38 Commentaires

  1. i havent seen you since i was in middle school and high school when i first started smoking my god josh your intro gives me goosebumps now what used to be so new and refreshing when i got home from school and unwinded with a bong is now so nostalgic and makes me wish i lived in simpler times when your 360p videos looked crisp on my old E machine monitor my mom had. im so glad you're still around and never changed your content style. I personally used to want to make videos like yours when i was younger and when the youtube strike hit i lost all confidence in it and stopped watching youtube for YEARS until around 2017 when i got my own PC.

  2. Used to watch these videos back in high school back when I was too broke to even smoke along most of the time. I’m 23 now and seeing you back has made me more happy than you know.

  3. His reviews are always very thorough. He doesn’t just say “this is grade a bud, I’m super high” he describes the effects it has and how long they last. He vividly describes the aroma and taste as well. Great job

  4. Nice to see a cannabis review for you. Just hope you stay diligent with the program and your sobriety and don't get too "comfortable." Me im a year off the booze, and being in a sober home i sadly had to really quit all cannabis a month ago since I get dropped. Gratefully they are cool with moderating my kratom use so thats kinda my new vibe.
    Cheers Josh! You look good!

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