It was quite a rainy, windy, wet day for the first day of Hempfest. I tried to film some of the booths that were still open, but almost … Check on YouTube
please do a video on the Amazon glass 100 newest 16 inch tall 18mm joint glass cup pipes (4) colors the green one 28.80 is it worth the $ and it looks like it has two tree percs or something idk
I use a golden grinder smaller than that black cheech grinder. A full chamber from the grinder can pack like 4 bowls in my pipe. Perfect for solo smokers
I just came here cause I saw Cheech, and tbh I was gonna watch the video and forget about this channel in the next 5 minutes, but the last part of the video made me wanna like it and subscribe! It's so great that you try to send a message, even in a simple unboxing video!
que onda hooms no entiendo el ingles pero me.gustan tus videos y la.marihuana que fumas un dia ire a bisitarte carnal saludos y suerte aki segire viendo tus videos
Where can i buy cheech glass online?
I just got the lung buster from TAG so when he said it was a big piece it was funny
hits blunt "u droppin shit left right and sideways hmm?". "Ain't left and right already sideways tho?"
It's like Christmas for you all the time with the amount of glass you get 😊
please do a video on the Amazon glass 100 newest 16 inch tall 18mm joint glass cup pipes (4) colors the green one 28.80 is it worth the $ and it looks like it has two tree percs or something idk
Does it come with a down stem?
I've been looking for those mini beaker cheech pipes FOREVER. I CANNOT FIND THEM!!!
I bought that gold one for 40 bucks or 50 forgot awesome rig
omg I love you're bongs! 😍😍😍
BlueFeather here, hi off of blueberry kush, nd loving it
"I'm dropping things left, right, and sideways" – Josh 😂
man you are impossibly happy, I love it! Rock in!
"Used the Clipper to grind it up." How much they paying you brah?
you should say my name is Josh like 21 jumpstreet "my name is jeff" lmfao
I use a golden grinder smaller than that black cheech grinder. A full chamber from the grinder can pack like 4 bowls in my pipe. Perfect for solo smokers
its a "ShowerHead" Perc
Would it be josh?
did they just send this ???? i'm also gonna start a yt channel so companys will send me stuff like this 😀
damn dude you put out my favorite "weedtube" content, appreciate all your videos and you're super chill, would smoke you out anyday
Nice haul dude, cheers!
that would be the Japanese character for 'Samurai'.
It's only 17" tall
I have the red dragon one
taking weed out of bong spoon pipes : )
things are bubble wrapped because of stoners lol
after you actually inhale
learn to exhale
He looks so high in the intro
His eyes are barely open
I hit the same exact cheech beaker bong and it destroyed me
did he say string central 00:00 ?
hey josh can u help me?? I d really like 2 get my hands on one of those clipper grinders…. How can I make that happen?
he drops like 10 bongs to the ground nothing happend
i look at my bong aaaand its broken
Lol thanks for the motivation at the end man, I've had an assignment due 2 weeks ago and haven't started.
I dig how you said "chooch it."
i have a bong the same size as that beaker, a full 500ml bottle of water fills it perfectly, i love it.
I just came here cause I saw Cheech, and tbh I was gonna watch the video and forget about this channel in the next 5 minutes, but the last part of the video made me wanna like it and subscribe! It's so great that you try to send a message, even in a simple unboxing video!
que onda hooms no entiendo el ingles pero me.gustan tus videos y la.marihuana que fumas un dia ire a bisitarte carnal saludos y suerte aki segire viendo tus videos
I love his inspirational speech at the end lol
Whats the name of this beat? <3<3
Your so lucky
I love your videos. I can't smoke alot while I'm in Utah for school but when I do I turn your videos on.