20 Commentaires

  1. My toy poodle one summer had a lot of scratching going on at night. He would wake me up shaking the bed! At my vitamin store I found a product called Thyme Out! It contains thyme oil and comes with a spray bottle to take with you. I would spray it on my hands and rub his belly, legs, rump where he was chewing and scratching. Within a few minutes he would lie down and go to blissful sleep- blissful for both of us!
    Just FYI.
    I'm about to try the Quercetin b/c now he's sneezing and snorting and seems to have an allergy that is new. Rosemary dripped around my room seems to help his breathing.
    He's getting old and it's the middle of the night.

  2. I’m trying to wean my dog off Apoquel, but he’s been taking it for 5 years now. Any suggestions other than what you mentioned above?

    He has food allergy but the food doesn’t contain what he is allergic to so im at a loss. Love your videos, thank you for what you do!

  3. Im taking quercitin with bromalien along with my 8 month old. Two weeks now. Shes getting 500mgs. 50 plus pounds. Im taking 800 mg. Aside from initial headache next day I dont know yet. Think the head ache was a detoxify kind of thing. Shes got a antibacterial shampoo coming in mail ….non soap type. Hope it works! A regular antihistimine doesnt seem to really do much….cloraphenimarine….something that is ok for dogs. A 4 hr duration type. So im waiting and not using it until i see what the quercetin might accomplish…..while i wait for the non soap antibacterial type soap to arrive. Soon ill have a solition because its not all day…..seems at bedtime she just gets overwhelmed with her itchy stuff. I dont know! Anxiety causing for sure but maybe a combo of anxiety at times with the the physical reaction to whatever is causing her itchies. Its moderate at worst thank heavens

  4. Doc what about Kidney and Thymus? Either from a butcher or dried from a company like Ancestral Supplements. Kidney is supposed to be high in DAO enzymes. Just food for thought.

    CBD may also be a temporary fix for immediate relief that isn’t as harmful as an antihistamine medication.

    Thanks for the info

  5. Is it Quercetin for humans or specially for dogs please? I was looking up side effects and it says it can cause water retention and hypertension. I am using Apoquel half tablet twice a day and that has bad side effect too.
    I would use natural remedies on her areas that itch but my miniature poodle has fear aggression and she will growl and snap if we touch her paws, ears and mouth. She has a fear of being handled since being traumatised by a salon groomer. We are working with a vet behaviourist and lots of her issue we have learnt to manage and she is taking anti-anxiety drugs which do help her cope with the big world. I want to get her off Apoquel so I need to know if Quercetin is the way to go given the side effects. Thank you Dr. Jones for all your teaching and great advice.

  6. Hi Dr, Jones~I got my cat Nettle Leaf for his scratching. You mentioned 1-2mg./lb twice daily. Could you please be clearer as to the amount I am to give him each time. He weighs approx. 9-10 lbs. I believe. So how do I break this down. The capsules are 500mg. each. So far he has had it twice. I opened the capsule and sprinkled some in his food. Also this morning I mixed it with coconut oil and wiped it on him so he would lick it off. But I am still not sure if I am giving him to much or not enough. Thanks~Ann

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