This recipe is secret. This recipe was obtained under the cover of night. This recipe is from Florida. Meyhem is never finished with … Check on YouTube
The Lebanese Jaj-a-Rez is watered-down version of the Gulf Kabsa, which in turn is a watered-down version of the Indian Biryani. Take a shortcut to flavor town and go straight to Biryani. Jaj-A-Rez is baby food in my opinion, not adult taste.
I love love love the chef!!! But the recipe does not look very good to me. Can you please have him on to cook more though? I'm sure his food is delicious and I love his aesthetic and energy!
The Arabic word for rice is pronounced more like the work "rook", but with a Z at the end. It shouldn't be "Riz", it should be more like "Rooz" or "ruz".
Looks yummy. Thank you. My grandmother only baked fruitcake for Christmas. My grandfather cooked all the meals since he was retired. He grew his own veggies and had a huge bay tree in back yard.good times
He doesn’t even have an accent and English isn’t his first language. Amazing. What a lovely personality he has. I will have to check out his Brooklyn deli.
Most expensive home cook that I Ever seen
What a beautiful dish. As delicious as Edy's shiny, bald head and charming personality.
and nutmeg.
My god. I got this as a YouTube automatic suggestion, and I'll tell you what, my life has changed.
Thank you!!! ❤️❤️
The Lebanese Jaj-a-Rez is watered-down version of the Gulf Kabsa, which in turn is a watered-down version of the Indian Biryani. Take a shortcut to flavor town and go straight to Biryani. Jaj-A-Rez is baby food in my opinion, not adult taste.
Zaatar on the panini bread by toufayan is good
I wouldn't call this recipe 100% authentic but it is great if your craving some riz after a long day of work and you don't have the time to cook
"Homemade chicken stock is preferable but nobody has time for that"
I like this guy!
Noisey lebanon on youtube
Its Palestinian bro sorry, but this looks good too!
We have a Syrianized version of this as "stuffing" at Thanksgiving every year since I was little. Thanks for sharing!
I am sorry I can't go with this. This is your take its absolutely not authentic
Watched Oprah Winfrey? Please explain how that Influenced your cooking
You’re just as Lebanese as Oprah Winfrey.
Trying really hard to imagine what this tastes like, because it looks so dang good. I need to find the Lebanese auntie ASAP.
The way he cuts an onion makes me not trust his cooking
This dish is a must ha e oh yes,I say yum also +this guy is fantastic 😋
be careful. you dont want to burn your nuts!
I love love love the chef!!! But the recipe does not look very good to me. Can you please have him on to cook more though? I'm sure his food is delicious and I love his aesthetic and energy!
The Arabic word for rice is pronounced more like the work "rook", but with a Z at the end. It shouldn't be "Riz", it should be more like "Rooz" or "ruz".
Why we still do not have a Farideh and Edy video??
they're really nuts for nuts.
(and grains too)
Hey Munchies, make another "munchies guide to … " series. Maybe starring this guy. Ya'll are spending too much time in Brooklyn.
Looks yummy. Thank you. My grandmother only baked fruitcake for Christmas. My grandfather cooked all the meals since he was retired. He grew his own veggies and had a huge bay tree in back yard.good times
This recipe is weird. Pepitas? Sesame?
We LOVE Edy’s Grocers! I’m also Lebanese & his food is spot on. 10/10!
That looks delicious.
He got more sodomy sugar in his tank than Gommorah
He doesn’t even have an accent and English isn’t his first language. Amazing. What a lovely personality he has. I will have to check out his Brooklyn deli.
I'll come visit for sure Edouard, amazing dish masha'Allah, chef's kiss
Way way too much water…Very Amateurish lol. Looks good, but use a little less water!
And you refused to say "Palestinian"…SHAME ON YOU!
"Lebanese" grocer…barf…You probably mean Levantine grocer (Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian)
Re-cooking cooked chicken inherently makes it dry…
I was raised on this stuff – my mom, grandmothers and aunts all made this and still do.
Besides Bay leaves that bring the Flavours together, try adding a tablespoon of Angostura Bitters.