So I have been using a banger for many years, but recently all the talk is about a terp slurper… But was is a terp slurper, and is a … Check on YouTube
Marina looks more spaced out than I do when I've been woken up at 5am by the voices in my head that are constantly telling me to jerk off at a picture of Susan Boyle. Anyway stoners only celebrate 4/20 because it's hitlers birthday and stoners are nazis like trump thats why weed is legal in the US (__)_)::::::::::::D ~ ~ {(|)} also the earth is a flat donut look at the proof people
I can tell she's on adderall because I took it for 3 days straight with no sleep and that's how I looked.. everything was slow.. I took 4 hours just to do my makeup because of how slow I was being and I couldn't think straight I even went to school and people noticed I was acting weird. Whenever she is sober again she probably won't remember a lot of the stuff she did or she will but it will all seem like it didn't really happen because she isn't really in her own state of mind right now she's basically brain dead.. just walking and barely even thinking that's why it's hard for her to just answer these questions.. it's very sad but it's her choice and their is nothing we can do.. as dumb as it sounds she's to far into it now and she isn't thinking properly enough to even stop herself
She looks like a robot, very strange
Why does she look so uncomfortable 😐
They're Definitely tripping
absolutely insane
The way Marina just looks deep into your soul gives me the heebie jeebies.
00:00 Brazil language is Portuguese not Spanish LOL like, the fuck??
"would you rather do drugs or do more drugs?"
Nah she’s fully a robot
Jeez she really was out of her mind on drugs.
So in this video they were high xD
she's such a freak, trying way too hard to be different or is undiagnosed
He got gammi breath
He kept picking her awnsers too impress
…we speak portuguese in Brazil
Drew got marina on ket
The longer you look at her the more she looks edited in
wtf happend to her
Marina looks more spaced out than I do when I've been woken up at 5am by the voices in my head that are constantly telling me to jerk off at a picture of Susan Boyle. Anyway stoners only celebrate 4/20 because it's hitlers birthday and stoners are nazis like trump thats why weed is legal in the US (__)_)::::::::::::D ~ ~ {(|)} also the earth is a flat donut look at the proof people
She’s a fruit loop her
help me
I thought you were bout to smoke a joint with her kms
how the fuck u get the VISA to travel trough the world man?
Cheerio! Great job!
Marina doesn't know what to do with her hands lol
So like was she kid napped or a junkie ? Shits confusing.
I can tell she's on adderall because I took it for 3 days straight with no sleep and that's how I looked.. everything was slow.. I took 4 hours just to do my makeup because of how slow I was being and I couldn't think straight I even went to school and people noticed I was acting weird. Whenever she is sober again she probably won't remember a lot of the stuff she did or she will but it will all seem like it didn't really happen because she isn't really in her own state of mind right now she's basically brain dead.. just walking and barely even thinking that's why it's hard for her to just answer these questions.. it's very sad but it's her choice and their is nothing we can do.. as dumb as it sounds she's to far into it now and she isn't thinking properly enough to even stop herself
Finally, the back of the map of Marina. Look at how he tries to imitate her, my God, that he is obsessed with her 😆
does he smoke the weed that's growing on his head or is that seaweed
Brasil is in the house!
Did you just spoke in Spanish to Brasil?.. lol that's cute 🙂 but wrong language though ;3
I'm back :3
2:11 "I would rather have long hair, then you could have like…..long hair" wtf Mariana😂😂😂
You are gay
eat soup
5 feet long
no finger nails
would it look like a watermelon> a tennis ball!
burda bile türk var lan
but I still love her
she look high asf
he f##king sucks
1:57 "we look like beans anyway cos our heads are brains"
-fucknut 2016
Não entendo porque eles falaram em Espanhol sendo que no Brasil falamos Português, MDS hsuahsuahuh
We talk Portuguese in Brazil, okay peoples! :>
"because our heads is brains"