37 Commentaires

  1. From a delivery company employee who loads these trucks to different states and within state 6:57, literally shit just happens when loading any box. All of the memes of people throwing packages n shit, yes it does occur. Anyways the point is id argue 99%+ of all messed up packages in deliveries are not of human error and negligence and just being a dumbass. If the product you order is somehow messed up just know its almost always not someone fucking up your shit on purpose

  2. I sooo skeptical…. I am so on edge about trying any of these hhc or edibles… I can eat 1k thc and not get high… just dont wanna waste what coulda been a gram of oil lol doesnt help that nerds clusters are my literal fav candy lol.

  3. "I'm not supposed to be this high… we're supposed to do stuff."
    *immediately cuts to Thomas sparking up two joints at once 😂😂
    your videos never fail to make me smile. love being apart of this community

  4. …but it does concern me. luring people into a obfuscated shrouded nft markets is your responsability if you advertise for it. its not only controversial, its often used as a scamming scheme. lots of fraudulent activity, its a not regulated market and even tho "its you" and i would still trust yola with it its still a very dangerous market. if you wanna sell memberships, sell memberships.
    i just hope that my favourite weedtube creators arent going in too heavily in coins and nfts and start rug pulling their people, it happend way too often.
    "its me so just buy my nfts, just trust me bro" "think of it as an investment" dude… you know how many people have used that line to sell bs? do they even hold utility? comeone man.
    you guys make good business, dont get greedy. you dont have to mint nfts or coins.

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