My mom found out I smoked weed when I was 14. She found a pipe that I made out of a blue transparent flute lol it had a bowl and all the holes covered except for the carb hole.
My mom trips about me smoking and I’m not even a stoner. I don’t know how to break down the levels of it. I literallly only smoke 1 joint at night then to my room and sleep. To a regular user, that ain’t shit.
I just got caught smoking weed from my mom rip my life heres how it went her:what are you doing!!!!? me:this is my last one her:WELL DON'T DO IT IN HERE goodbye guys
I will be A millionaire off of smoking weed…
I’m 17 rn homie and I got sum weird ahh parents Dey trip about weed like I ain doing Shii I’m jus chilling yk
My mom found out I smoked weed when I was 14. She found a pipe that I made out of a blue transparent flute lol it had a bowl and all the holes covered except for the carb hole.
My mom let’s me smoke my dad doesn’t but they both know
Hey bro nice vid i tell my parents everything when i was 18 they knew i smoke weed and they are cool with it
Man ur words probably just changed my whole life and u dont know how much i appreciate that
Keep it real i am tell my parents I smoke weed when I Pay my bills and handle my business cause I don’t like to hide fuck that
is u just smoking on paper bro iits not gonna be that white lol
I remember watchin this a year ago lmao
used ure advice and now my parents coo wimme smoking tbh it’s all about honesty
Bro your car is filled with smoke Note is it me or I am a 9 years and in 4th grade and love watching this
Dawg my mom looked at me smiled then slapped my shit up

but ona serious note that was about last week and my mom is cool with it now
Why was his joint so black ? And canooing
not gas
no bro my parents will literally not understand any of it and ground me till im grown… deadass
My mom trips about me smoking and I’m not even a stoner. I don’t know how to break down the levels of it. I literallly only smoke 1 joint at night then to my room and sleep. To a regular user, that ain’t shit.
Words of a wise man
Bro lmao i can relate
My dad smokes w me, but my mom is a different story man
can it work at the age of 15?
This kid is a straight fuck up
Recording in a fucked up car talking like a 5th grade student
That's your life if u want to leave

Im italian and weed Is illegall here and My presents are super strict how can i tell then hahahaha

What if you smok weed and carts but your parents are both narcissistic plz help
ight time to talk to my dad now
I just got caught I’m still thinking how I’m going to tell them
I literally can’t smoke at all they’re drug testing me weekly and if I get caught they taking everything away from me bruh
I told my parents and they understood but they said if they catch me or I come home fucked up or sum imma still get in mad trouble
Hell nah bro they said to me if I kept smoking weed they were gonna kick me out the crib and if I get in trouble wit 5o I’m on my own
I just got caught smoking weed from my mom rip my life heres how it went
her:what are you doing!!!!?
me:this is my last one
goodbye guys
Shii I got caught when I was 12 and I got my ass beat and I’m 15 now and I got caught heaps and now my parents don’t really care
Wish me good luck

This shit ain’t cool
I watch this video along time ago and came back to let you know cuz