone….it really sedates her making her incontinent. I know this plant. I use to play with it when I
“Here, have some plantain tea.”

We can see that your heart is in what you do. You are awesome
Hi Dr ! I'm going to definitely try this. My chihuahua has a cough that comes and goes and this seems like it will soothe her throat and give her some relief. Thank you Dr for all you do. I truly love you and your channel ( your babies too ! ) Take care !!! ♡♡
dr please make video for natural trearment of burns
This is MY favorite video…Plantain!! Russian scientists found that 3 grams of plantain in water 30 minutes before eating helps lose weight. It can stop the excruciating pain and itch of saddle back caterpillars, bee stings and other biting insects,poison ivy AND sunburn. It draws out toxins so it can be used on a boil .It can relieve intestinal distress caused by food poisoning . Used in homemade soap recipes it makes a soothing soap bar that's great on sensitive skin. If I'm lucky enough to find a lot of it growing locally I try to pick enough to last me until the following year. I prefer to freeze homemade "fresh" plantain tea and fill small freezer bags full of plantain tea "ice" cubes.When I need plantain in an emergency I can simply remove a bag of frozen plantain tea cubes from the freezer.By smacking the bag on the counter a couple times I can separate the ice cubes inside and remove however many ice cubes I need in an emergency.
How about chronic coughing for the cat?
She is so cute thank you I didn’t know great advice, to keep my teddy healthy I take baby carrots and sweet potatoes boiled them till they are soft .when I give my dog his Cesar dog food I give him a mixture of baby carrots and sweet potatoes
mash it up he loves it ,you will have to try this it keeps him healthy,let me know what you think ,your dog will love this .and he never get sick.
For wrapping your own wrist, cut off the tube part of a a sock and use that to secure your poltice
Thank you and Tula so much for your awesome videos.
Gee can I use it for my own inflammation?
This plant is called Llantén in South America, scientific name Plantago major. It was very much used by aborigines for it's wonderful medicinal properties. It grows by railway tracks, and almost everywhere in Argentina. Chewing a couple of leaves cures mouth sores almost immediately.
Could the tea be used to wipe out a cat's ear if they have an odor or infection??
Could I give ths to my 16 mo old boxer as he is transitioning over to adult food? I am mixing it in slowly to get him used to it, but when he eats it, he vomits. i had to put him back on Purina puppy chow. I have tons of plaintain in my yard as it once was a cow pasture.
You forgot to mention that if you are treating your lawn with chemicals that no one should consume the plant and for them to purchase it from the health food store or the like.
my cat has a cough will that work on them too?