29 Commentaires

  1. I have a dog and a cat, love them to pieces! I am introverted yet nothing makes me happier than hanging out playing with my dog! Then again, I also love hanging with my cat…I don’t fit that study! 😉

  2. Can you help me Dr. My dog has long nails,and she want let me cut them,I know that they are growing into her pads.I am a shut in ,and I do have clippers but now that they are hurting her she want let me near,Please tell me what I should do?

  3. Hi Dr. jones….I love both but I love dogs more…
    I'm getting off the subject here but I am desperate for some help…..I have watched every one of your videos and even bought your cd….( very good I need to add) my 2 Shih Tzus' have yeast infection in their ears that I have been treating for 2 months now and the last month have been licking their feet. I have always had them on mostly homemade diet and some Halo kibble and Honest Kitchen dehydrated veggies ….but learning about the grains and the sugar content in some of the veggies , I have removed alllll this from their diet….I have them on Nature's Farmacy supplements .i have done the ACV etc in their ears and I quit that because they shook and scratched . Soooo anyhow my question???? I faithfully did the green tea,-ACV and salt soak at least 1x a day but allllll they do is lick lick. !!!!!!!!!! Everyone tells me I need to take them to the Vet….but I've been there done that for years now and all they give me is drops or type of gel……please help …do you have any other suggestions???? I so appreciate and VALUE what you are doing ! God Bless and thank you…I will patiently wait for your reply while my puppies break my heart with their licking, scratching and shaking here beside me…Thank you !

  4. I'm definitely a dog person. My ten dogs are the joy of my life! My three cats make me crazy! I adopted them for outside to police snakes and rats, but they run in and out when the doors are open in the summertime! Now that it's winter and my doors are closed more often they climb the steel screen door and shake their bodies back and forth until I let them in! Lol They don't care what time it is either! "3am? You were sleeping? LET ME IN!" Hahahaha

  5. Psychologists lol. What nonsense. I'm a dog person but not sociable except with dogs. : ) Question..My 2 year old Border Collie keeps getting what seems like pins and needles in her left hind leg. Should I worry? Could She have a hip issue or something . Appreciate a reply . Thank you : )

  6. I've been a cat person for almost 40 years. Have had dogs in my life for 22 years and have had both at the same time for the past 20 years. Couldn't live without either! And all of our animals are rescues. The back of my car is plastered with magnets and bumper stickers about them!

  7. I have two dogs, Jonah (Rhodesian Ridgeback) and Jethro (Black Lab) and two cats, Emma Frost (Asian/Calico) and Solomon (Marmalade.) Plus African fat tail geckos (2), a Red Cheek Glider turtle, goats, chickens, horses, a donkey, and a milk cow. They are all pets to me and they all have names. But, out of them all I would have to say Jonah is my personal baby. Most of the other animals are pets from others that I have given a home when they couldn't keep them or didn't want them any more. I am a year 60 old living on 20 acres in a 2400 sq. ft. house. My animals give me a reason to get up and keep moving. They keep me young and they're great company.

  8. Your channel is incredibly informative! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!!! I've learned alot! By chance, have you discussed female canine urinary incontinence? My 3 year old rescue dog has been wetting the bed at night. Thanks again!

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