28 Commentaires

  1. My wife and I live outside of Toronto. I discovered this video and was truly touched by you as a couple. After I finished, I asked my wife to view it to. We both agreed that we want so much to take a mini-vacation to your area to experience the countryside and your food. Looking forward to meeting you both. Best regards, John and Nancey Watson

  2. All my Spanish and black friends always hate on me because I don’t “season” my beef. If you have a piece of beef that is raised just like this all you need is salt and maybe a little pepper that’s it. None of this adobo or sasone nonsense. And I’m so glad a Mexican woman agreed it makes my day. People need to appreciate the actual taste of beef.

  3. North of Anadarko on highway 281 was a restaurant located just off the highway next to a cattle farm that would open only on the weekend. It was a very well kept open secret. Cattle farm is still there the eatery is not. His son open up a restaurant in Tulsa I believe that gets lots of praise he uses his dad's same recipe.

  4. This place looks amazing! I'm from LA, living on the East coast now and missing good mexican food so bad. Don't know when I would be in this area, but if I'm ever passing through, I will have to stop here

  5. This was an amazing vid.. food loosk great and they love what they do.. For me, living so close to the boarder all the restaurants aren't really authentic.. more of a Tex-Mex style and they all seem to follow the same recipe.. nothing really stands out.. I see this food and it's amazing.. the plating, the style…. I hope to eat there one day.,

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