Treat your re-light right to enjoy later with delight juillet 26, 2023 admin CBD News 14 The Left-Over Sprucer-Upper! Cut off your ash for a fresh relight every time. The RAW Cone Cutter has sharpened 80 degree … Check on YouTube rawpapers
CBD News High humidity warning⚠️ (for real tho)😂 août 23, 2023 admin CBD News 8 If your material is too wet, you’re gonna be upset! If moisture level’s are too high it won’t burn right. You’ll also get a darker ash! Check on YouTube
Need that cutter lol need everything you guys make why don’t you have a subscription box orMembership 🤷🏼 Répondre
Need that cutter lol need everything you guys make why don’t you have a subscription box or
Membership 🤷🏼
Damn if someone could send me 1 of everything in this vid, except Mr Raw
Raw Man, where can i buy the ring on your left hand
I seriously need one!
Nah i just put it out on my ceramic plate😂
😮well shit
May have the link for these merchandise?
Need to get one 🎉.
The tubes only last so long until they don’t
I need a gift of you blowing the smoke out the other end 😂
i like that clip
Me gustan mucho tus productos, soy un infiel cliente, saludos desde Indiana EE.UU