27 Commentaires

    1. You must subscribe to Veterinary Secrets channel.
    2. Comment a remedy you’ve learned from Dr. Jones and successfully tried on your pet.
    3. Fill up this form: https://forms.gle/4QkVnhmeu2ALU2fW8
    4. You are following any of our social media accounts (@veterinarysecrets on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok, @dogandcat on Twitter, @andrewjonesdvm on Pinterest).
    5. Four winners will be selected to receive a jar of Dr. Jones' Ultimate Omega 3 Formula or a bottle of Dr. Jones' Ultimate CBD (CBD oil prize is only available for US-based winners).

    Terms and Conditions
    Giveaway closes at midnight on May 31st, 2021. No purchase required. Dr. Andrew Jones and Four Paws Ltd. are not responsible for any items being lost in the post. Four winners will be selected in June. Winners will be contacted by email – and will be chosen at random – to arrange delivery of the prize. In the event that a winner is contacted but there is no response within one week, then another name will be selected in their place. YouTube is not a sponsor of this contest and users release YouTube from any and all liability related to this contest. Entries that don't comply with YouTube’s Terms of Service and YouTube's Community Guidelines (https://www.youtube.com/about/policies/#community-guidelines) will be disqualified. Personal data will only be used to mail the prize package and to receive veterinary news and updates from Dr. Jones. Good luck!

  2. I learned about removing ear mites with olive oil. Super cheap and easy remedy as opposed to the expensive “medication”. Only took the suggested 3 week to clear my Zizi’s ears. 🥰

  3. A remedy I learned from Dr Jones was the many benefits of turmeric. My dog was suffering from Cushing’s and I chose to treat him naturally after he had adverse reactions to the standard prescription used for Cushing’s. I bought Dr Jone’s NuLeaf CBD and turmeric. Those two things loosened up his stiff walk, eliminated some arthritis pain, and made his quality of life so much better. Thank you, Dr Jones!

  4. Congratulations Dr.Jones you absolutely deserve so much more too. You have given me the reassurance to care for my dog with confidence.First time I heard about you was when I panicked because my rescue woke up one morning and her back legs were paralyzed so I asked on line for help and you had a
    how to care for your dog
    video showing how to do massage, acupressure and supplements. I listened learned and she recovered!! Thank you for all your advice, kindness & caring Dr.Jones! Thank you for this opportunity to win too!

  5. The best remedy Dr Jones has given us is to get rid of those pesky, painful and very annoying earmites! I have 33 cats and kittens and many of them had earmites which would have been extremely expensive to eradicate if I had to take them one by one to the vet or even to buy the medication. All of my furbabies are now doing great and earmites free so a huge thank you so much Doctor Jones you have saved the cats a lot of pain and bother and you've saved my sanity! Take care and stay safe from your Aussie friend Ann Farrington xo 😘😻😽

  6. Congratulations on your 428,000 Subs. Question: I have a mini Schnauzer (3yo) who has become a super nervous Panting dog. Her friend (my 16+yo) crossed the rainbow bridge Jan 22, 21 and she can not ride in the car without panting so bad both my daughter (nurse) and I was worried sick about her when we went to Bryce Canyon. I have never seen her like this. I got some calming chews for her and she had 3 of them and with out any results. I gave her 1/4 CBD chew and still she was out of control. I was sitting with her and holding her when she would let me. I had brought her bed with us so she would be more comfortable in the car. what really disturbed me was sometimes her tongue was hanging out. Tried to give her water. I was terrified she would stroke out. We left in the morning and back by evening. One day trip. OMG…..What may I do to get this under control? Thank you so much for all your information, I have been watching for over a year now. Help!

  7. Can't thank you enough! One great thing that I have learned from you is Diatomaceous Earth for flea and tick control. So thankful since my pup cant take prescription flea meds they cause seizures. And I prefer not to put the liquid insecticides on my dog. Thanks for being you and for your generous heart.

  8. Hello Dr. Andrew Jones. I would like to say that I do really enjoy your incredible videos. YOU ARE AMAZING.
    I have used, for the dog's ear problems, apple cider vinegar diluted on water. Also I used for his itching skin Honey and coconut( orally). As well I do rub on his skin coconut oil with drops of lavender essential oil.

    It will be so great if you chose me.
    I would truly appreciate that!

    Good bless!!🙏

    Thank You!!🙂

  9. Oh my, the remedy that I use the most right now is the Omega-3, and the MCT oil, and the Cholodin all for seizures and it has been over a month now and she has not had one yet again! She was taking one / two a month and she has not had any this past month the last one was April 23rd or 26th. I took her to our vets and she got a complete blood work and examination and they found nothing wrong She just turned four on May 4th She is a beagle and she has no head on for over a month so thank you thank you thank you thank you.

  10. Congratulations Dr Jones,
    I Tried so many herbal treatments from your channel.
    and since I also tried the Ear cleansing (Castor oil, aloevera, Neem oil) and ACV for cleaning.
    Now my 3 dogs (Lhasa apso x Shih Tzu mix) their ears are not smelly and they don't have any black discharge.

  11. My pup Jasper suffers from pancreatitis and we make his food but the supplements we were using did not help. We watched your videos and have learned quite a bit but the one thing that has really helped is the advanced formula, I did not realize that you could incorporate turmeric for dogs? I love that the formula is packed full of vitamins so I do not need to order everything separately. We will continue to watch and learn!
    Thank you so much 😊

  12. last winter, my cat got into a fight with the next door neighbor's pet, and hurt herself badly. she kept limping for the next few days, when i realized that she needed proper care for recovery. vets around this area are expensive and i wanted to use only nature remedies. that is when i discovered your wonderful channel! i gave my cat cbd, homeopathic arnica and silver. soon she was back on here paws! thank you for all the quality content!

  13. Elderberry and Colloidal silver are the two I use the most. I often use them both to compound my pets meds into liquid doses and some of my sick kittens will even drink the Elderberry all by itself.
    I'm a membership subscriber as well and the wealth of information in there is wonderful!
    I can always come to you 24/7 and find advice for one of my sick fosters or personal pets.
    Stomatitis, panleuk, ringworm, really love your content. It's no wonder your channels are blowing up now that more and more people are discovering you and how helpful and real you are. 🙂

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