Dr Jones’ Free Book.. If your cat is itching, scratching, has hair loss, he may have an … Check on YouTube
37 Commentaires
Hello sir ,My dog is Jack Russell Terrier who is 3 years 7 month she is shaking her head continuosly everytime for 3 days till today .I am so scared for her what to do ?Is it a kind of phobia or anxiety or what?Actually in my place no current so its a type of phobia or what sir please sir reply .I am waiting for your reply its much needed.
My 18 and half week old lab puppy is shaking over his whole body while asleep . He's easy to wake and he stops . I covered him with a blanket to he is not cold ….what is this? I can't find it anywhere ?? It's only when he goes back to sleep and no not the dreaming twitch. It's shaking
My Faithful has little tremors because of age and not being able to hear anymore the CBD is a miracle🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you Doc it calms him down also the turmeric for his pain 🥰🥰
Dog head shaking condition could be caused by an ingredient in some flea and tick medications or Lyme's disease itself. In addition to switching to the collar type of preventative try feeding the dog grain-free food and adding a heaping scoop of high-fat low-sugar yogurt to each meal. When the dog has an incident have him reach upwards with his mouth to take treat(s) until he snaps out of it. This is what all but cured my dog.
I took a tick off my dog. Got it all out. The site has dried and scabbed. She is shaking every 5 seconds, even when she is trying to sleep. However doesn’t shake if we are playing or going for walks. Anyone have any ideas? 14 pound shihtzu/ bichon mix 9 years old healthy. Thanks
My dog, his name is Buster and he has been shaking and it started when I got up this morning. He jumped off my bed and layed on the floor. When ever he would get up he whimpered and he had a hard time staying comfortable in one spot. It's now a few hours later and hes still shaking really bad. I put him up on my bed and have a blanket over him, but he starts panting after a while maybe from him being hot. But hes shaking really bad and it's kinda scaring me cause hes 12 almost 13. His breed is really only supposed to live till about 9 or 10 (at least that's what I've heard) He is a begal hound. I'm worried and I dont know what to do…
My puppy shakes every time I feed her and do her training. She sits, stays, comes, and shakes a paw without flaw but I can't help but wonder if it stresses her out or if there is something more serious at play with all the shakes.
good vid…my chihuahua has started shaking out of the blue…he does lick his paws so thinking he might have something there…he doesn’t do it all of the time so not overly concerned about it…
My miniature poodle shivers a lot on car rides, but calms when I hold her in my lap. Thunder is another matter. No amount of cuddling stops the shaking.
My dog shakes when I get home from work and when I take him for a ride in the van. He's happy to go walk around the forest preserves or some fishing place. He's very sensitive to my voice sometimes. He rarely gets cold. In fact, he loves when it's a lot of snow. He absolutely hates rain. He loves fireworks and actually tried to catch them many times. Why he shakes is puzzling me. He's a poodle bischon dog. He's about 14 years old now. He always drinks lots of water. He always did that. I totally rule out being cold. Once in a while, he's had stiff right rear leg. Once he's walking around, his sore leg gets much better and actually goes away.
My dog shakes because of loud noises. If a gun goes off or any type of strange noises. Even a lawnmower. Putting a ladder up against my house. I've thought about putting cotton in her ears. No mine hates loud noises. I'm getting some of that .
Thank you so much much for taking the time to post this beautiful video. I have learned so much bye watching your channel. I have a German Shepherd and she a one year old and she always afraid of everything what? Can do to help her?
Only thing my Collie hates is the washing machine. She will run from door to door to see if she can open the doors. She can if not locked. No shaking,just panic. My fault as I don't do much washing . She has no worries with the vacuum or anything else. So ,as a trainer I feel awful. Great topic,thank you : )
Dr Jones, your subscribers really like your truthful content and so do I. Definitely, not trying to step on your toes, nor do I want to sound rude. But you ask us to leave comments, yet you do not respond to some important questions. You must be super busy as most of us are, yet we all still take the time to watch, comment, subscribe, like, and, share when we can…
Can you please answer other's questions, as well as mine, located within the next few questions? My Carrin, Rat Terrier mix has always, even as a pup shakes during a rain or thunder storm. Tried desensitizing her, she's a little better, but still shakes. Do you have any suggestions for her other than CBD oil? Thank you kindly for your time and help in advance.
Great Vid! My dog Opie who we lost 8 months ago started to have Head shakes about 1 week after his 3 year Rabies/Distemper shot, which then turned into elevated Liver #'s in his blood 1 year later. Then one day he started to act very strange out of no where as if he did not know where he was and was running into things. Took him to our vet they did blood work and his liver numbers were off the chart, they did an ultrasound on his liver and found a mass. It was then we had to make the very hard decision to put him down. I really think you are on to something with these vaccines as he showed NO signs or any issues until just after those shots. Maybe coincident but I fear not!
Hello sir ,My dog is Jack Russell Terrier who is 3 years 7 month she is shaking her head continuosly everytime for 3 days till today .I am so scared for her what to do ?Is it a kind of phobia or anxiety or what?Actually in my place no current so its a type of phobia or what sir please sir reply .I am waiting for your reply its much needed.
My 18 and half week old lab puppy is shaking over his whole body while asleep . He's easy to wake and he stops . I covered him with a blanket to he is not cold ….what is this? I can't find it anywhere ?? It's only when he goes back to sleep and no not the dreaming twitch. It's shaking
Quick question, my dog got stung by somthing and he doesn't stop shaking. What can I give him or put on him so I can help with his shaking?
My Faithful has little tremors because of age and not being able to hear anymore the CBD is a miracle🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you Doc it calms him down also the turmeric for his pain 🥰🥰
Dog head shaking condition could be caused by an ingredient in some flea and tick medications or Lyme's disease itself. In addition to switching to the collar type of preventative try feeding the dog grain-free food and adding a heaping scoop of high-fat low-sugar yogurt to each meal. When the dog has an incident have him reach upwards with his mouth to take treat(s) until he snaps out of it. This is what all but cured my dog.
I took a tick off my dog. Got it all out. The site has dried and scabbed. She is shaking every 5 seconds, even when she is trying to sleep. However doesn’t shake if we are playing or going for walks. Anyone have any ideas? 14 pound shihtzu/ bichon mix 9 years old healthy. Thanks
I need help, my dad dropped my dog on the floor and he didnt break anything but he wont stop shaking, I think he is traumatized i dont know what to do
My dog, his name is Buster and he has been shaking and it started when I got up this morning. He jumped off my bed and layed on the floor. When ever he would get up he whimpered and he had a hard time staying comfortable in one spot. It's now a few hours later and hes still shaking really bad. I put him up on my bed and have a blanket over him, but he starts panting after a while maybe from him being hot. But hes shaking really bad and it's kinda scaring me cause hes 12 almost 13. His breed is really only supposed to live till about 9 or 10 (at least that's what I've heard) He is a begal hound. I'm worried and I dont know what to do…
My puppy shakes every time I feed her and do her training. She sits, stays, comes, and shakes a paw without flaw but I can't help but wonder if it stresses her out or if there is something more serious at play with all the shakes.
Most of my dogs Lower half is shaking and when I touch above her tails she starts crying
good vid…my chihuahua has started shaking out of the blue…he does lick his paws so thinking he might have something there…he doesn’t do it all of the time so not overly concerned about it…
My miniature poodle shivers a lot on car rides, but calms when I hold her in my lap. Thunder is another matter. No amount of cuddling stops the shaking.
Thank you so much for this video my dog was trembling and it’s probably because of my very loud dishwasher
My dog shakes when I get home from work and when I take him for a ride in the van. He's happy to go walk around the forest preserves or some fishing place. He's very sensitive to my voice sometimes. He rarely gets cold. In fact, he loves when it's a lot of snow. He absolutely hates rain. He loves fireworks and actually tried to catch them many times. Why he shakes is puzzling me. He's a poodle bischon dog. He's about 14 years old now. He always drinks lots of water. He always did that. I totally rule out being cold. Once in a while, he's had stiff right rear leg. Once he's walking around, his sore leg gets much better and actually goes away.
Hi now friend please to me back thanks
My dog shakes because of loud noises. If a gun goes off or any type of strange noises. Even a lawnmower. Putting a ladder up against my house. I've thought about putting cotton in her ears. No mine hates loud noises. I'm getting some of that .
I don't understand everything
I do not know what you are saying to use other than the CBD… Alfinie? Thanks for your help!
my boxer is shivering and panting. and he is acting strange. what could it be? this only happens in the evening
Thank you so much much for taking the time to post this beautiful video.
I have learned so much bye watching your channel.
I have a German Shepherd and she a one year old and she always afraid of everything what? Can do to help her?
Your Awesome!
Thank you💖
I felt much better now Sir, thanks for all your concerns my friends.
Only thing my Collie hates is the washing machine. She will run from door to door to see if she can open the doors. She can if not locked. No shaking,just panic. My fault as I don't do much washing . She has no worries with the vacuum or anything else. So ,as a trainer I feel awful. Great topic,thank you : )
Bad teeth can cause a dog to shake also.
Dr Jones, your subscribers really like your truthful content and so do I. Definitely, not trying to step on your toes, nor do I want to sound rude. But you ask us to leave comments, yet you do not respond to some important questions. You must be super busy as most of us are, yet we all still take the time to watch, comment, subscribe, like, and, share when we can…
Can you please answer other's questions, as well as mine, located within the next few questions? My Carrin, Rat Terrier mix has always, even as a pup shakes during a rain or thunder storm. Tried desensitizing her, she's a little better, but still shakes. Do you have any suggestions for her other than CBD oil? Thank you kindly for your time and help in advance.
Great Vid! My dog Opie who we lost 8 months ago started to have Head shakes about 1 week after his 3 year Rabies/Distemper shot, which then turned into elevated Liver #'s in his blood 1 year later. Then one day he started to act very strange out of no where as if he did not know where he was and was running into things. Took him to our vet they did blood work and his liver numbers were off the chart, they did an ultrasound on his liver and found a mass. It was then we had to make the very hard decision to put him down. I really think you are on to something with these vaccines as he showed NO signs or any issues until just after those shots. Maybe coincident but I fear not!
Aaaaaa I love little Tula she's tough. 😙🤗
We have whole dried hemp that we give the dogs ( a pinch a day). Would that be as good as the CBD oil?
I am so happy I found you!!!
Thank you Dr. Andrew! Very informative! But I also have to say "WOW" you have great lungs!😁 Blessing's to you, your family, and furbabies.💝
I’ve seen recently cbd oil with Artificial sweetener xylitol in it, read those labels !
Sugar has seizures, but we haven’t put her on medication yet because they are sporadic, but it’s so sad.
Thank you for your information.
Dr. Jones, do you ever get concerned about frostbite on Tulas paws? Have you ever tried putting booties on her? Happy Holidays
Thank you so much Dr I find your video's very interesting!! Your information is so Great! I am learning alot, again Thank you!!!!
I don't see the link for your free book