36 Commentaires

  1. This song was in the background of my life without seeing the video during the rickrolling memes, and we all had the jaw dropping WTF moment the first time you saw it and fall in love with it all over again, and thanks to Vice giving it this back story am falling right back in love with it. This song will never be given up on 👌💯😊😎🇺🇬🌈

  2. Nice – something we never got to listen to before, the original multitrack of Never Gonna Give You Up! There's actually 3 80's icons I know about who have multitracks – Rick, R.E.M. and Peter Howell – oh yes, gotta love Peter's version of the 1980's Doctor Who theme, would be fun to have a video of the 'story of the Doctor Who theme' that would be a fun one to do!

  3. I'm 52 now and can still vividly remember this song. I used to club back then at 17 and when this song came out I remember when the DJ dropped this tune how packed the dance floor would get. Im talking packed. Talk about bringing people together. Back in the day it was the thing to dance like Rick in his video. So much fun and such good times. I'm glad that another generation is enjoying this song as much as we did. I've got nieces amd nephews that are my exact age now (17) that appreciate this song and enjoy it as much as I did when it first came out. So glad to see the whole team that put this song together are enjoying its continued success 👑💯

  4. This song reminds me of taking swimming lessons as a kid in 90s, or just in general hanging out with friends playing basketball, and just hanging out at our local rec center lol.. it, along with like shania twain, alanis morrisette, or all them other monotomise 90's pop sungs were played, over n overn over n over again over the local radio station via the PA lol…. i hated all of them with a passion! nowdays i can appreciate the good songs they were, but back then, as a young kid, i friggin hated them hahaha

  5. I Rick Roll'd my entire high school. I was in charge of the AV equipment and was asked to put a presentation on the projector screen. Let's just say they never entrusted me with that much responsibility again

  6. I got Rick Rolled IRL live, I was in Japan watching Foo Fighters at summer sonic and then Rick Astley came on and they played never gonna give you up LOL, im also from the same part of UK he was so it was a weird experience.

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