Dr Jones’ Free Book If your dog is frequently urinating small amounts, she may have a urinary … Check on YouTube
37 Commentaires
Dealing with the beginnings of this right now… not from a vaccine, from a depo-medrol 'methylprednisolone' shot. My 7 year old female has a bad bout of allergies and after a few dexamethasone shots didn't work we danced around the idea of depo-medrol with a lot of hesitancy from both myself and my vet, but one day I came home and one side of her head was just ripped to shreds from scratching so I made the decision. It's been 3 months since that shot and just last week I noticed what I thought was a bite abscess (which she's never had, but we have multiple cats…. though they've never bitten each other before) but after the vet discovered no sign of trauma, no injury or bite wound or hair loss – no redness or heat as is common with abscess, and no response to antibiotics as of today, it's looking like this is where we are. I just got off the phone with an 'at home euthanasia' place which made me feel better knowing that's an option. I wouldn't do the surgery personally – as I see that prognosis even with a successful first surgery is 6-12 months.. I don't even know if I'm going to do a biopsy as those alone can set the whole thing into motion. idk, lt me know if you have any thoughts doc.
I am hearing of so many cats getting cancer. When I grew up it just wasn't a thing like it is now. But back then vaccines weren't a huge thing either. I'm convinced the vaccines are causing these cancers and people are vaccinating yearly their indoor cats. I have four cats and I will not have then vaccinated. They're indoor only so there's no need
Oddly enough I adopted 3 stray female cats several years ago. They lived indoors and lived happy lives. They would go outside from time to time so I got them spayed. They could go in and out as they wished.
The odd part. The vet wouldn't spay them unless they had rabies and other vaccines (a list of them). A couple weeks after the procedure one cat came down with respiratory infection. We treated her twice. She ended up passing away without any answers. The next cat came down with runny nose and passed away before her vet appointment. Here we are 2 years after and the last cat had respiratory infection too! She was treated for it. She bounced back but a month after she wouldn't eat at all and I decided to switch vets. This new vet treated her for the infection but she didn't bounce back as expected and they did blood work to confirm she was + for feline leukemia! This was 3 weeks ago. Im convinced the vaccines gave all my cats this feline leukemia. I didn't know exactly what it was at the time but I immediately blamed the vaccines when the first cat became ill because giving so many ingredients at once didn't sit well with me. It seemed like we should space them apart to minimize any side effects but they reassured me they do this all the time.
Think long and hard before injecting any foreign things into any living beings body. Ended up losing all 3 of these beautiful cats so they could spend time outside without getting pregnant. Totally wasn't worth losing them!
I just had to put down my 18 year old cat Cloudy a few days ago. I was hoping that maybe someone could give me a possible answer as to what her tumor was…
It started out as a small fleshy bump under her skin on her chest/neck. It started to grow, but the entire time it never seemed to physically hurt her, you could touch and clean it and she wouldn't react at all. Eventually it grew to the size of a golfball and burst. I thought it might have just been an abscess and was going to heal, especially because it was definitely infected by the contents. But it didn't. It just continued to grow…
It got to the size where it completely filled a mask, which is what we used to tie around her neck so that it wasn't open to the air and so that she didn't, well to put it frankly, ooze everywhere or scratch at it. She still was unbothered by it. We had her on antibiotics which took away the horrid smell for the most part. If we missed even a day between getting a new script for her, it would start to smell awful. That sweet, putrid, rotten smell. It eventually was this mass of open flesh and random hair… like folds upon folds and it constantly leaked infected puss. Some days hardly at all, but other days she would go through 3 masks a day. (The reusable cloth ones were the most comfortable for her.)
And yet, she ate (a lot!) and slept, and sun bathed and even played a little bit. The pain of losing her is something I don't think I'll ever get over. I'm 26, and I have loved and lost many animals. Horses, goats, dogs, cows, cats. It's the hardest part of caring for any animal. Making the call on when to say goodbye so that they don't suffer, or suffer more.
I was just wondering if anyone had any idea on what it might have been. Because my vet was honestly helpful in providing antibiotics… But could never give an answer as to what it might be. I assume some type of cancer, but I've still never seen an ruptured and open tumor so gruesome and yet non-painful for the animal. It was small and unnoticeable for a lot longer than it was large, it grew very fast and sometimes chunks would fall off or hang off, and we'd have to cut it off… She never even flinched when we did that though.
I want to say it grew from the size of a golf ball to a bit larger than being able to fit in a single mask (the ones we are all accustomed to) in the span of about 3 to 4 months.
Finding out exactly what it was isn't extremely important to me, it won't bring her back. But if there's knowledge to be discovered about how it might have been prevented or just a possible name for it, I would gladly listen. I know I could have had a biopsy on her, but the $300 to get her cremated on top of the fees for her euthanization… I didn't have the money to spend on a biopsy honestly. So anyone who could reply with some knowledge about what it was or could have been, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.
I just got a kitten, 5 months, he has a lump on the front leg. The vet took a needle biopsy and it showed abnormal cells. Medical costs of nearly 1000 dollars for a cat I have only had a week. I am drowning with worry and anxiety.
My 5 month old kitten got his first FVRCP/FeLV in his right shoulder blade Nov. 25th and I noticed a lump on Dec. 15th (could have been there earlier) under the skin that is kind of firm/squishy and I can pick it up with my fingers but one end of it seems attached. Is this likely to be a reaction lump and not sarcoma? I'm petrified it's ISS.
Thankyou for this, well explained! I think my cat has this, its growing rapidly, but she is an older cat (12) with breast cancer and thyroid issues, so I realize in the cost benefit surgery is not worth at this point.
Please help. My cat was diagnosed with this type of cancer. He had an initial surgery, and a second surgery by a surgical oncologist. He then began radiotherapy but he had a heart attack. In his ecg his heart is normal but his heart is a bit large. My question is we are requesting an anesthesiologist's consultation to develop a plan for my cat to be able to undergo additional radiotherapy. We have also been offered electrochemotherapy for his treatment. Which type of treatment do you think is best for this type of cancer?
Wow I believe that's how my cat got cancer in her limb right leg were the vaccines were givennow today it's getting amputated she 8 and I have one at that about 1 but I'm not getting anymore vaccines for them I totally agree
So my beloved cat, Milo, had a rare aggressive cancer that totally engulfed his larnyx. So is a vaccine the cause? I am devastated since losing my baby boy. He was only 6 1/2 years old! He was euthanized January 8, 2020 because there was no good outcome for poor Milo. He was such a beautiful Ragdoll. He only had vaccines given before I received him from the breeder. He never had the rabies vaccine.
This freaks me out because rabies vaccine is mandatory where I am. I will be fined and they would refuse to treat my cat if he did have another problem 😫 They are indoor cats!
Hi if you can see this comment can you please return me . A few months ago i vaccineted my male cat then i have founded a lump after that ı called the veterinary where my cat gets his vaccine they told me to do massage at the vaccine area then i did after a few days the lump was gone . A weeks later a scab appeard at the vaccine area a scab that looks like a circle with his hair my cat tried to pull it with his mouth and he did and now he is walking arround with no furr at the vaccine area and 5 cm after vaccine area there is an another bald spot appeard (probably it happened bu stress). I am asking you was that a effect of sarcoma ? Did he got cancer? Fur will come up again ? And of course i talked about vet but the are not explaning it to me and ı am about to go crazy please help my e mail is giraydayi02@gmail.com
I just recently got my kitty and I notice lots of cat have die from cancer relate to these vaccines I am afraid to give her shots I been doing my own research.
If vaccines can cause cancer in cats, then they surely can cause cancer in humans. Even the United Mafia government admitted there was a cancer virus in the polio vaccine. SV40
The non adjuvanted feline rabies vaccine is called purevax rabies and the non adjuvant feline leukemia vaccine is called purevax felv. There is also a vaccine that can be used to treat a sarcoma after a cat gets one before removal made by the same manufacturer. Weather vaccinating is good or bad, if your cat has to get vaccines, non adjuvented takes the biggest risk of getting these cancerous bumps out!
shortly after our cat got the rabies vaccine a few months ago and a injection to help his hair grow back in a certain spot and his wound healed and a few months later diagnosed with leukemia and died today. do you think the rabies vaccine caused leukemia in our cat ?
Unfortunately our 3 year old cat was just diagnosed with it. We caught it quite quick, we started noticing the lump 3 weeks ago, and we took him straight to the vet. After the biopsy we found out he has cancer and we need to remove it as soon as possible. We are operating him today to remove it and than we will continue with chemotherapy. From your experience, how long will their lifespan be after the treatment?
Can it be somehow transmitted also? We have another cat also
PLEASE PLEASE REPLY DR. JONES I have two cats one is 10 months old and another is 16 months old….the 10 months old one is not vaccinated at all…but the 16 months one was vaccinated (rabbis) once at the age of 4 months..Our area is like a village area and there exist bat, foxes,rats and more like that ….and my cats are outdoor ones …so is this needed to give RABBIS and PANLEUKOPENIA (for distemper) vaccines to both of my cats yearly…if not then what should I do to avoid that kind of diseases?…but I can't keep them caged at home….I am so confused…vets are not easily available here…and who are available they can't say the particular matter….
Vaccines in humans and pets are the biggest scam of the century; all creatures survived and lived well from the beginning of time without vaccines. I vaccinated and also microchipped my beloved baby girl, who was this year 16, trusting her vet who never once told me which are the dangers of them. Quite the opposite, he always praised the benefit they can provide to the pets. 7 years ago I found out about the awful side effects these miseries can have and I stopped vaccinated my baby, however much he opposed. She was all right and never got any disease he scared me she will have without vaccines. Unfortunately it was still too late because her past showed up at the beginning of this year in a dreadful form of cancer to the site of vaccination and microchipping. She died in my arms 7 weeks ago. My heart is bleeding non stop since. I will never forget this. I will never forgive the miserable who never warned me about the side effects as the professional ethic requires. If I will be a criminal I would go and kill him. But I am not. I can only hope one day he will be confronted by the divine justice. As for me, I live every moment with a guilty conscience for being ignorant and trusting someone who is making a good living out of this. My life is and probably will be hell until my last breath as she was for me not just a cat, she was my whole world, my little angel, the most beautiful and pure thing which ever happened to me. It is good there are in this world professionals like you who are making their living in a honest way. At least, you can sleep well night time, without having on your conscience the pets you killed with those poisons. Your work here is gorgeous. I followed some of your advices on other videos about how to treat the wound of my baby in a holistic manner and they made her condition a bit better and perhaps prolonged a bit more her existence. Unfortunately she could not be cured by anything I tried. However, thank you and be blessed!
My cat has a bump near his shoulder blades too. We just brought him to the vet and we get the blood work back in two days. Vets say it's cancer, what do you think?
I’ve just noticed a raised area on my cat right should blade, it’s kind of squishy and moves a little. She had injections just over a week ago. I hope it goes away. I wish I would have known this before, as I would have left my 10 year old indoor cat alone. She only goes in the garden, if she becomes ill I will be so mad at myself.
Dealing with the beginnings of this right now… not from a vaccine, from a depo-medrol 'methylprednisolone' shot. My 7 year old female has a bad bout of allergies and after a few dexamethasone shots didn't work we danced around the idea of depo-medrol with a lot of hesitancy from both myself and my vet, but one day I came home and one side of her head was just ripped to shreds from scratching so I made the decision. It's been 3 months since that shot and just last week I noticed what I thought was a bite abscess (which she's never had, but we have multiple cats…. though they've never bitten each other before) but after the vet discovered no sign of trauma, no injury or bite wound or hair loss – no redness or heat as is common with abscess, and no response to antibiotics as of today, it's looking like this is where we are. I just got off the phone with an 'at home euthanasia' place which made me feel better knowing that's an option. I wouldn't do the surgery personally – as I see that prognosis even with a successful first surgery is 6-12 months.. I don't even know if I'm going to do a biopsy as those alone can set the whole thing into motion. idk, lt me know if you have any thoughts doc.
This is good to know. Vaccines can cause cancer.
I am hearing of so many cats getting cancer. When I grew up it just wasn't a thing like it is now. But back then vaccines weren't a huge thing either. I'm convinced the vaccines are causing these cancers and people are vaccinating yearly their indoor cats. I have four cats and I will not have then vaccinated. They're indoor only so there's no need
I am so worried that my new kitten has this
my kitten just got vaccinated, he has a hard lump about a few days after. should I take him to the vet or be worried?
Can I protect my other cats from getting it or do I have to give away my cat?
Oddly enough I adopted 3 stray female cats several years ago. They lived indoors and lived happy lives. They would go outside from time to time so I got them spayed. They could go in and out as they wished.
The odd part. The vet wouldn't spay them unless they had rabies and other vaccines (a list of them). A couple weeks after the procedure one cat came down with respiratory infection. We treated her twice. She ended up passing away without any answers. The next cat came down with runny nose and passed away before her vet appointment. Here we are 2 years after and the last cat had respiratory infection too! She was treated for it. She bounced back but a month after she wouldn't eat at all and I decided to switch vets. This new vet treated her for the infection but she didn't bounce back as expected and they did blood work to confirm she was + for feline leukemia! This was 3 weeks ago. Im convinced the vaccines gave all my cats this feline leukemia. I didn't know exactly what it was at the time but I immediately blamed the vaccines when the first cat became ill because giving so many ingredients at once didn't sit well with me. It seemed like we should space them apart to minimize any side effects but they reassured me they do this all the time.
Think long and hard before injecting any foreign things into any living beings body. Ended up losing all 3 of these beautiful cats so they could spend time outside without getting pregnant. Totally wasn't worth losing them!
I just had to put down my 18 year old cat Cloudy a few days ago. I was hoping that maybe someone could give me a possible answer as to what her tumor was…
It started out as a small fleshy bump under her skin on her chest/neck. It started to grow, but the entire time it never seemed to physically hurt her, you could touch and clean it and she wouldn't react at all. Eventually it grew to the size of a golfball and burst. I thought it might have just been an abscess and was going to heal, especially because it was definitely infected by the contents. But it didn't. It just continued to grow…
It got to the size where it completely filled a mask, which is what we used to tie around her neck so that it wasn't open to the air and so that she didn't, well to put it frankly, ooze everywhere or scratch at it. She still was unbothered by it. We had her on antibiotics which took away the horrid smell for the most part. If we missed even a day between getting a new script for her, it would start to smell awful. That sweet, putrid, rotten smell. It eventually was this mass of open flesh and random hair… like folds upon folds and it constantly leaked infected puss. Some days hardly at all, but other days she would go through 3 masks a day. (The reusable cloth ones were the most comfortable for her.)
And yet, she ate (a lot!) and slept, and sun bathed and even played a little bit. The pain of losing her is something I don't think I'll ever get over. I'm 26, and I have loved and lost many animals. Horses, goats, dogs, cows, cats. It's the hardest part of caring for any animal. Making the call on when to say goodbye so that they don't suffer, or suffer more.
I was just wondering if anyone had any idea on what it might have been. Because my vet was honestly helpful in providing antibiotics… But could never give an answer as to what it might be. I assume some type of cancer, but I've still never seen an ruptured and open tumor so gruesome and yet non-painful for the animal. It was small and unnoticeable for a lot longer than it was large, it grew very fast and sometimes chunks would fall off or hang off, and we'd have to cut it off… She never even flinched when we did that though.
I want to say it grew from the size of a golf ball to a bit larger than being able to fit in a single mask (the ones we are all accustomed to) in the span of about 3 to 4 months.
Finding out exactly what it was isn't extremely important to me, it won't bring her back. But if there's knowledge to be discovered about how it might have been prevented or just a possible name for it, I would gladly listen. I know I could have had a biopsy on her, but the $300 to get her cremated on top of the fees for her euthanization… I didn't have the money to spend on a biopsy honestly. So anyone who could reply with some knowledge about what it was or could have been, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.
why isnt purevax and thermasol free rabies vaccines advised. thats what I use
I just got a kitten, 5 months, he has a lump on the front leg. The vet took a needle biopsy and it showed abnormal cells. Medical costs of nearly 1000 dollars for a cat I have only had a week. I am drowning with worry and anxiety.
My 5 month old kitten got his first FVRCP/FeLV in his right shoulder blade Nov. 25th and I noticed a lump on Dec. 15th (could have been there earlier) under the skin that is kind of firm/squishy and I can pick it up with my fingers but one end of it seems attached. Is this likely to be a reaction lump and not sarcoma? I'm petrified it's ISS.
Thankyou for this, well explained! I think my cat has this, its growing rapidly, but she is an older cat (12) with breast cancer and thyroid issues, so I realize in the cost benefit surgery is not worth at this point.
Please help. My cat was diagnosed with this type of cancer. He had an initial surgery, and a second surgery by a surgical oncologist. He then began radiotherapy but he had a heart attack. In his ecg his heart is normal but his heart is a bit large. My question is we are requesting an anesthesiologist's consultation to develop a plan for my cat to be able to undergo additional radiotherapy. We have also been offered electrochemotherapy for his treatment. Which type of treatment do you think is best for this type of cancer?
Wow I believe that's how my cat got cancer in her limb right leg were the vaccines were givennow today it's getting amputated she 8 and I have one at that about 1 but I'm not getting anymore vaccines for them I totally agree
So my beloved cat, Milo, had a rare aggressive cancer that totally engulfed his larnyx. So is a vaccine the cause? I am devastated since losing my baby boy. He was only 6 1/2 years old! He was euthanized January 8, 2020 because there was no good outcome for poor Milo. He was such a beautiful Ragdoll. He only had vaccines given before I received him from the breeder. He never had the rabies vaccine.
Can you address the 3-year rabies vaccine? Thanks!
7:10 ❤️
This freaks me out because rabies vaccine is mandatory where I am. I will be fined and they would refuse to treat my cat if he did have another problem 😫 They are indoor cats!
Hi if you can see this comment can you please return me . A few months ago i vaccineted my male cat then i have founded a lump after that ı called the veterinary where my cat gets his vaccine they told me to do massage at the vaccine area then i did after a few days the lump was gone . A weeks later a scab appeard at the vaccine area a scab that looks like a circle with his hair my cat tried to pull it with his mouth and he did and now he is walking arround with no furr at the vaccine area and 5 cm after vaccine area there is an another bald spot appeard (probably it happened bu stress). I am asking you was that a effect of sarcoma ? Did he got cancer? Fur will come up again ? And of course i talked about vet but the are not explaning it to me and ı am about to go crazy please help my e mail is giraydayi02@gmail.com
So vaccines can cause cancer in human like animals??
I am so thankful to God that I found you! You have the by far the BEST info. out there and HONEST TOO! God bless you and your family!
I just recently got my kitty and I notice lots of cat have die from cancer relate to these vaccines I am afraid to give her shots I been doing my own research.
If vaccines can cause cancer in cats, then they surely can cause cancer in humans. Even the United Mafia government admitted there was a cancer virus in the polio vaccine. SV40
Hi there
The non adjuvanted feline rabies vaccine is called purevax rabies and the non adjuvant feline leukemia vaccine is called purevax felv. There is also a vaccine that can be used to treat a sarcoma after a cat gets one before removal made by the same manufacturer. Weather vaccinating is good or bad, if your cat has to get vaccines, non adjuvented takes the biggest risk of getting these cancerous bumps out!
I'm a bit perturbed my vet didn't mention this risk. A month ago she got two injections and now has a lump 🙁
I'm curious why does this guy say he's a vet when he's not a vet anymore
Are the concerns the same with nasal vaccines, or does it mainly apply to injectable vaccines?
shortly after our cat got the rabies vaccine a few months ago and a injection to help his hair grow back in a certain spot and his wound healed and a few months later diagnosed with leukemia and died today. do you think the rabies vaccine caused leukemia in our cat ?
Excellent data. Thanks for your input Sir
Vaccines cause cancer, many autoimmune diseases, autism. http://www.learntherisk.org
A helpful vedio
Unfortunately our 3 year old cat was just diagnosed with it. We caught it quite quick, we started noticing the lump 3 weeks ago, and we took him straight to the vet. After the biopsy we found out he has cancer and we need to remove it as soon as possible. We are operating him today to remove it and than we will continue with chemotherapy. From your experience, how long will their lifespan be after the treatment?
Can it be somehow transmitted also? We have another cat also
PLEASE PLEASE REPLY DR. JONES I have two cats one is 10 months old and another is 16 months old….the 10 months old one is not vaccinated at all…but the 16 months one was vaccinated (rabbis) once at the age of 4 months..Our area is like a village area and there exist bat, foxes,rats and more like that ….and my cats are outdoor ones …so is this needed to give RABBIS and PANLEUKOPENIA (for distemper) vaccines to both of my cats yearly…if not then what should I do to avoid that kind of diseases?…but I can't keep them caged at home….I am so confused…vets are not easily available here…and who are available they can't say the particular matter….
Vaccines in humans and pets are the biggest scam of the century; all creatures survived and lived well from the beginning of time without vaccines. I vaccinated and also microchipped my beloved baby girl, who was this year 16, trusting her vet who never once told me which are the dangers of them. Quite the opposite, he always praised the benefit they can provide to the pets. 7 years ago I found out about the awful side effects these miseries can have and I stopped vaccinated my baby, however much he opposed. She was all right and never got any disease he scared me she will have without vaccines. Unfortunately it was still too late because her past showed up at the beginning of this year in a dreadful form of cancer to the site of vaccination and microchipping. She died in my arms 7 weeks ago. My heart is bleeding non stop since. I will never forget this. I will never forgive the miserable who never warned me about the side effects as the professional ethic requires. If I will be a criminal I would go and kill him. But I am not. I can only hope one day he will be confronted by the divine justice. As for me, I live every moment with a guilty conscience for being ignorant and trusting someone who is making a good living out of this. My life is and probably will be hell until my last breath as she was for me not just a cat, she was my whole world, my little angel, the most beautiful and pure thing which ever happened to me. It is good there are in this world professionals like you who are making their living in a honest way. At least, you can sleep well night time, without having on your conscience the pets you killed with those poisons. Your work here is gorgeous. I followed some of your advices on other videos about how to treat the wound of my baby in a holistic manner and they made her condition a bit better and perhaps prolonged a bit more her existence. Unfortunately she could not be cured by anything I tried. However, thank you and be
My cat has a bump near his shoulder blades too. We just brought him to the vet and we get the blood work back in two days. Vets say it's cancer, what do you think?
I’ve just noticed a raised area on my cat right should blade, it’s kind of squishy and moves a little. She had injections just over a week ago. I hope it goes away. I wish I would have known this before, as I would have left my 10 year old indoor cat alone. She only goes in the garden, if she becomes ill I will be so mad at myself.