This is the story of a British prison officer who drowned in a dramatic canoeing accident but then reappeared five years later after … Check on YouTube
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37 Commentaires
All these racist attacks are awful, but do you guys at Vice ever condemn or research the numerous cases of radical Islamic terror attacks such as the ones in Sri Lanka, Kenya, Orlando night club, France and other spots in Europe? ALL forms of extremism should be called out!
Funny thing is at the end of the day all humans originated from Africa, we may look different now because of the weather conditions n so on but we are all brothers and sisters, these clowns will not stop the peoples peace and unity for the sake of all humanity.
There's 340 million people in the USA. White people make up 220 million of those if not more. People of color can't out birth white people. The numbers don't add up. Unless white people mix with people of color at accelerated rates. Which you white people do. If you get replaced, it's kinda your fault. Mainly it's white women's fault for being such filthy hos about having dark D inside of you. Whenever I'm in Portland, I can't beat the white women off me. I get it, it's liberal, and 90% white. Some variety is in order. What am I as a heterosexual male Latino supposed to do? Not pork them? I don't think so. Many white women are gorgeous and if they want some, I'm hitting.
Japan is for the Japanese China for Chinese Nigeria for Nigerians Iraq for Iraqis but every western country has been signed up for multi cultural societies without the consent of the natives but by our governments who are pushing a globalist agenda and mass immigration so I can understand why people are upset though I'm not a violent person and don't condone any violence in anyway I get why people end up doing these things. Take WW2 for example Britain was a white country, then millions of men are forced to go to war and a lot of them die then Britain brings in foreigners to replace them as the new workforce. That happened so effectively they replaced the native people in that instant so it's not really a theory imo when there are case study examples. Also just google the term Eurabia that's what the globalist leaders of Europe want to create a secular society of blended cultures races n religions in Europe, if you want to protect your national identity and reject mass immigration you get vilified like Hungary and Poland.
what an amazing lil video but then you added tucker Carlson… like coming from a republican I know he’s dumb and part of the problem but there’s more to life just turn him off 😂😂 I can’t even watch him without him reaching heavily
yotube comments are swimming with the same people that support these twisted ideals… The people that insult or pander jokes to you in the comments for you having compassion for living family members of victims of shootings or victims themselves… This is worse then what we want to believe… This reporting makes sense as to why this is happening more… While the general public blames laws guns parents etc. These manifestos newly created or old are being copied and shared It's sickening to see how broken this young generation is that they don't want to care completely desensitized and no longer want or can't see the difference between the lies and the truth…
People talking about the replacement agenda isn’t causing shootings. But it’s inevitable that violence occurs when a replacement agenda is in action. Immigration always leads to violence; Buffalo Bill and other Indians committed violence in response to European migration into America just as Vietnamese committed violence against American immigrants during the 60s/70s. Different groups of humans just want territory to themselves which is why boarders exist to prevent violence.
So the fact that muslims can freely immigrate into most european countries without valid ID and claim any age the feel like is a conspiracy? The fact that radical muslims are taking over neighbourhoods implementing sharia law? Latinos being able to come into the US illegally and work while legitimate immigrants have to wait? White people being shamed for their skin colour while "poc" are congratulated for not being white? How is this all a conspiracy? Just look at the increase of immigrants and non caucasian population in predominantly white countries. There is a replacement. It's just up to you if you see it as good or bad. I couldn't imagine people being happy over white people taking over Africa. Oh, wait THEY DID. So how is it okay that non caucasians can be exempt from rules that caucasians have to adhere to?
Vice needs to cover the black racist Frank R. James who shot up ten people on a Brooklyn subway in April. It's a two way street and two wrongs don't make a right. Wouldn't hurt to do one on Planned Parenthood founder/ eugenicist Margaret Sanger's view of minorities either.
Terrorism is terrible in almost every way, but you cannot attribute massive illegal immigration as some sort of conspiracy theory 9:04 when it is an undisputed fact. Illegal immigrants massively affect elections in many communities across the United States, which clearly affects election integrity and is biased towards a specific party. To combat this, Republicans have suggested requiring an ID card to vote, but Liberals have counteracted saying people of minorities are incapable or less likely to find the DMV to get an ID. Claiming that certain races are unable to participate in essential functions of society when the facts clearly state otherwise, is racist and tiptoeing on the bounds of segregation. The conservatives with no other choice are then led to believe in some sort of replacement theory because of the unilateral support from the left of white privilege, massive illegal immigration, and the refusal to secure election integrity. But, using a massive influx of immigrants to bias elections is not some new radical idea. Replacement of native populations to overturn elections has been going on in the U.S. since the opening of Ellis Island in 1892. To say that the idea of Replacement theory towards elections is a conspiracy theory is very disingenuous as there is clear historical and modern context to support it. Also, Renaud Camus's version of replacement theory 2:42 is completely different than the Republican's version of replacement theory 9:23. Renaud's replacement theory is completely based on racism, while the Republican's replacement theory is completely based on election integrity. It was incredibly malicious for the author Tim Hume to try and sway the audience into associating the Republican party with the idea of Renaud Camus's Replacement theory and mass shootings. The actions of a crazy individual do not represent the actions of an entire group. I could make the exact same documentary that this author did replacing Fox News with CNN and only referencing far-left shooters. However, that would only serve to financially benefit the author and publishing institution, and further divide what we the people truly believe in.
The most egregious, most deadly, most all-encompassing, terror organization in the history of the world is the United States Government as the enforcement instrument of it's controller, the monolithic-world-system as ruled by a global cabal. This system controls over 95% of world governments, especially the most powerful.
Why do we have to see skin color when its demonic activity? Do we not think satan does not know what he's doing with division, when its his job to steal, kill, and destroy, yet we fall for it hook, line and sinker
This is high school level journalism. They just picked a bunch of buzz words and mashed it together to make a documentary, just like this ==> " umm… Racist, Guns, White people, Nazis, and add the word manifesto" BAM! you got yourself a documentary
Kill the internet for anything other than business and streaming platforms for tv use. This global communication is unnecessary for society as a whole. People have proven to be to incompetent.
Vice- "There is no great replacement. That's just conspiracy theory".
Also Vice- "We don't need to provide any statistics in regards to demographics or discuss migratory policy in Europe or the U.S. over the last 10 years. That'll just be confusing.
People saying they need to stop mentioning the killers names and giving them air time. I agree they are right, but politicians will not allow it. So long as they can use that fear, and anger to gain support to gain votes popularity wealth they will continue to mention the killer. It needs to stop especially mentioning their manifestos or whatever they post online. They need to save any evidence and then delete any public record of them……..But they will continue to manipulate this hatred for their own agendas both left and right nothing but corrupt Politician Judges and Police Officers who will continue to support this……….Sad to say even in some 3rd World countries they don't even show the faces of dangerous criminals……but the US…uggh……I guess so long if we keep extending prison sentences and allowing the death penalty show the faces and their post online….while they're at it why not give us a tour of the killers houses.
97% of gun crime in London is carried out by people of color ( what ever that means). Mexcio- Brazil- Nigeria and SouthAfrica have serious gun violence issues- which kind of raises the question, whom is funded VICE to parent this white supremist narrative?
So why are we supporting a neo-nazi regime in the Ukraine, far right terrorists being funded and armed by the U.S and Europe. Why no reporting on an actual standing army fighting right now as we watch this video? This is surly a problem that we call out some but not them all, don't be fooled the Azov are Nazi's or is it that they are the ones we think are ok? To leave this out is clearly bad reporting and the fact that there are Muslims in direct conflict with these group on the ground should worry everyone of a sign of more of this to come. Even the DN was watched by the FBI so they have decided not to keep an eye on 4chan and 8chan, this is ridiculous. I know how these sites can effect people's out look onto the world with hate towards other races.
All these racist attacks are awful, but do you guys at Vice ever condemn or research the numerous cases of radical Islamic terror attacks such as the ones in Sri Lanka, Kenya, Orlando night club, France and other spots in Europe? ALL forms of extremism should be called out!
What a sham.
Funny thing is at the end of the day all humans originated from Africa, we may look different now because of the weather conditions n so on but we are all brothers and sisters, these clowns will not stop the peoples peace and unity for the sake of all humanity.
There's 340 million people in the USA. White people make up 220 million of those if not more. People of color can't out birth white people. The numbers don't add up. Unless white people mix with people of color at accelerated rates. Which you white people do. If you get replaced, it's kinda your fault. Mainly it's white women's fault for being such filthy hos about having dark D inside of you. Whenever I'm in Portland, I can't beat the white women off me. I get it, it's liberal, and 90% white. Some variety is in order. What am I as a heterosexual male Latino supposed to do? Not pork them? I don't think so. Many white women are gorgeous and if they want some, I'm hitting.
Japan is for the Japanese China for Chinese Nigeria for Nigerians Iraq for Iraqis but every western country has been signed up for multi cultural societies without the consent of the natives but by our governments who are pushing a globalist agenda and mass immigration so I can understand why people are upset though I'm not a violent person and don't condone any violence in anyway I get why people end up doing these things. Take WW2 for example Britain was a white country, then millions of men are forced to go to war and a lot of them die then Britain brings in foreigners to replace them as the new workforce. That happened so effectively they replaced the native people in that instant so it's not really a theory imo when there are case study examples. Also just google the term Eurabia that's what the globalist leaders of Europe want to create a secular society of blended cultures races n religions in Europe, if you want to protect your national identity and reject mass immigration you get vilified like Hungary and Poland.
I've yet to see a compelling argument disproving the great replacement theory.
what an amazing lil video but then you added tucker Carlson… like coming from a republican I know he’s dumb and part of the problem but there’s more to life just turn him off 😂😂 I can’t even watch him without him reaching heavily
yotube comments are swimming with the same people that support these twisted ideals… The people that insult or pander jokes to you in the comments for you having compassion for living family members of victims of shootings or victims themselves… This is worse then what we want to believe… This reporting makes sense as to why this is happening more… While the general public blames laws guns parents etc. These manifestos newly created or old are being copied and shared It's sickening to see how broken this young generation is that they don't want to care completely desensitized and no longer want or can't see the difference between the lies and the truth…
People talking about the replacement agenda isn’t causing shootings. But it’s inevitable that violence occurs when a replacement agenda is in action.
Immigration always leads to violence; Buffalo Bill and other Indians committed violence in response to European migration into America just as Vietnamese committed violence against American immigrants during the 60s/70s.
Different groups of humans just want territory to themselves which is why boarders exist to prevent violence.
It was senseless and stupid! Most of the victims were not even having children anymore so who were they replacing? Stupid
So the fact that muslims can freely immigrate into most european countries without valid ID and claim any age the feel like is a conspiracy? The fact that radical muslims are taking over neighbourhoods implementing sharia law? Latinos being able to come into the US illegally and work while legitimate immigrants have to wait? White people being shamed for their skin colour while "poc" are congratulated for not being white? How is this all a conspiracy? Just look at the increase of immigrants and non caucasian population in predominantly white countries. There is a replacement. It's just up to you if you see it as good or bad. I couldn't imagine people being happy over white people taking over Africa. Oh, wait THEY DID. So how is it okay that non caucasians can be exempt from rules that caucasians have to adhere to?
This is propaganda from vice
We knew this already. Not new at all.
America is going to fall.
Vice needs to cover the black racist Frank R. James who shot up ten people on a Brooklyn subway in April. It's a two way street and two wrongs don't make a right. Wouldn't hurt to do one on Planned Parenthood founder/ eugenicist Margaret Sanger's view of minorities either.
If being white is the only identity that gives your life meaning, you're the opposite of 'supreme'
Terrorism is terrible in almost every way, but you cannot attribute massive illegal immigration as some sort of conspiracy theory 9:04 when it is an undisputed fact. Illegal immigrants massively affect elections in many communities across the United States, which clearly affects election integrity and is biased towards a specific party. To combat this, Republicans have suggested requiring an ID card to vote, but Liberals have counteracted saying people of minorities are incapable or less likely to find the DMV to get an ID.
Claiming that certain races are unable to participate in essential functions of society when the facts clearly state otherwise, is racist and tiptoeing on the bounds of segregation. The conservatives with no other choice are then led to believe in some sort of replacement theory because of the unilateral support from the left of white privilege, massive illegal immigration, and the refusal to secure election integrity. But, using a massive influx of immigrants to bias elections is not some new radical idea. Replacement of native populations to overturn elections has been going on in the U.S. since the opening of Ellis Island in 1892.
To say that the idea of Replacement theory towards elections is a conspiracy theory is very disingenuous as there is clear historical and modern context to support it. Also, Renaud Camus's version of replacement theory 2:42 is completely different than the Republican's version of replacement theory 9:23. Renaud's replacement theory is completely based on racism, while the Republican's replacement theory is completely based on election integrity. It was incredibly malicious for the author Tim Hume to try and sway the audience into associating the Republican party with the idea of Renaud Camus's Replacement theory and mass shootings. The actions of a crazy individual do not represent the actions of an entire group. I could make the exact same documentary that this author did replacing Fox News with CNN and only referencing far-left shooters. However, that would only serve to financially benefit the author and publishing institution, and further divide what we the people truly believe in.
The most egregious, most deadly, most all-encompassing, terror organization in the history of the world is the United States Government as the enforcement instrument of it's controller, the monolithic-world-system as ruled by a global cabal. This system controls over 95% of world governments, especially the most powerful.
Why do we have to see skin color when its demonic activity? Do we not think satan does not know what he's doing with division, when its his job to steal, kill, and destroy, yet we fall for it hook, line and sinker
This is high school level journalism. They just picked a bunch of buzz words and mashed it together to make a documentary, just like this ==> " umm… Racist, Guns, White people, Nazis, and add the word manifesto" BAM! you got yourself a documentary
Kill the internet for anything other than business and streaming platforms for tv use. This global communication is unnecessary for society as a whole. People have proven to be to incompetent.
Vice- "There is no great replacement. That's just conspiracy theory".
Also Vice- "We don't need to provide any statistics in regards to demographics or discuss migratory policy in Europe or the U.S. over the last 10 years. That'll just be confusing.
Oy vey it’s like anudda shoa!
Feels like they said the exact same thing 10 times
That black sun on that white power book looks just like what zelenski wears on his uniforms🤣
People saying they need to stop mentioning the killers names and giving them air time. I agree they are right, but politicians will not allow it. So long as they can use that fear, and anger to gain support to gain votes popularity wealth they will continue to mention the killer. It needs to stop especially mentioning their manifestos or whatever they post online. They need to save any evidence and then delete any public record of them……..But they will continue to manipulate this hatred for their own agendas both left and right nothing but corrupt Politician Judges and Police Officers who will continue to support this……….Sad to say even in some 3rd World countries they don't even show the faces of dangerous criminals……but the US…uggh……I guess so long if we keep extending prison sentences and allowing the death penalty show the faces and their post online….while they're at it why not give us a tour of the killers houses.
97% of gun crime in London is carried out by people of color ( what ever that means). Mexcio- Brazil- Nigeria and SouthAfrica have serious gun violence issues- which kind of raises the question, whom is funded VICE to parent this white supremist narrative?
So why are we supporting a neo-nazi regime in the Ukraine, far right terrorists being funded and armed by the U.S and Europe. Why no reporting on an actual standing army fighting right now as we watch this video? This is surly a problem that we call out some but not them all, don't be fooled the Azov are Nazi's or is it that they are the ones we think are ok? To leave this out is clearly bad reporting and the fact that there are Muslims in direct conflict with these group on the ground should worry everyone of a sign of more of this to come. Even the DN was watched by the FBI so they have decided not to keep an eye on 4chan and 8chan, this is ridiculous. I know how these sites can effect people's out look onto the world with hate towards other races.
They will not Replace Us!!!💪🏻🔪☀️☠️
They will not Replace Us!!!💪🏻🔪☀️☠️
They will not Replace Us!!!💪🏻🔪☀️☠️
The demographic statistics don't lie though.
What’s weird is that one of the persons he killed was making his truck run off water !
When in need to be hit with a bucket of BS, I see what is new with VICE
2:47 White ppl are delusional 😭😭
Black guy runs from a car stop – shot 90 times. White guy mass murders with an assault weapon – brought in without a scratch. America.
He was definitely using walls
10! Lmao thats chump change. The fbi wanted atleast 20