47 Commentaires

  1. Marina looks more spaced out than I do when I've been woken up at 5am by the voices in my head that are constantly telling me to jerk off at a picture of Susan Boyle. Anyway stoners only celebrate 4/20 because it's hitlers birthday and stoners are nazis like trump thats why weed is legal in the US (__)_)::::::::::::D ~ ~ {(|)} also the earth is a flat donut look at the proof people

  2. I can tell she's on adderall because I took it for 3 days straight with no sleep and that's how I looked.. everything was slow.. I took 4 hours just to do my makeup because of how slow I was being and I couldn't think straight I even went to school and people noticed I was acting weird. Whenever she is sober again she probably won't remember a lot of the stuff she did or she will but it will all seem like it didn't really happen because she isn't really in her own state of mind right now she's basically brain dead.. just walking and barely even thinking that's why it's hard for her to just answer these questions.. it's very sad but it's her choice and their is nothing we can do.. as dumb as it sounds she's to far into it now and she isn't thinking properly enough to even stop herself

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