45 Commentaires

  1. I hope you're hungry CAUSE TULAH LOOKS LIKE SHE`S GETTIN READY TO BAKE SOMETHIN ….FLOUR PAWS SO CUTE! TULAH DONT FEEL EMBARRASSED YOU ARENT THE ONLY ONE GIRL, I DO THAT TOO WHEN THE LADY IS DOIN MY PEDICURE AND SHE'S RUBBIN THAT BRUSH ALONG MY ARCHES I SLIDE RIGHT OUT OF MY CHAIR AND I YELP STOP NO NO I CANT TAKE IT….AND TULES…..between you and me…..I've been known to show her my teeth and growl just a little , so I feel ya Tulah ! I really feel ya! I aint mad at ya…i mean …the feet, come on, they are sensitive and ticklish and one time my own Dad nipped the tip of my finger off with nail clippers so we have some baggage Tulah we have trust issues makes us a little hibbitey jibbety cause fool me once shame on you fool me twice…aint gonna be no twice we were born at night but not last night …hahaheehehee lol whew…ah girl …not last night …lol ….Am I right Tules? Gimme five …up top down low now prancy dancy in a circle with me…thats our secret handshake Tulah. Whew. Hey myname is Tamara and you are Tulah tnt! Watch out! Lol. Yes i really do talk to my rescue rehabs foster babies this way! We all need to be loved back together love is the glue that bonds the broken pieces of our hearts and souls and patience is the healing over time that gives us the strength to break down the concrete fortresses we had built around our will trust hope and the last ember we hid away from the world that betrayed us…our last ember…love kindness affection and bonding…breathes new life into our soul sparks the embers back into flames to live our best life and to love and be loved its a happily ever after i never grow too old or tired of witnessing…everyone deserves a fairy tale life….i hope anyone reading this cheery love note has their fairy tale life and is living their happily ever after…

  2. My border collie has long black nails, and freaks out when you try to cut them. Today,my son accidently cut one a bit too much and he started bleeding. I quickly grabbed some corn starch and applied it to his toe and it stopped. But you have never seen a grown man cry so much, he is still beating himself up over it, no matter what I say. I don't know what else to do to console him!

  3. This was so so helpful, I really appreciated the tips about the part of the nail that is hollow being the place to start, and the dot in the cross-cut of the nail indicating you're getting close to the vein. This was definitely a 2 person job with our 7mo old pup, but I think this really helped us avoid giving him a bad experience and hopefully he'll get used to it over time. So, thank you!

  4. Thank you…Just bought the clipper thats like a dremel…This is going to be interesting and a long process.I introduced by dog to the little sander(thats what I call it)I don't have the strength to use a clipper.

  5. May I ask if you have a dog in for surgery, di you check nails and if ling do you trim then, in amazed at the about of dogs that have been to a vet , say for neutering or teeth and they come to get groomed and hey pesto they have ingrown nails and ear infections with ears packed with hair, what's a groomer, i do pluck some ears, but not bald as i believe they need hair in their ears as a dirt filter imo. what's your view thanks

  6. Thank you this was really helpful. I can listen out for the clicky nails too! I have one dog who is easy to trim her nails and one who hates it and acts like Tula!

  7. Issue is I allowed my dogs nails to get really long and i do not want them that long…. I can see the hollow part but it is only a quarter inch.His nails have grown a total of 1.0"-1.5" and i want them much shorter so they do not rip things, like my fine hand made leather coaches or my mother, when ever he sees and jumps up on her to get a big hug. HOW CAN I trim his nails shorter, past that point where the we start seeing black thick tissue like stuff ETC?

  8. Ugh- all 3 of my dogs have black nails. They act like Tula, sometimes worse. I have found the dogs nails easier to clip after They've been bathed.
    They charge so much at the vet. But I really need to take mine and avoid the drama.

  9. Thank you for the video, it's very helpful. Do you have any tips on trimming a puppy's nails for the first time? He squirms and snips at you when you touch his nails. Would you recommend taking him to a vet or groomer for the first trim?

  10. I do love how you keep it real, dog wrangling while trying to clip her nails! I think I need a line drawing of the nail, where to cut, from what angle, and at what angle (straight down or angled forward/back). I end up clipping off a useless amount of nail on 2 of my dogs, and no amount of nail on my spaniel!

  11. Thank you so much much, I know this is a old video , But is help so much I have to German Shepherd and one of them have black nails and is hard to see and cut.
    Lol it’s reminds me with my Shepherds.

  12. If you cant do it yourself theres many places you can get it done even if you have a busy schedule and its hard to make a vet visit. As long as your pup has his rabies shot many places will cut your pups nails.

  13. Thanks for all your tips!! 😁
    I appreciate you & all the advice, tips & help you have for us diy-ers with our pets! I follow Dr Karen Becker also & she with her wisdom & you with yours….who needs a vet but for major emergencies &/or vaccinations!😉
    Petco quit allowing me to bring my 2 girl chi's to them bcuz I haven't had their rabies shots updated, my chi girls are 5 weeks apart & 2yrs old. I found a dog groomer who didn't mind & chargers me $5 each. My dogs don't have a yard to roam in just a patio that is just for them so I didn't feel the updating of that vaccine was a big issue! Especially after listening to so many of you veterinarians about vaccinations!! My chis are my babies & they are loved just as my GROWN adult children! 😉
    I cook for them with veggies, protein, coconut oil, supplements, vitamins, bottled water, all the things I have they get!! I'd like these lil girls of mine to have the BEST life & pass from old age…NOT cancer! I have had previous dogs that have passed from stomach cancer!! I wasn't aware of dog foods, diets & vaccinations as I am now! So, again, THANK YOU & THANK YOU FOR STANDING UP FOR YOUR BELIEFS TO HELP ANIMALS!!!🕊🐾🐾😁

  14. My dogs are rescue dogs. They have been neglected for a long time. One of my dogs, a 3 pound Chihuahua, has brown nails and they were so long when I got him that he walked on the sides of them. Some were curled several times. He was severely abused. It took months to get him to trust us enough to hold him. I have cut his nails back several times over the last year. But they always click on the floor. I'm so worried about hurting him! How often is it safe to trim nails back? Thanks!

  15. My pup had an upset tummy. I took him to a "vet" who "Acted" the most cursory of examinations before prescribing a $100 prescription for digestion.

    ZERO option of an attempt at a "bland-food-diet" , or even a dietary correction and a " Wait and see…"

    $280 later….ALL my p*nk needed was some rice..

    Report THIS Vet.

  16. My dog isis very old..17.
    Her nails are an in long after I trimmed them…I'm scared of cutting too deep.
    The vet trimmed them once and left them long so I thought they were supposed to be long..
    Please help…me to make sure I don't cut too much.

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