39 Commentaires

  1. What I heard from a real chinese guy in our country India where we have our own version of chinese food which actually came from america. He said that chinese never used MSG cause it was invented by the japanese and chinese didn't like anything Japanese. They never used it as it was available around 1940s and obviously the chinese were cooking food way way before 1940(or 1903 when MSG was invented) They had very healthy quickly cooked dishes which had some really healing spices and herbs.
    When they went to USA nobody liked this chinese food. The early immigrants were surprised cause their food back in their country was selling like hot cakes.
    They did their own research back then and found something that I stumbled upon the japanese Ajinomoto website 20 years ago(The page had a list of channel partners since 1940s and it had every fast food and processed food company in USA and even some european companies yes Campbells soup to McDonald to dominos even Kraft cheese yes they were all using MSG without telling us/yall) the popular foods were using MSG and lots of fat. Yep the local diners that were not using MSG were using lard and pork fat and put bacon in everything.
    So the early chinese takeaways decided to change their recipes. They removed most of the expensive and very hard to get chinese spices and herbs. Just used soy sauce some chilli sauce and retained the ginger and apparently also increased garlic usage which is not a part Tao Chinese cooking and then added MSG and used Porkfat. They also decided to make it thick with cornstarch to make a gravy like made it easy for americans to swallow the food easily as they hardly chewed. You sit and eat noodles and rice make traditionally its very chewy.
    The fast food industry decided to attack Chinese takeaways and they picked MSG as they were hiding it and they called it Chinese restaurant syndrome.
    Its is strange in India too, almost every restaurant uses MSG infact the Punjabi and Mughlai restaurants which were older than Chinese restaurants were using MSG in their "balti"(base) gravy much before chinese restaurants were even in a thing in India. All fast food joints and especially non vegatarian joints yes even the heritage biryani joints were using MSG since the last 50 years.
    But when the mainstream published a 8 year study that in the short term MSG causes stomach ulcers and in the longterm is causes stomach cancer(this was peer reviewed study) they used the headline "Street chinese food causes stomach cancer" when even Maggi(the Indian ramen instant noodles) used MSG more than the limit.

  2. First of all, this looks amazing and you are very entertaining to watch and listen to.
    Also (just a suggestion/requist) ; maybe you could place a recipy, or list of ingredient's in the description!

    Thank you!

  3. How is this guy not the most famous chef on TV? He's a born teacher. Teach us Lucas! Actually, he reminds me of a young Jacques Pepin. High level of cooking knowledge. A natural teacher. Great voice. Charisma for days. Netflix – are you listening?

  4. Hong Kong Style Pan-Fried Noodles is the best way to cook nood's; it is crunchy on the outside, but soft + tender on the inside.
    Once the thick Chinese meat + veggie sauce is pored over the nood's – with the savory sauce drenching both crispy + soft nood's,
    + the delightful textures of the nood's – it is a party in your mouth.
    Although this style of nood's preparation is labor intensive, it is well worth it.

  5. Thanx for the info RE Edward Hopper's "Chop Suey"

    I don't think my forefathers, Toisanese-Chinese whom came to the US to build the Transcontinental Railroad, were "bad cooks";
    they were not 3 Michelin Stars chefs, but poor farmers + peasants + they had to cook food without many of the ingredients available
    in Guangdong Province. I read that the Chinese Railroad Worker's food was so good that many of the white workers also ate
    our Chinese Food.

    It speaks to our sense of practicality that we serve our food to all people, including the disadvantaged ones.
    (Before the Civil Rights Act, in the South, Chinese-owned stores were 1 of the few places Black Folks were allowed to shop.)

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