I wanted to take a look at these diamonds in terp sauce from the goods! I didn’t mention it in the video but they actually have real … Check on YouTube
I’ve been in a battle with quitting smoking cigarettes for the last 4 years now. I’m sure a lot of you probably thought I had already … Check on YouTube
Good too see the uk starting too make moves towards medicinal usage, I hope it gets more lenient so they allow recreational usage down the line so people are able too try it in the safest way possible as it would eliminate the troubles we see with street dealings n shit. Its not all safe and it’s a chance you take in places were it’s still illegal but the fact medical use has started is really promising…. Really , reallllly promising. Considering how it’s viewed here it kinda seems like for the longest time they’ve been just two completely different side , those who agree and those who blindly disagree but often you find those who disagree just really don’t understand what they are talking about.. there too hung up on stories you hear like people getting sick or addictions etc but these arguments are invalid too use when a country’s legalised it and seen wide decriminalisation so can cater too things like addictions and how clean a product is.
Drew. Hello mate. Just watched your video on the UK cannabis clinic. I definitely qualify and started the process. However I've seen they've had some pretty poor reviews left. The sapphire clinics have way better reviews
Don't suppose you can suggest the best clinic in the UK?
Bro bro bro. I loved this video, amazing review. I've been wanting to get some of this prescribed weed cos I struggle sleeping without smoking its crazy
Nice review Drew, there’s a few on my channel. I’d have to agree with a lot of what you’ve said. I have found personally the best medical bud so far is Auroras Pink Kush. If you’ve not yet tried it, it’s worth a go 👍🏻
🔥Big thanks to WOODIES for sponosring the video🔥
Check out his channel here!
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What's that vape called m8?
Good too see the uk starting too make moves towards medicinal usage, I hope it gets more lenient so they allow recreational usage down the line so people are able too try it in the safest way possible as it would eliminate the troubles we see with street dealings n shit. Its not all safe and it’s a chance you take in places were it’s still illegal but the fact medical use has started is really promising…. Really , reallllly promising. Considering how it’s viewed here it kinda seems like for the longest time they’ve been just two completely different side , those who agree and those who blindly disagree but often you find those who disagree just really don’t understand what they are talking about.. there too hung up on stories you hear like people getting sick or addictions etc but these arguments are invalid too use when a country’s legalised it and seen wide decriminalisation so can cater too things like addictions and how clean a product is.
Just got mine through , much better than the Hindu they first prescribed me
How do you get medical weed in UK?
how u have that nice of a jawline😭 i neeeeed
You might have already done a video to this but have you put the UK medical through your THC tester kit?
How do you get weed i don't have medical issues
Drew. Hello mate. Just watched your video on the UK cannabis clinic. I definitely qualify and started the process. However I've seen they've had some pretty poor reviews left. The sapphire clinics have way better reviews
Don't suppose you can suggest the best clinic in the UK?
Many thanks.
Please do a “How to Roll joints vid” man those joints you roll look like water in a desert
Yo brother what is the website to see if I can apply to get this
Since this video, Althea 18 is always out of stock! Thanks Drew. Nice one mate. 😆
Bro bro bro. I loved this video, amazing review. I've been wanting to get some of this prescribed weed cos I struggle sleeping without smoking its crazy
Cbd mids better off grown
its a bit too bright when u showed the nugs
thanks for the video bro
What’s it like anxiety/insomnia wise?
What vape is that?
He's definitely gonna finish the off that roach off camera
looks trash!
Og means ocean grown. This is all grown in a lab. You can find tours online this can't be OG
18% is fuck all I can get a 32% medical 8th for 25. Just move to california😔
Song name: JUGGIN' JUGGIN' – TheBeigeWrld
What a g
Nice review Drew, there’s a few on my channel. I’d have to agree with a lot of what you’ve said. I have found personally the best medical bud so far is Auroras Pink Kush. If you’ve not yet tried it, it’s worth a go 👍🏻
Can you get RSO through these guys? For cancer patients etc
5k I'd rather smoke spray
Fkn joke prices