33 Commentaires

  1. I wonder if black lives matter is paying for his legal fees? Wasn't this the man that beat a shop owner with an iron pipe? If so you're going to cry about having to work ankle bracelet and being on house arrest. If you would not have committed that crime you would not be where you are at… I guess it is true that every decision you make dictates your future.

  2. For him to have it on for nearly two years means they are seriously trying to build a case, he's clearly guilty. Typical blm Protester who should be asking where all the donation money has gone. And what good causszl they can prove they helped

  3. How do you think the people felt when he was being stupid and being some kind of Black Lives Matter knucklehead you get to go to the police stage? I hope they keep up the good work send him the Alcatraz.

  4. Wtf? It’s like he’s a whole terrorist. Some lame company made that ankle monitor and some other lame security company is probably monitoring it and torturing this man, on the tax payers dime.

  5. If he didn’t keep cameras in his house they would definitely violate him saying he wasnt in his house and that their ankle monitor can do no wrong and is always correct

  6. He’s whining and crying about the ankle bracelet? Lmao! Well don’t commit a f-in crime you smf! He cries but what about his victims? I guess he forgot that he is the reason that he wears that ankle bracelet!??? Those people never accept responsibility for their actions,never! If it was up to me,that mf would be rotting in jail instead of collecting a welfare check,food stamps and section 8 housing!! I don’t see him whining about that!!

  7. You wanted to be part of the criminal organization known as BLM and commit crime. This is the price you pay for it. (There’s video of him beating a shop owner with a pipe, he’s not innocent)

  8. Maybe he should have not gotten the charge that he got, but he went and Participated in the Black Lives Matter. Which is awesome, but should have kept his hands to his self. And he wouldn't have this problem just saying.

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