How do I dirty talk? Is it weird that I cry after orgasm? Help! He has a foot fetish! If you have questions about sex, relationships, … Check on YouTube
I’m Japanese in Osaka, it’s so happy to be said that "I want to go" "I love Japanese culture" but it’s superficial ironically, you guys don’t know about dark side of here 😏 but please enjoy visiting 😉
Bruh shouldve stay yo ghetto ass at home all her comments are so ignorant and cringy lol like she cant wait to get shots and party after they done filming lololol thats actually amazing!
I would honestly advise anyone watching any video put out by vice hoping to gain some kind of unbiased opinion, Stop. This channel will askew the message to fit their personal agenda. Go look at the Andrew tate video. Why are the comments turned off? It's because men and woman were calling them on there bullshit.
I’ll be visiting Japan very soon but will only have time for Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka and possibly Kamakura…next trip I will come back to visit this beautiful town ❤
Best content I've seen on the Vice channel so far! This journalist is so interesting, I love her genuine reactions and the respect she shows to the people she interviews.. Amazing!
"this area is full of culture which is why were letting everyone know so that tourist fed companies can milk this place dry and send rich degens there."
"4 more rooms? Ohh that's dope" . lol how the rec in this world open 4 hotel rooms is something to be excited about it?? We are not taking about hotels but ROOMS 😩
So cool! You don’t get to sleep in any castles in Korea or Japan usually. Castes r just meant for sightseeing and tourism. But this just takes it to another level! 😍
The most disciplined people I’ve EVER met can’t even tip them they’re so genuine to their culture. To serve is on a different level in Japan like even their landfill is clean🤣💯 #ilovejapan#tonkotsulover💯
A human interest piece, and raging about bad kulture wars I guess this break is due. Just every feature film or mini doc is yikes or underrated. Real hit or miss
jealous. will visit soon.
The host is dope af
I’m Japanese in Osaka, it’s so happy to be said that "I want to go" "I love Japanese culture" but it’s superficial ironically, you guys don’t know about dark side of here 😏 but please enjoy visiting 😉
her haikeu was niceu 😛 👍
4:00 500 million donated from locals is nuts 😭 who are the locals fucking jeff bezos ?
im going to Japan next week! ill totally check this place out. Thanks Vice!!
Bruh shouldve stay yo ghetto ass at home all her comments are so ignorant and cringy lol like she cant wait to get shots and party after they done filming lololol thats actually amazing!
I would honestly advise anyone watching any video put out by vice hoping to gain some kind of unbiased opinion, Stop. This channel will askew the message to fit their personal agenda. Go look at the Andrew tate video. Why are the comments turned off? It's because men and woman were calling them on there bullshit.
This gal is amazing
I’ll be visiting Japan very soon but will only have time for Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka and possibly Kamakura…next trip I will come back to visit this beautiful town ❤
Great! Now it will be utterly ruined by the influx of tourists thanks to the video 😃
More content like this please. This host and this country, I'd watch a series on it.
Best content I've seen on the Vice channel so far! This journalist is so interesting, I love her genuine reactions and the respect she shows to the people she interviews.. Amazing!
I hope they make more of these Japanese travel series
The fact that we get free videos from VICE on YouTube is priceless …. keeping the education and knowledge alive. 🙏🙏🙏
I lived in Misawa Japan from 1989 to 1993. My pops got stationed there back then. I miss Japan so much.
Japanese people the most racist Race in the world
Thats what I love about vice, very engaging presentation and aesthetic sense thats definitely appealing to the viewers.
I studied Japanese in uni and spent a year there – gotta brush up on the auld Nihongo again. That reporter is gorgeous xo!
Please release more. Love this series!
"this area is full of culture which is why were letting everyone know so that tourist fed companies can milk this place dry and send rich degens there."
This guide speaks English very well
Don’t get drugged in Shinjuku! 🙏
She really ruined this perfect saying "wow" non stop
The Japan you guys dont know has real static builds, I repeat real static builds!!!!!
Calling yourself "Ktea" instead of Latie is the most hilariously self absorbed crap ive ever seen lol
I’m sad that Japan took down R18 the best porn site ever made
Lovely video. Vice is literal Garbage now though. Also this girl is half Japanese Dancer.
Everyone should remember what the Japanese did the Rape of Nanking………
This is beautiful.
"4 more rooms? Ohh that's dope" . lol how the rec in this world open 4 hotel rooms is something to be excited about it?? We are not taking about hotels but ROOMS 😩
I wanna travel the world but still wearing masks in 2023? 😢
So cool! You don’t get to sleep in any castles in Korea or Japan usually. Castes r just meant for sightseeing and tourism. But this just takes it to another level! 😍
I’ve been dying to go to Japan. I think I will visit Ehime.
Love the main lady (KTea), she is so polite and sweet. So respectful. 🙂 Lovely energy
really, vice? not looking forward to hordes of clueless gaijin invading ehime ffs
anyone alse played Samurai Legends custom map in Warcraft 3
Why so many dislikes?
Another good spot is Fujiyoshida and gotemba, some of the towns near the base of Mt. Fuji
Beautifully done. I always imagine being away from the city when I visit. this looks beautiful.
The most disciplined people I’ve EVER met can’t even tip them they’re so genuine to their culture. To serve is on a different level in Japan like even their landfill is clean🤣💯 #ilovejapan #tonkotsulover💯
I would love to live in one of those homes. From what I saw they're all in pristine condition.
So proud of this reporter. Good job on learning other languages and sharing passions of all lives
A human interest piece, and raging about bad kulture wars I guess this break is due. Just every feature film or mini doc is yikes or underrated. Real hit or miss