This is a question i get asked all the time… What’s your thoughts on fake cali vs real cali? Is my cali fake? How do i know if my cali … Check on YouTube
Dude obviously you guys aren't role models 🙂 its about entertainment. You dont give advice on health and well being so you never claimed to be. Pewdiepie never claimed to be a role model. Onision did say he helps people, young adults and tweens. He doesn't though, he does more harm than good.
and honestly most people dont watch things they dont do.. most of the time.. i watch drew becuz im a stoner one of my friends doesn't smoke so she would watch weed channels. i mostly watch animal videos my gf doesnt love animals the way i do so she doesnt watch them. so that whole. role modle thing is bullshit
I completely agree with the video and I think it's bullshit when people say young kids are influenced by the content they watch and therefor a youtuber is responsible for it's audience, if there is someone underage involved it is ultimately the parent's responsibility.
Like Drew i like you. But just in this video I think people would have taken you a lot seriously if you didnt have a burn in your car. Like i get you but i'm just saying. But then again you might be proving a point that smoking a joint isn't something a role model would do….
you definitely can make a difference with your voice. obviously you don't have to.. and there are young impressionable kids prolly watching your shit but you didn't ask for that.. but in the right in suggested shit is a video that says how to get an underage tattoo by you.. which is dumb as shit and seems like you understand you're target audience is obviously younger.. like why the fuck would i watch that video when i can just go get a tatt? don't get a pot leat tatt kiddos.. you will most likely grow out of smoking weed.. me and tons of others have.
Here's the reality. no one cares to be a role model, parents that try and make people they see in everyday in life who are successful or rich. STOP TRYING TO MAKE THEM BE ROLE MODELS TO YOUR KID, cuz the reality is YOUUUUR the parent that's your job. They have there own lives, if they wanted to be role models, they'll have kids of their own. STOP trying to put successful and any kind of rich persons life under a microscope all of a sudden because you or you're kid likes what I do. Like live your own god damn life.
I agree with you that youtubers are regular people and shouldn't be glorified as these amazing role models but the truth is, most youtubers that young people watch have good comfortable lives and many young kids may copy these youtubers or try to imitate them because they think that it will result with them themselves being rich and famous
you dont always get to decide if you are a role model jackass. when you have that many people watching what you do you have a moral obligation to do the right thing.
you're my role model for my role as crazy hair'd stoner :)) (i am not that but i can only aspire)
You're a little asshole privilege kid never worked a day in your life.
Yo drew have you ever done Magic Truffles?
I love Braille skateboarding
Sorry to say this in your serious vid… but I wish i had your laugh bro
Totally agree 💜
Is that Jason filming?
Dude obviously you guys aren't role models 🙂 its about entertainment. You dont give advice on health and well being so you never claimed to be. Pewdiepie never claimed to be a role model. Onision did say he helps people, young adults and tweens. He doesn't though, he does more harm than good.
Can you do a video on why weed is NOT a "gateway" drug.
Love this
this is the greatest thing i have ever seen
and honestly most people dont watch things they dont do.. most of the time.. i watch drew becuz im a stoner one of my friends doesn't smoke so she would watch weed channels. i mostly watch animal videos my gf doesnt love animals the way i do so she doesnt watch them. so that whole. role modle thing is bullshit
you are a cutie
Lol i got the same shirt
I completely agree with the video and I think it's bullshit when people say young kids are influenced by the content they watch and therefor a youtuber is responsible for it's audience, if there is someone underage involved it is ultimately the parent's responsibility.
his sooo poor and his car
Jasons car 😍
People on the internet to whine and bitch like little bitches. like calm the fuck down and chill and eat pizza.😂 but I love your videos mate!
Dude, what's happened to your car? it's all multiple colors am I tripping my nut off?
Somebody provoked this crackhead on the name of role model. Stop swearing people you little crack head criminal.
Pewdiepie donates to charity :/
You're still my role model
Hey Drew, big fan! please can you tell me who did your cars' MOT? 😀
What a hobo
I'm just here for a thumbs down
ur not a role model :3
this should be the YouTube fuckin bible
Does anyone not see the ironic hypocrisy of this video. A drug user with a criminal record talking about role models. Er?
Like Drew i like you. But just in this video I think people would have taken you a lot seriously if you didnt have a burn in your car. Like i get you but i'm just saying. But then again you might be proving a point that smoking a joint isn't something a role model would do….
The paint in the car looks dope mate
you definitely can make a difference with your voice. obviously you don't have to.. and there are young impressionable kids prolly watching your shit but you didn't ask for that.. but in the right in suggested shit is a video that says how to get an underage tattoo by you.. which is dumb as shit and seems like you understand you're target audience is obviously younger.. like why the fuck would i watch that video when i can just go get a tatt? don't get a pot leat tatt kiddos.. you will most likely grow out of smoking weed.. me and tons of others have.
Well fuck me mate you're certainly not a fucking role model, I mean look at you.
Here's the reality. no one cares to be a role model, parents that try and make people they see in everyday in life who are successful or rich. STOP TRYING TO MAKE THEM BE ROLE MODELS TO YOUR KID, cuz the reality is YOUUUUR the parent that's your job. They have there own lives, if they wanted to be role models, they'll have kids of their own. STOP trying to put successful and any kind of rich persons life under a microscope all of a sudden because you or you're kid likes what I do. Like live your own god damn life.
I agree with you that youtubers are regular people and shouldn't be glorified as these amazing role models but the truth is, most youtubers that young people watch have good comfortable lives and many young kids may copy these youtubers or try to imitate them because they think that it will result with them themselves being rich and famous
you are kind of a role model for people keeping it real tho
wtf is this hippie shitty car
Smoke that joint pal it's going to waste 🙁
What gives you the right to say who is a role model and who is not?
you dont always get to decide if you are a role model jackass. when you have that many people watching what you do you have a moral obligation to do the right thing.
What a delusional, grotty dude this guy is..
Now my role model
oh well
What is the point in this video? Like i really dont understand?!?!?
preach @fionnishere
Shut your grungy ass up, you sound like an upset women
ahhhhh you mentioned braiiiile! lol
thank you! I wish people would fucking see this
thats a really nice looking joint man
Why is this guy so trashy😬