Check on YouTube
whats good yall enjoy coming on this morning hike with me, its not every day that I wake up this early to come for a walk. Check on YouTube
Whats good yalll I hope you enjoy this video I flew ALL the way out to Vegas in search of something special .. and I finally did it . Check on YouTube
AHAHHA here you have it guys , ONE pound hotbox sesh (seeeessshh) Go check out baddie.savage … Check on YouTube
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Slowly closes the door 😂
"Another day another sesh… "
If you don't shut your ass up and put 5 on it 😂
I hate these mfs
I knew a dude liks this. You got beer weed etc. Its what ever you dont mind sharing . Once he get his . No where to be found
Yo, is that a 330i?
This doesn’t usually happen but when it does i don’t trip abt it
lmao i match every single time
Y’all broke asf, if I got gas we smoking it, if my homie got gas or other dudes got gas we smoke that to, like that whole “match” shit sound broke asf like pull up and we all smoking and passing like 6 different blunts around if you don’t got weed then that cool y’all to broke to smoke a nigga out. Maybe next week a different nigga smoke you out so the next time you smoke out like it’s just weed y’all act like it’s a rarity
That's how u lose a friend and a plug
what's your prices I want some delivered to th uk
Sucks when ur homie is buying weed but never paying bills
Gen Z edgars have made weed Cringe ASF.
People pay for weed? It literally grows from the ground it's free and it's even better when you tend to it
That last bro😭😭 poor guy would’ve totallyyyy had it next time😭😭
Ong this how it be, I still smoke da homies up cuz I love em like family
I gotchu broski pull up
I’m trying to smoke out everyone just pull up and we’re gonna blaze for sure
That’s me I’ll be nice at first then I’ll be like homie wtf ???
He left his own car 😂
bro you just gave him your car and he ain’t even smoke you out😂
I friend with weed is a friend indeed 😅😂
That’s too real they j keep saying ‘IVE GOT YOU NEXT TIME’ like you really about to believe they lying ass.
Reasons why I smoke by myself, Niggas be cheap;it ain’t for you
A freind with weed is a freind indeed LEGEND
Made bro so mad he got out of his own whip
Fucking facts like wtf always trying smoke but never have any 😂
Next time lol
Bruh left his own car 💀
That shit sucks, when someone's not down to share
Fr and they don’t hit u up for anything else either only when they want to blaze gotta cut those fools off
Bruh that’s all my 5 homies they never have anything to match me with I spend like 130$ lasts me two months but when my homies wanna smoke shit lasts 1 month but to be fair it’s still a vibe getting high with my bros
My dumbass used to be the one always smoking out his homie(s). I lived in a town of 1400 people and very few people my own age lived close(2-3). Anyways i had this one friend who also liked to smoke, I would always invite him over freshman and sophomore year of highschool and usually smoke about a gram per session and watch South park. Later on down the line months later I ran out of weed while he was up be dude was trying to charge like $15 a gram and I was like fck that. Oh well, no use in crying over spilt milk. Lesson learned. 😅
Telling a homie to SMO (smoke me out) is one thing but Hitting up the homie to burn it and you dry is crazy 😂
I got friends that never match and I still smoke them out for years, those friends would slide if I need them to and they’re give me their last dollar
When I didnt buy for myself, everyone knew so if I got invited to smoke, I know Id never have to bring cause they already knew I didnt have anything lol
I hate when I gotta smoke out my friends 😂like how u can't afford some gas but still wanna smoke
This me 😭😭