In this video, I, Watch Mojo, compile the first ever Top 5 list of the worst strains that you need to avoid at all costs. Nobody, not even … Check on YouTube
34 Commentaires
🔥Big thanks to THE GOODS for sponsoring & producing the trip🔥
Is say you deserve a little xtra weed for tripping all the way out here lmao. Look at the view count cookies would probably sponsor your stream without the other weed. I wonder how only repping 1 brand pans out. I’m not sure what’s disrespectful singling out the cheap bud or spacing it out with something like cookies which is more $$
Where’s close to the airport to buy weed going on a fishing trip and getting picked up from air port but need to stock up while there for and hour or 2
Took myself off to Barcelona last year. The dragon club has phenomenal bud. Cali Apple Fritters was my personal fav from there and the chicks that work there are soooooo fine. Second choice is koala club. 2 great venues
🔥Big thanks to THE GOODS for sponsoring & producing the trip🔥
Check them out here –
Make sure to check out the DrewIsStreaming channel
Half oz of weed for 110 is a steal
Is say you deserve a little xtra weed for tripping all the way out here lmao. Look at the view count cookies would probably sponsor your stream without the other weed. I wonder how only repping 1 brand pans out. I’m not sure what’s disrespectful singling out the cheap bud or spacing it out with something like cookies which is more $$
Get on with the video not drugs
Drew where is best place to get a chat?
Where’s close to the airport to buy weed going on a fishing trip and getting picked up from air port but need to stock up while there for and hour or 2
Somebody tell me about cookies? What's the other reason?
u da fucking goat
YOOO wtf how 2:50 5g/30 euros thats valid cheap even on czech street prices
Do they have nice hash aswel ?
What ya was trying to say is good stuff at a cheaper rate 😋😎🤗
Just caught a look at your fear-love tattoo, what inspired it…DD?
Mean while in au it’s half for 200
How do you get membership there?
Going to catolonia with my friend in summer thanks for the video man
You could catch them all ! Pokemon go
As a canadian id love to go to spain but man its expensive.. We get mids AAA for 50$ canadian a oz
Damn you can buy a quarter pound in Canada for $100 lol
You pay 15€ for a gram of weed? You rich!
£100 a day on bud! 🤣 love you drew! x
I get a oz of cookies for £130 of fat nugs and smokes fab 😋
How do I get a membership?
Sick vid bro making me want to just pack ma bags and f### off aha
You need to add 20€ for every club you went to tho so at the end you spent more than 100€
So cheap bro . I thought it would be dam prices . €18 a gram for gas in most places over there
Yo bro can I go over to Spain on holiday and go to the shops
you deffo went to the wrong clubs lmfao
Only thing £100 can get you over there is AIDS and not the good AIDS
fuck no i aint paying no 30 euros for 2g hahahah im from spain n i get good ass weed for 5 euros 1g but from the black market
An eighth of cookies fam mids apparently. Hey at least the packaging looks cool. 😂😂😂
Took myself off to Barcelona last year. The dragon club has phenomenal bud. Cali Apple Fritters was my personal fav from there and the chicks that work there are soooooo fine. Second choice is koala club. 2 great venues
People are watching this who are 40 and going barca who need actual info, sorry guys this channel is for nittys
So can any one just go over and get smoke bro?