I get asked all the time about how to stop greening how / whitey. Greening out / whitey can happen from all sorts of different things. Check on YouTube
It's happened to me in the past and I didn't realise, I thought the bud was lower quality .
I used love smoking Blueberry and cheese , but the strain lock kicked in . Lucky that year Lemon haze won the cup and then all of a sudden the haze made a comeback . I've been smoking haze for so long now it doesn't work half the time .
That's why my next grow is Gelato, wedding cake and stardawg . I've got some Strawberry amnesia aswell . I've got a peyote cookies freebie aswell . Let's hope they all pop and I have a smooth run .
I have been smoking on the exact same hash for almost 5 years and it still gets me very high. I "just" smoke one or sometimes two small joints in the evening so my tolerance is quite low.
Ammi haze is instant strain lock bud i hate that strain worst bud ever ammi i can smoke a 8th in a spliff and not even get red eye or feel stoned but could smoke a .5 of cheese and it would wreck me face sweating laughing 5 drags instant red eye is this the same for others or it just me lmao i fucking hate ammi id rarther scrape my grinder out and smoke that
Nice vid mate
It's happened to me in the past and I didn't realise, I thought the bud was lower quality .
I used love smoking Blueberry and cheese , but the strain lock kicked in . Lucky that year Lemon haze won the cup and then all of a sudden the haze made a comeback . I've been smoking haze for so long now it doesn't work half the time .
That's why my next grow is Gelato, wedding cake and stardawg . I've got some Strawberry amnesia aswell . I've got a peyote cookies freebie aswell .
Let's hope they all pop and I have a smooth run .
Mine was chesse 🧀
Mate terpenes are like flavonoids in fruit it all adds to the dish. I like tasting them DP!!
the white strains are gotta be my go to. For terpenes.
In Louisiana its all strain lock. Every dealer has the same ol doo doo.
Looks like you didn't stop smoking tobacco
Great video. very interesting.
its all the same just the flavours change
After every grow id get it.
I got strain lock with the blue cheese after a week.
I had this issue with blue cheese it got to the point where i would just get horrible headaches and now whenever i have any cheese they come back
strain lock is a thing my man
I have been smoking on the exact same hash for almost 5 years and it still gets me very high. I "just" smoke one or sometimes two small joints in the evening so my tolerance is quite low.
Terpenes regulate the “high” that’s what I say to people.
I do have this w stardawg
lol ive really done it watched all your videos again loool
Ammi haze is instant strain lock bud i hate that strain worst bud ever ammi i can smoke a 8th in a spliff and not even get red eye or feel stoned but could smoke a .5 of cheese and it would wreck me face sweating laughing 5 drags instant red eye is this the same for others or it just me lmao i fucking hate ammi id rarther scrape my grinder out and smoke that
True but rez can mix it up man
No man sativa any indika is ace Just have less for a week or go with out for fue days rez it up
Get it with stardog & Guava if smoke it for too long
Bring back the cheese!