Damn, missed the live. Watching now, though. Give away any seeds, today? I'll find out, cause I'm watching the whole vid now. I need some seeds and every web site uses credit cards or bit coin or something else. I don't have that, just cash. I'll donate cash if ya'll will donate seeds.
love you guys keep on keepin on ill see you in the next one
Congrats to the winner. All the best you guys. great content as always!
Aww I missed it
Damn, missed the live. Watching now, though. Give away any seeds, today? I'll find out, cause I'm watching the whole vid now. I need some seeds and every web site uses credit cards or bit coin or something else. I don't have that, just cash. I'll donate cash if ya'll will donate seeds.
Dear God let me grow more
When the indoor veggies videos coming out?
HEY HIGHAGAIN SAW YOUR HELLO ON THE ican show. We have Been moving unilaterally.
Did i win fam?
Eyes are open and my phone keeps messing up
but that doesn't matter I wish the win er years of happiness and a super 

Somehow my
Big Larry
thank you for turning me on to this show

I want to hear your a winner ! I can feel it
Can you give me a company that sells veggie seeds & erbs just DM me things are costing us so much $
Indeed a buetiful woman you are bless you both & what a amazing story about how you started with the show
You guy's are outstanding just hard my dad is not doing well so Sundays are hard
I would love to win something for once in my life!
To paraphrase Billy Idol: Nice day for a Weed wedding.
Ah man! I missed the stream!
Just lost close friend to cancer
You guys rock
Rip hogdaddy God bless smoking for you
Great cause
Hog daddy
Great lite
Try pear tomatoes and heirloom they are killer
Ho we win the light ima new grower indoors
hello from iowa
Luck was on your side literally
For sure green is best
What up
Hog daddy
Am I to late
Pleas say I ai t to late I'm In va
Oh hog daddy
I missed it

What light u use for basil
Yes, my bowl is definitely ducttape right now.. it stuck for an extra 0.1 second to my finger in the garage… doneskis
He only won by default 2
I have 2cats and akitten
Have been watching for 3 months now u guys got me into growing for my first time
Big love ..what a Night